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  • Everardo Rodriguez Corona-V-Skyline Construction Services, Inc. Print Other Employment Unlimited  document preview
  • Everardo Rodriguez Corona-V-Skyline Construction Services, Inc. Print Other Employment Unlimited  document preview
  • Everardo Rodriguez Corona-V-Skyline Construction Services, Inc. Print Other Employment Unlimited  document preview
  • Everardo Rodriguez Corona-V-Skyline Construction Services, Inc. Print Other Employment Unlimited  document preview


Iooz/oos 04/06/2020 MON 9:1;0 FAX COUNTY OPS TOP CAL": Chad B1 . . ms, SBN 206922 SAN I BERNARDMCQI Biggins igaw Group gfi/firgfgecf SIO 3701 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 410 JUL 1 4 3022 Los Angeles, CA 90010 y T213—387-3100 ‘ W . NI F 213-387-3101 .osp Attorney for Defendants \OOOQQMAUJNW IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO EVERARDO RODRIGUEZ CORONA Case No: CIVSBZ’I 20841 Plaintiff, STIPULATION AND PRGPQSED ORDER TO SET ASIDE DEFAULT vs. SKYLINE CONSTRUCTION Kg SERVICES, INC, ET AL. xei Defendants. NNNr—‘p—‘I—Ir—ov—F-Ht—tr—‘r—I STIPULATION NV—‘OKOOOQOLIIAWNHC Plaintiff, EVERARDO RODRIGUEZ CORONA (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant SKYLINE lNC. ("Defendant") hereby agree and stipulate as follows: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, 1. That upon receipt of $1,000 payable to Law Offices of Ramin R. Younessi, A Default, filed by Professional Law Corporation, Plaintiff agrees that the Request for Entry of Plaintiff against Defendant, is set aside; and, 2. Defendant shall file its answer (the same as previously served) within 14 days after stipulation and order vacating thc default. Defendant receive notice that the Court has signed thi 23 24 Dated: April 5, 2022 By: 25 Ramin R. Younessi, Esq. 26 Samvel Gcshgian, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 27 EVERARDO RODRIGUEZ CORONA 28 Case N0: CIVSBZi2084I ST! PU LATION