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  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview


GC-1 50 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (name, address, Ind Stub Bar number): Mar mending, Mum lo: Frances Cardenas Ban'aentes 5205 San Bomardlno St. Apt 503 E Montclalr , CA 91 763 TEL NO.: (909) 546-9298 FAX N0. (opfiml): EMML ADDRESStwvor-u): Iorissahzoomgmanmm ATTORNEY FOR (hm): SUPERIOR count or uuFonmA. couvmr or San Bemardino STREET ADDRESS: 247 W. 3rd Skeet, 2nd Floor MAILING ADDRESS: cm AND ZIP CODE: San Bemardino. CA 9241 5-0212 BRANCH NAME: Probate Division FOR Reconoens use ONLY TEMPORARY OF (name): E mmm.m E Immmmm mmmm, GUARDMNSHIP CONSERVATORSHIP use mum: KandmZm-yah Btu eununnd ”Mm Poureomu m M'NOR D CONSERVMEE P n D D D ,3 fl fin ‘3 H r“ w w “m wm I {-3 w aa LETTERS OF TEMPORARY E E GUARDIANSHIP Parson E: E CONSERVATORSHIP Esau FOR COURTMON” LETTERS F I L E SUPERIOR COURT 0F cagwgfigm D 1. (Name): anoas Cardenas Banaontes is CZ] appointed temporary E guardian estate of (name): Adrian David Flores D conservator Andrew Freddie Chemo Flows. Sadie , of the D] person CSOEBTEEESASRfiNBoEg'STgé-r AUG 0 3 2022 Jazzalynn Gomez. Layla Seranitoe Gomez, Kandleo Zanayah 2. DD Blu Gomez and Kingg Aayden Peter Gomez Other powers that have been granted or restrictions imposed on the temporary E a BY ' p )n‘m-ohw E guardian spedfied below: conservamr are specified in Attachment 2. Banfiey SPEARSI DEPUTY 3. These Letters shall expire a. m on (date): or upon eadier issuance of Letters to a general guardian or conservator. b. E on other date (specify): 4. [E The temporary without a specific m ooun guardian order. E: oonsewator is not authorized to take possession of money or any other property 5. Number of pages attached: o WITNESS, clerk of the court, with seal ofifihe mun a ed. Date: AUG 03.2 NANCY CS EBERHARDT Clerk, by , Deputy C/am EY SPEARS Pag- 1 of z Thls form my b0 "corded a node: of flu nhbllshmont o! I hmponry comafinlflp of flu um u pmvldod In Prob.“ Coda action 1875. F MoptodforMmmry Use :de m. d Cam LETTERS OF TEMPORARY GUARDIANSl-IIP OR Prubat° Coon. 2250» Mgmpm‘mm 2390—2893; ,_ 66—150 [Rom Jammy 2015] CONSERVATORSHIP ”om 1. wweomnco‘gav (Probau—Guardlanshlps and Conservatonhlps) TEMPORARY OF (name): m wmm.m E mmmmm GUARDIANSHIP CONSERVATORSHIP cAse NUMBER: mmwmwmflflmmm m cam,uyumeonu, M'NOR E CONSERVATEE G ARSEE" fl f:- {3 n“- r, NOTICE TO INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (Probate Code sections 2890—2893) When these Temporary Guardianship or Letters of Temporary Conservatorship (Letters) are delivered to Letters of you as an employee or other representative of an institution or financial institution (described beIow) in order for the temporary guardian or temporary conservator of the estate (1) to take possession or control of an asset of the minor or conservatee named above held by your institution (including changing title, withdrawing all or any portion of the asset, or transferring all or any portion of the asset) or (2) to open or change the name of an account or a safe-deposit box in your financial institution to reflect the guardianship or conservatorship, you must fill out Judicial Council form GC-050 (for an institution) or form GC-051 (for a financial institution). An officer authorized by your institution or financial institufion must date and sign the form, and you must file the completed form w'rth the court. There ls no filing fee for filing the form. You may either arrange for personal delivery of the form or mail it to the court for filing at the address given for me court on page 1 of these Letters The temporary guardian or temporary conservator should deliver a blank copy of the appropriate form to you with these Letters, but it is your institution's or financial institution's responsibility to complete the correct form, have an authonzed officer sign it. and file the completed form with the coun. If the correct form is not delivered with these Letters or is unavailable for any other reason, blank copies of the forms may be obtained from the court. The forms may also be accessed from the judidal branch’s public Web site free of charge. The Internet address (URL) is Select the form group Probate—Guardianships and Conservatorships and scroll down to form GC-05O for an institution or form GC-051 for a financial institution. The forms may be printed out as blank forms and filled in by typewriter. or may be filled out online and pn'nted out ready for signature and filing. An institution under California Probate Code sedion 2890(c) is an insurance company, insurance broker. insurance agent, investment company. investment bank, securities broker-daaler. investment advisor, financial planner, financial advisor. or any other person who takes, holds, or controls an asset subject to a oonservatorship or guardianship other than a financial institution. Institutions must file a Notice of Taking Possession or Control of an Asset of Minor or Conservatee (form GC-050) for an asset of the minor or oonservatee held by the institution. A single form may be filed for all affected assets held by the institution. A Code section 2892(b) is a bank. trust (including a Totten trust account but excluding financial institution under California Probate other trust arrangements described Probate Code section 82(b))_ savings and loan association. savings bank, industrial bank, or in credit union. Financial institutions must file a Nofico of Opening or Changing a Guardianship or Conservatorship Account or Safe- Deposit Box (form GC~051) for an account or a safe deposit box held by the financial institution. A single form may be filed for all affected accounts or safe deposit boxes held by the financial institution. LETTERS OF TEMPORARY E GUARDIANSHIP AFFIRMATION D CONSERVATORSHIP l solemnly affirm that | will perform according to law the duties of temporary Et guardian. D conservator. Executed on (date): 7 7 .. L \ , at (place): \/ m1 ho W‘ Frances Cardenas rraontes (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE 0F APPOINTEE) I CERTIFICATION | certify that this document, including any attachments, is a oorred copy of the original on file in my office and that the Letters issued to the person appointed above have not been revoked, annulled, or sat aside and are still in full force and effect. (SEAL) Date: Clerk. by Deputy , “4mm"- Jm'y" 2°15] LETTERS OF TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP OR CONSERVATORSHIP "9" °” (Probato—Guardlanshlps and Conservatonhlps)