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  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview


and addres FOR COURT USE ONLY AWTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. Shte Bar number, Cm )2 ceS Cfifltm 64m ’ 1 2) +l O SE gufw @x-Wm,gx. M9 finb3 - Ar v rn 22 O :0 o I 8 23"" O o>I; T o :u E > TI vatc/EXJJCA TELEPHONE Mo; 0 ,fob 41a g FAX No. (Opuonal): E—MAIL ADDRESS (cpHanaI): NOV 2 3 2021 MTORNEY FOR (Name): Pro Per SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO . STREEr ADDRESS: 247 West 3rd Street mum; moms: SAME As ABOVE ‘ , I 1A!§ml_. ASPEN DEPUTY ..I KSON. I crrY AND ZIP cone San Bernardino. 9241 5-021 2 BRANCH NAME Justice Center— Probate (Name) m UARDIANSHIP DCONSERVATORSHIP 0F: CASE NUMBER: REQUEST TO EXCUSE NOTICE With DUE DILIGENCE DECLARATION G) M66 Zlopo 81 The law requires that certain people receive notice of these proceedings as a matter of fairness under the Constitutlon. When the address of such a person ls unknown and cannot be located, the Court may excuse notice upon a showing of a dlllgent search. NOTE: False statements or failure to give notice where notlce was requlred, may result in a dismlssal of the case The name of the person l cannot locate is: ?MMC’LQMZ S_( The relatIonshIp between thus person and the mlnor(s) or conservatee In this case is: 5§Slec)KM§3,La¥|§WgL forthis person .and The last known address is: .. _ ‘. .. the approximate date when the person was last known to live there is: MY ATTEMPTS TO LOCATE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: (You must complete each item) RELATIVES — contacted the following relatives of the person I ca not locate: a. Name and | MRO‘ {AQAMW QWOmth VWCDOW z 3r 04 awasw Relationship: O&W 0Q . Date of Contact and Results= _...\ .0 IZU/L\ .. ,. ?DU‘A . ‘ avbQAfig/EQVD‘QQL Name and Relationship: W ‘ Date of Contact and Results: E There are no known relatives __ to contact. u of the person cannot locate: FRIENDS — contacted the following friends. acquaintances and previous neighbors l b. | Name and Date ofContact: . . . ‘ . ._ .... .. ‘ . .. .. . ., .‘ Results: _. Name and Date of Contact: __ ResultS: ___ . ‘ ,. .______._._. . .. ....-._.._ There are no known friends, acquaintances or previous neighbors to contact. contacted the following employers or former employers of the person cannot locate: c. EMPLOYERS — I I " "‘(Nanme"""""df§fih§§§imfl ”'(7xfidrés'é‘éfia féi'abfibfié'fifilfiiiéi)"” ""(Aaar'é'ssi'add 'Teiapfibaéi'qumb‘a'r'j" "ZN‘a'ifi‘a’BfB’I-‘él‘dé‘s‘im Da e of Contactand ResultS: . M .. ,. ,. .. _- There are no known employers to contact. REQUEST TO EXCUSE NOTICE AND DUE DILIGENCE DECLARATION Cal. Rules of Court 7.52 Page 1 o” 13-10840-360 3 . (Rev. 10/27/15) Mandatory CASE NUMBER: a ‘EfifkvppmusnlPICONSERVATORSHIP/PROBATE 0F(Name): v’l and the results received: d. INTERNET — conducted an I Internet search on h _ _ Website: _ .. Result: (0318(5)) .. ,. .. .. W- fl_ RBSUIti _ fl Website: , Result: v ., Website: .. Website:_,m_ ., Result... ,. . ,. W. e. TELEPHONE — I reviewed the telephone directories andlor contacted directory assistance on w W (Date) WW Results: the real and personal property indexes the Recorder's and Assessor’s Offices PUBLIC RECORDS — searched in l f. (Date) (County Name) _- ,. _ __ . ._ ., ._ N ._ ___ Results: . . .. ., _ -- - ._ .. _ _. . .. PRISONS AND JAlLS — contacted the applicable criminal justice agency ~__ ”W a- g. l Department of Corrections Locator Service at (91 6) 445-6713), on ,_ (such as California (Date) ‘ E ResultS: Not applicable. TION or factst thpla'gbwhy cannot lo ate this person's address and notice them: 5. O ER INFOR I placed here in this form. form are incorporated by this eference a s though 6. All attachments to There are I ___ (Number of Pages) ‘_ M this pages attached to this form. REQUEST: able to find the person listed in Item 1 and Despite my diligent efforts, have not been I to this person. therefore ask that the Court excuse notice I OF THE STATE OF IDECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Date: f ' (rYPE w 15/ u, OR Prim NAME) IGNAT RE» flagflmflflg 42$ / REQUEST TO EXCUSE NOTICE AND DUE DILIGENCE DECLARATION Cal. Rules of Court 7.52 Page 2 of 2 13-1 0840-360 (Rev. 10l27l1 5) Mandatory