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  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of ADRIAN FLORES, et al. Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview


GC-240 ATTORNEY on PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR N0.: FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: Frances Cardenas Barraentes FIRM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: 5205 San Bemardino St. Apt 503 E cm: Montclalr STATE: CA ZIP cone: 91763 TELEPHONE No.: (909) 546-9298 FAX N0.: SUPERIOR CO IR-TE D E.MAILADDRESS: Ioflssah2003@gmall.oom COUNTY OF gAN gégnkgoolfigm SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT ATTORNEY Fomnamo): IN pRo FER SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF san Bemafdlno STREET ADDRESS OCT 2 6 2022 247 W. 3rd Street. 2nd Floor fl) MAILING Aooness: . crrv AND ZIP cone: San Bemardino, CA 92415-0212 ' BRANCH NAME BY N GUARDIANSHIP 0F THE (name): Adrlan David Flores Probate Division PERSON E ESTATE 0F E Andrew Freddie Chato Flam. Sadlo Jamlynn Gomez. Layla . SWA RAZO' DEPUTY Somnitoe Gomez, Kandloo Zanayah Blu Gomez and Klngg Aaydon Peter Gomoz “SE ”UMBER ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN OR EXTENDING GUARDIANSHIP OF THE PERSON G ARQE; £3 DB2 "23:, "'1 IE] WARNING: THIS APPOINTMENT IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL LETTERS HAVE ISSUED. 1. The a. 99.0.5 petition for (check boxes c, d, Judge (name): J Hearing date: E E m k Petifioner (name): W appointment of a guardian or extension of a guardianship of the_ and e to indicate personal presence): OCT fences Cardenas Barraantes Attorney for Petitioner (name): ‘fi_ I, zr'sxezfliizt Attorney for (proposed) ward (name, address. e-mail, and telephone): n” I g: ; fim rson came ‘ $6th SEEGEROOM n for hearing as follows THE COURT FINDS 2. E E a. b. All notices required by law have been given. Notice of hearing to the following persons E has been E should be dispensed with (names): 3. E Appointment of a guardian ofthe person E E estate ofthe proposed ward is necessary or convenient. (NOTE: The Probate Code does not authorize the appointment of a guardian of the estate for a proposed ward 18 years of age or older.) . E Extension of the guardianship of the person past the ward's 18th birthday is necessary or convenient. 014D . E Granting the guardian powers to be exercised independently under Probate benefit and is in the best interest of the guardianship estate. Code section 2590 is to the advantage and 6. D Attorney (name): counsel to represent the (proposed) ward in has been appointed by the court as these proceedings. The cost for representation is: $ legal .‘4 m The appointed court investigator. probation officer, or domestic relations investigator is (name, title. address, and telephone): B n‘m HT/Mfi’ Do NOT us. thls form for a temporary guardianship. Page 1 of 3 Probate Code. §§ 15101, 1514. Form Map(ed MMindalqw Use ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN ”1° 3;":3‘1'375flu7yi‘3'5’1'2)‘ 0R EXTENDING GUARDIANSHIP 0F THE PERSON (Probato—Guardlanshlps and Conservatorshlps) 60-240 0F CASE NUMBER: GUARDIANSHIP 0F THE K] PERSON [ 1 ESTATE (name):Adfian David Flores Andrew Fmddle Chato Flores. Sadie Jazzalynn Gomez. Layla K , Serenltoo Gomez. Kandioo Zanayah Blu Gomez and KlngLAaydon Pater Gomez L1 A R95 E5 d 5.3 '1 0 0 C] 8 Z THE COURT ORDERS 3- 8. E (name): (address): Frances Cardenas Barraentes (telephone): 5205 San Bemardino St. Apt 503 E. Montclalr , CA 91763 (909) M9298 PERSON of (name):Adrhn David Flor” Andnw Fnddlo Chm Flores. Sadl- Juuulynn Gomez, is appointed guardian of the and Letters shall issue upon qualification. mmnm 90m“. Kind”. 28'1”!“ 3'" 90W Ind . KIM MW." Mr (Not applicable to a proposed ward 18 years of age or older.) b. E (name): (address): (telephone): is appointed guardian of the ESTATE of (name): and Letters shaIl issue upon qualification. c. E The appointmentof (name): (address): (telephone): as guardian of the PERSON of (name): is extended past the ward's 18th birthday and new Letters shall issue forthwith. 9. D Notice of hearing to the persons named in item 2b is dispensed with. 10. a. E E b. Bond Bond is is not required. fixed at: $ to be furnished by an authorized surety company or as otherwise provided by law. E c. Deposits of: $ are ordered to be placed in a blocked account at (specify institution and location): be made without a court order. E E d. and receipts The guardian shall Additional orders is be filed. in No withdrawals Attachment 10c. not authorized to take possession of shall money or any other property without a specific court order. 11E E For legal services rendered on behalf of the (proposed) ward. the (proposed) ward's estate shall pay to (name): E the parents of the (proposed) ward [j the sum forthwith of: D $ as follows (specify terms, including any combination ofpayers): 12. D The guardian specified in of the estate Attachment 12 E is granted authorization under Probate Code section 2590 to exercise independently the powers subject to the mnditions provided. 13. D Orders are granted relating to the powers and duties of the guardian of the person under Probate Code sections as specified in Attachment 13. 2351—2358 60-240 IR“ JU'Y 1' 20‘s] ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN Pm 2 °' 3 OR EXTENDING GUARDIANSHIP OF THE PERSON (Probate—Guardlanshlps and Conservatorshlps)