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  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview


ORIGINAL Linda Roberts-Ross (SBN 212773) Law Office of Linda Roberts-Ross F LE l D SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 35141 Yucaipa Blvd. COUNTY OF SAN GERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT Yucaipa, CA 92399 (951) 682-8886 Tele. OCT 3 0 2023 (951) 682~8889 Fax. Attorney for Respondents, BY: 3' Je‘fi' egaldana. Deputy Samuel and Andrea Eakin SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIOFORNIA 10 COUNTYDF SAN BERNARDINO 11 12 IN RE MATTER OF Case No.: TRUSBZ100051 13 A8 14 RESPONDENTS RESPONSE TO 15 PETITIONER’S PETITIONFOR IMOGENE FOREMAN DETERMINATION OF WHETHER ACT XVd 16 OF ATTORNEY IN FACT IS PROPER 17 AND FOR ACCOUNTING 18 DATE: DECEMBER 2023 11, TIME: 1:30 P.M. 19 DEPT: F-3 JUDGE: HON. MICHELLE GILLEECE 20 21 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 22 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Respondents, Samuel Eakin and Andrea Eakin, by 23 and through their attomey of record, Linda Roberts-Ross, hereby provide their 24 Response, Objection and Oppositiori to Plaintiff’s Petition for Determination of Whether 25 Act of Attorney in fact is Proper and for Accounting. 26 27 1 RESPONDENTS. SAMUEL AND ANDREA EAKINS RESPONSE TO PETITIONER’S PETITION FOR 28 DETERMINATION OF WHETHER ACT OF ATTORNEY IN FACT IS PROPER AND FOR ACCOUNTING Petitioners respond as follows: Paragraph 1: Respondents are without information to be able to confirm or deny the truthfulness of where Petitioner lives, and on that basis, denies. Respondents confirm that on or about October 15. 2020 Petitioner did execute a Durable Power of Attorney appointing Respondent. Samuel Eakin as her agent, and Andrea Eakin as a successor agent in the event that Samuel Eakin failed to act. Paragraph 2: Confirm as to appointment of Respondents. Respondents no longer reside in San Bernadine County, but did at the time of the alleged events recited 10 herein. ll 12 Paragraph 3: Respondents are unable to confirm or deny whether the referenced i3 document is a true and correct copy, as Respondents did not receive a copy of the l4 referenced document from Petitioner with the instant Petition, despite Petitioner’s 15 assertion that it was attached to Petitioner’s pleading. 16 Paragraph 4: Respondent denies that Andrea Eakin is Petitionefs niece. Her l? 18 true relationship to Petitioner is that of a great-niece. Andrea Eakin is marn'ed to Samuel 19 Eakin and on that basis confirms. 20 Paragraph 5: Respondents deny the allegation of the first sentence of this 21 paragraph. Respondents confirm that Petitioner did execute documents as alleged. 22 Paragraph 6: Respondents deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 6 in 23 24 their entirety. The true facts are as follows: 25 Petitioner sought out her Iong-term family attorney of nearly 15 years that had 26 prepared her prior estate plan documents, Car! J. Skaja, located at 960 27 2 RESPONDENTS. SAMUEL AND ANDREA EAKINS RESPONSE TO PE] [IEONER‘S PETITION FOR 28 DETERMINATION OF WHETHER ACT OF ATTORNEY 1N FACT IS PROPER AND FOR ACCOUNTING