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  • Sean A Gadsden v. Agnaldo B Gouvea, Derosa Sports Construction, Inc.Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Sean A Gadsden v. Agnaldo B Gouvea, Derosa Sports Construction, Inc.Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Sean A Gadsden v. Agnaldo B Gouvea, Derosa Sports Construction, Inc.Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Sean A Gadsden v. Agnaldo B Gouvea, Derosa Sports Construction, Inc.Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 10/19/2023 09:41 AM INDEX NO. 719456/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/19/2023 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE THE LAW FIRM 0F DAVIDOFF & ASSOCIATES STEPHANIE ESPANA SUPREME COURT QUEENS COUNTY STATE OF NEW YORK $EAN A. GADSDgN index No. 719456/2023 - vs - PLAINTIFF Date Filed File No. AGNALD0 B. GOUVEA, ETAL Court Date: DEFENDANT AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF Bl/L/ 0 , COUNTY OF ta # :SS: W (L O , being duly sworn deposes and says: Deponent is not a party herein, is over 18 years of age and resides in the State of On at , at 28 BULKLEY AVE PORT CHESTER, NY 10573 deponent served the within SUMMONS AND VERIFIED COMPLAINT 00: DEROSA SPORTS CONSTRUCTION, INC., the DEFENDANT therein named. 1 INDIVIDUAL By delivering a true copy of each to said recipient personally; deponent knew the person served to be the person described as said person therein. __#2 CORPORATION By d true copy of each personally to vering a who provi ed verbal confirmation that he or she is authorized or law to receive service on behalf of the DEFENDANT. by appointment Deponent knew the person so served to be the of the corporation, and authorized to accept service(9on behalf of he corporation. __#3 SUITABLE By delivering a true copy of each to AGE PERSON a person of suitable age and discretion. Said premises is DEFENDANT's: [ } aCtual place of business { } dwelling house (usual place of abode) within the state. __#4 AFFIXING By affixing a true copy of each to the door of said TO DOOR DEFENDANT's: [ ] aCtual plaCe Of business [ ] premises, which is abode) within the state. dwell10g house (usual plaCe of Deponent was unable, with due diligence to find DEFENDANT or a person of suitable age and discretion, having called thereat on the day of at on the day at of on the day at of on the day at of Address confirmed by ____#S MAIL COPY On I J¿pu:31tud in the Unitud Statù máil à Liuc. of the aforementioned documents properly enclosed and sealed in a post-paiduupy wrapper addressed to the above address. Copy mailed 1" class mail confidential not indicating on the marked personal and outside thereof by return address otherwise that said notice is from an attorney or the person to be served. or concerns an action against .__._#6 DESCRIPTION Deponent describes the person served as aforesaid (USE WITH #1, 2 OR 3)deponent's ability at the time and circumstances ofto ththe service best of as follows Sex: Aµ-lJL Color: (A2h Hair: Age: & [O Height: d Weight: |70 /i O OTHER IDENTIFYING FEATURES: ____#7 WITNESS FEES The authorized witness fee and / or traveling expenses were paid (tendered) to the in the DEFENDANT amount of $ __#8 MILITARY SRVC Deponent asked person spoken to whether the DEFENDANT was military service of the United States Government or of the presently in and was State of ___ 9 OTHER informed that DEFENDANT Was not. gn»nn, TARY NA E & DATE STATE (V 2) 1 N OF NEW YORK Lex1tas C 1235 BROADWAY 2ND FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10001 02HAeo2979 Reference No: 3-TLDA-10057471 EXP 1 of 2 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 10/19/2023 09:41 AM INDEX NO. 719456/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/19/2023 ATTORNEY(s) : The Law Firm of Davidoff & Associates INDEX # | 719456/2023 Il Il i I I I P10057489 PURCHASED/FILED : STATE OF : NEW YORK COURT : Supreme COUNTY/DISTRICT | QueeBS AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE - SECRETARY OF STATE Sean A. Gadsen Plaintiff(s) against Agnaldo B. Gouvea, et al Defendant(s) STATE OF NEW YORK ) DESCRIPTION OF PERSON SERVED: Approx. Age: 60 yrs COUNTY OF ALBANY ) SS CITY OF ALBANY ) Weight: 120 lbs Height: 5'1" Sex: Female Color of skin: White Hair color: Brown Other: Holly Atkins being duly sworn, deposes and says: deponent is over , the age of eighteen (18) years; is not a party to this action, and resides in the State of NY, and that on September 29, 2023 , at 2:14 PM , at the office of the Secretary of State of the State of NY, located at 99 Washington Ave, 6th FI, Albany, New York 12231 deponent served: Summons & Verifled Complaint on Derosa Sports Construction, Inc the Defendant in this action, by delivering to and leaving with Nancy Dougherty AUTHORIZED AGENT in the Office of the Secretary of State, of the State of New York, personally at the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, two (2) true copies thereof and that at the time of making such service, deponent paid said Secretary of State a fee of $40 dollars; That said service was made pursuant to Section BUSINESS CORPORATION LAW §306. to be the agent in the Office Deponent further says that deponent knew the person so served as aforesaid of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, duly authorized to accept such service on behalf of said defendant. Sworn to before me on this 29th day of September, 2023 y Atkins invoice-Work O der 2342540 Attorney File # 57489 FAITH C NOTARY PUBLlc, State of York No. 01cO6158874, Albany county Commission Expires Jan 8, 2027 2 of 2