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  • LIZAMA -v- GRIJALVAROCHA Print Small Claims $5,001 - $10,000  document preview
  • LIZAMA -v- GRIJALVAROCHA Print Small Claims $5,001 - $10,000  document preview
  • LIZAMA -v- GRIJALVAROCHA Print Small Claims $5,001 - $10,000  document preview
  • LIZAMA -v- GRIJALVAROCHA Print Small Claims $5,001 - $10,000  document preview


I M? V EJ-1 30 AWORNEY 0R PARTY WI HOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NO.: NAME; Ce\es k/uCe'I’U uzama p FOR COURT USE ONLY HRMNAME: \ . "SOV FL 5.’ rm JdguL-Ed 4 \ STREET ADDRESS: $5 v Ave. (C L ) I CITY; San Q6 (hardfi “D | , STATE; CA ZIP qzq OS cons: TELEPHONE N0; 00‘ -_- qu 8U S lame“ q 5 @ ”‘ C‘ FAX No.: Com EMML ADDRESS: C L\ . V7 3m C“ \ ‘ D ATTORNEV FOR (name): ATTORNEY FOR SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F H? omchL JUDGMENT CREDITOR u *Sq'fi Berharéa m | AssnlsNEE 0F RECORD O STREET ADDRESS: F-O n \T‘OCA 0‘5" “C, MAILING ADDRESS: \j‘] 8’0 firm“) b\Vé . CITY AND BRANCH NAME: ZIP cons: ? on *nn a C A 0‘ 2' 33 5 MF pLAINnFF/PETITIONER; Ce\es—\—Q chero szama CASE NUMBER: mbmo rohq “P DEFENDANT/ResgoNDENT: Mar'xo *4" (gr‘ucchx SQNAaonwqq MEXECUTION (Money Judgment) Limited Civil Case WRIT OF E D POSSESSION OF SALE D E Personal Property Real Property D (including Small Claims) Unlimited Civil case Mr’ (including Familyand Probate) . MP 1. To the Sheriff or Marshal of the County of: DOF<-\/‘ s ah 66" hO You are directed to enforce the judgment described below with daily interest and your costs as provided by law. 2. To any registered process server: You are authorized to serve this writ only in accordance with CCP 699.080 or CCP 715.040. 3. (Name): €\€S5t€ LvCeF‘D Q\ZQmQ M? is the original judgment creditor B assignee of record whose address is shown on this form above the court's name. 4- Judgment debtor (name, type of/ega/enmyifnota natural person, and last known address): 9. 10. E E Writof PossessionNVritofSale intormation on next page. This writ issued on a‘ sister—state judgment. M p, is ——- Foritems11—17,see fo rm MC-O12 and form MC-013-INFO. Mfr l—LAar.‘O A\b.‘no 5"“)qu saflqsoo roha 11. Total judgment (as entered or renewed) O OO ngg‘ Arm'w BNA- 12. Costs after judgment (CCP 635.090) I $ . ngss 13. Subtotal (add 11 and 12) s 3335‘ DO T-cnhnox‘ CA 14. Credits to principal (a fter credittointerest) $ O ~00 Additional judgment debtors on next page i 15. Principal remaining due (subtract 14 from 13) $ qqolg- OD w V” w Judgment entered on O 1‘ 16.Accrued CCP interest remaining GC due per $ M.O_ OO 5. (date): OS 7. '10 685.050(b) (not on 6103.5 fees) (See type ofiudgmenl in item 22-) I l 17. Fee for issuance ofwrit (per Gc 70626(a)(l)) s ‘40 ' OO 6' a Judgment rengwed on ‘" (dates): 18. Total 19. Levying amount due (add officer: 15, 16, and 17) 3 §O | O 3B V l OO Add from date of writ (a! i daily interest a. 7 Nome fsa'e under this Wm. ‘ MT’ - the legal rate on 15) (not on h as "° t b Ge” ’eques t e d ‘ Q» 73 Mr, a' ' Gc 6103.5 fees) ................ $ b“ E] has been requeSted (see nexrpagel b. Pay directly to court costs included in 8‘ Joint debtor information on next page. 11 aHd 17 (GC 61035. 63637; [SEAL] CCP 699.5200» ................ ' ' s O .OO Mg ' .1 20D The amounts called for initems 11-19 are different for each debtor. These amounts are stated for each debtor on Q5“ Attachment 20. Go Date: JAN 2 6 m Clerk, by MQbX\CA ?Low ,Deputy NOTICE TO PERSON SERVED: SEE PAGE 3 FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. m9“ c” Code oné’odwe. §§ 699.520, 712.010, 715‘010 Form Approved lor Judicial Council o! Calilomia Omional Use WRIT OF EXECUTION oi Civil ' Government Coda,§ 6103.5 EJ-130 [Rem September 1. 2020] Mc’ Plaintiff/Petitioner: CE \e SK LU C e m \r‘ 10m C4 CASE NUMBER: EJ-130 Defendant/Respondent: [q C‘fi O Pfib“ no b (L1) cu xl C\ _ gcv \/A ’1 i O r7 L‘ L‘ Qo C, “CA 21. [j Additional judgment debtor(s) (name, type of/ega/ entity if not a natural person, and last known address): 22. The judgment is for (check one): a. b. D D wages owed. iId support or spousal support. c. omer. MP 23. E Notice of sale has been requested by (name and address): \ 24. D a. Joint debtor on (date): was declared bound by the judgment (CCP 989-994) a. on (date): b. name, type of legal entity if not a natural person, and b. name. type of legal entity if not a natural person, and last known address ofjoint debtor: last known address ofjoint debtor: E c. Additional costs againstcerlain jointdebtors are itemized: E below E on Attachment24c. 25. DE a. (Writ of Possession or Writ of Sale) Judgment was entered for the following: Possession of real property: The complaint was filed on (date): (Check (1) or (2). Check (3) if applicable, Complete (4) if (2) or (3) have been checked.) (1) D The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was sewed in compliance with CCP 415.46. The judgment includes all tenants, subtenants, named claimants, and other occupants of the premises. (2) (3) D E The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was The unlawful detainer NOT served in compliance with resulted from a foreclosure sale of a rental housing unit. (An occupant not CCP 415.46. named in the judgment may file a Claim of Right to Possession at any time up to and including the time the levying officer returns to effect eviction, regardless of whether a Prejudgment C/aim of Right to ' Possession was served.) (See CCP 415.46 and 11 74.3(a)(2).) (4) If the unlawful detainer resulted from a foreclosure (item 25a(3)), or if the Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was not served in compliance with CCP 415.46 (item 25a(2)), answer the following: (a) The daily rental value on the date the complaintwas filed was $ (b) The court will hear objections to enforcement of the judgment under CCP 1174.3 on the following dates (specify): Item 25 continued on next page EJ—1ao (Rev. Septembar 2020] 1. WRIT OF EXECUTION ' Page 2 of 3