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  • MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. VS DEFENDANT THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS INC., ET AL Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • MARJORIE DEHEY, ET AL. VS DEFENDANT THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS INC., ET AL Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 04/19/2019 10:36 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by A. Williams,Deputy Clerk POS-115 FOR COURT USE OIVLY AlTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Iveme Slefe Ber number end eddmeci: SBN 207404 Emanuel D. Zola, Bsq ZOLA, WEGMAN & ASSOCIATES 6235 Van Nuys Blvd VanNuys, CA 91401 FAx No. (Cell~apl (3 0) g61-1627 'I TELEPH0NE No. (818) 782"9529 E.MAILADDREss (opsonali'zola(ezolawcgman.corn ATTCRNEYF0R(Ne ai: pistntlffs MARJORIE DEHEY, BT AL. LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,COUNTY OF smear AooREss: Spring Street Courthouse MAILINGADDREss:312 North Spring Street clTY AND TIPcoos'Los Angeles, 90012 BRANOH NAME: Central District PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER'MARJORIEDEHBY, BT AL. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT; THE POINT AT BEVERLY HILLS, INCn ET AL. CASENUMBER: NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTOF RECEIPT —CIVIL 19STCV02006 TO (inser name of party being set sd): Defendant Victor Michse! Barber. an individual NOTICE to section 415.30 of the California Code of Cil il The summons and other documents Identified below are being served pursuant date of mailing shown below may subject yf u Procedure. Your failure to complete this form and return it within 20 days from the (or the party on whose behalf you are being served) to liablliiy for the payment of any expenses incurred in serving a summon. on you in any other manner psrmitled by Iaw. (including a partnership), or other entity, this Ifyou ars being served on behalf of a corporation, an unincorporated association receive service of process on behalf of su lf form must be signed by you In the name of such entity or by a person authorized to a person authorized by you to acknowledge receipt of entity. In all other cases, this form must be signed by you personally or by summons. If you return this form to the sender. service of a summons is deemed complete on the dsy you sign ths acknowledgment of receipt below, Date of mailing: 04/09/2019 Guillermo Veliz, legal assistant to Attorney Emanuel D. Zola/ (SIGNATURE o pmlcljlggp) I ACKNOWLEDGMENTOF RECEIPT This acknowledges receipt of (lo be completed by sender before mailing)( 1. MV A copy of the summons end of the complaint. 2. EH Other (specify): civil case cover sheet & addendum, Notice of Case Assignment, ADR info packet, and Court Standing Orders RE: PI Procedures & FSC. (To be completed by recipient): Datethlsformissigned: Id ( f) jg Gregory ). Carpenter, Esq. Trial Attorney, Hartsuyker Stratman g( Williams-Abrege NAME OF ENTITY, IF ANY, SIGNATURE OF PERSON AC IGIOWLEDGING RECEIPT. WITH TITLE S (TYPE OR PRINT YOUR NAME AND ACKNDWLEDGMENTIS MADE ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON OR EN IITY) ON WHOSE BEH Alp THIS FORM IS SIGNED) on behalf of Defendant Victor Michael Barber Page I of 1 NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTOF RECEIPT — Code of C (vs ocedura, Form Adopled for Mmcda lore Uae CIVIL P'S e1s. , JIT.IP Judldel Council of Caalomla Ib oa.Sou POSOI S IRav. Januarv I, Tnbbi