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  • MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. VS DEFENDANT THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS INC., ET AL Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. VS DEFENDANT THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS INC., ET AL Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 03/18/2019 12:38 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by E. Galicia, Deputy qlerk MC-030 FOR GOURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): Emanuel D. Zola, Esq (SBN207404) [” ZOLA, WEGMAN & ASSOCIATES, APC 6235 Van Nuys Blvd Van Nuys, CA 91401 teveproneno.: (818) 782-9529 FAxNo. (Options: (310) 861-1627 -MAIL ADDRESS (Optionas: arroaney For (Nene: Plaintiffs MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. SUPERIOR GOURT OF GALIFORNIA, COUNTY oF LOS ANGELES STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: : 3f ring Street Courthouse 2 North Spring Street Jes, 90012 CITY AND ZIP CODE: : Los An BRANCH NAME: : Central istrict. D PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS, INC., ET AL CASE NUMBER: DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE 19STCV02006 & Associates, APC, the I, Guillermo Veliz, am a legal assistant to attorney Emanuel D. Zola, of Zola, Wegman attorney of record for Plaintiffs MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated|in this declaration, except those based on information and belief, and co ald and would truthfully testify theretolif called upon as a witness. time to be inl upon information and belief, Defendan' t Victor Michael Barber whereabout are believed-at this ithe City of Beverly Hills, California 90211. Between February 1, 2019 and March 17, 2 019, I made-five (5) Beverly attempts to serve Defendant Victor Mic! hael Barber at his residence place at [31 N. Gale Dr., #1D, Hills, CA 90211. Details of diligence: 02/01/2019 8:00 AM Attempted Service; Gated Building, No Answer 02/02/2019 11:00 AM Attempted Service; Gated Building, No Answer 02/18/2019 6:00 PM Attempted Service; Gated Building, No Answer 03/16//2019 4:00 PM Attempted Service; Gated Building, No. Answer 03/17/2019 1:30 PM Attempted Service; Gated Building, No Answer On March 18, 2019, I, deposited an envelope by mail a notice and acknowledgment of receipt - civil, to be completed by Defendant Victor Michael Barber to accept service, a copy of the summons, complaint, civil case’ cover sheet & addendum, Notice of Case Assignment, ADR info packet, and Court Standing Orders RE: PI Procedures & FSC, . For this reason, we request that the court provide additional time to serve Defendant Victor Michael Barber or make an application and order to the Court permitting service by an alternative method or at an alternative place. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 03/18/2019 Guillermo Veliz {TYPE OR PRINT NAME) {SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) © attorneyfor (5 Plaintitt £2] Petitioner [7] Defenpant C1 Respondent [2] other (Specify): legal assistant to Attorney Emanuel D. Zola, counsel for Plaintiffs Pega off ‘iat CouRev.veedneilJanuary ¥Mc-080 for Oplional of Califomia. Use 1, 2005 DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE