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  • MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. VS DEFENDANT THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS INC., ET AL Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. VS DEFENDANT THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS INC., ET AL Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


7, CiV-010 ATIORNEY (Plame, Stato Ber numiver, and Emanuel D. Zola, Esq. (SBN207404) [ ZOLA, WEGMAN & ASSOCIATES 6235 Van Nuys Blvd Van Nuys, California 91401 NO: (818) 782-9529 TELEPHONE raxwo.copene: (310) 861-1627 EMAL anonss (omnes: ZOla@zolawe; .cOm arromey ron. owe: Plaintifis MARJORIE DEHEY, ET. AL. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Boperts At street anoress, Stanley Mosk Courthouse wamasooress: 111N. Hill Street cmymozecoe: Los Angeles, 90012 sracnnwe: Central District MAR 112019 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: MARJORIE DEHEY, ET. AL. DEFENDANTRESPONDENT:THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS INC., ET. AL. see APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT (CASE HUMBER: GUARDIAN AD LITEM—CIVIL, EX PARTE TcVé XUU¢ NOTE: This form Is for use in civil proceedings In which @ party Is @ minor, an incapacitated person, or @ personfor whom @ conservator has been appointed. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad litem in a family law or Juvenite proceeding should use form FL-935. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad litem in a probate proceed! should use form DE-350/GC-100. An individual cannot act as a guardian ad litem untess he or she is represented by an attorney or is an attorney. 1. Applicant (name): MARJORIE DEHEY a. [2] the parentof (name): RYKER OVERACKER b. CJ the guardian of (name). - Cc. the conservator of (name): J. 21 a panty to the suit. e. [__] the minor to be reprasented (if the minorIs 14 years of age or older). f. [) another interested person (specify capactty). 2. This application seeks the appointment of the * following Person as guardian ad litem (state name, address, and telephone number): MARJORIE DEHEY 131 N. Gale Drive Unit #3A, Beverly Hills, California 90211; Tele: (323) 316-8574 3. The guardian ad litemIs to represent the interests of the following person (state name, address, end telephone number): RYKER OVERACKER 131 N. Gale Drive Unit #3A, Beverly Hills, California 90211, Tele: (323) 316-8574 4. The per to be represented Is; a a minor (date of birth): 11/03/2011 b. SS an incompetent person, c. [_] a person for whom a conservator has been appointed. 5, The court should appoint a guardian ad litem because: a C4] the person named in item 3 has @ cause oF causes of action on which sult should be brought (describe) The minor is presently involved a personal injury action, against Defendants, THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS, INC., ET. AL., as a resultof being exposed to toxic mold. In order to proceed with the action, the minor requires the appointment of a guardian ad litem, [J Continued on Attachment 5a Page tot? ‘Form Adopled for MandatoryUse APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR AE TMENT (Code of Cis Procedure, $372 ot 90g. €1V.-010 (Rav. January 1, 2008) OF GUARDIAN AD LITE! -—