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  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENE J. FOREMAN FAMILY TRUST Print Trust  document preview


Attorney or Party Without An Attorney (Name, State Bar No.& Address) For Court Use Only Soheita S. Azizi167030 Joshua R Edmondson 283529 SBN: SOHEILA S.AZIZI & ASSOCIATES, P.C. I02l3 Foothill Blvd Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9 I730 Te!ephone No. 909-484-9992 n bx FAX: 909-484-0120 mm AttorneY f0“ Imogene Foreman SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIF’ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BEQNAECINO DISTFUCT smEETADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: mmmfl—V7 Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino " Vx/ '~ 7E.'rJ n a 57‘ ® JUL 2 9 2021 CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Bemardino, CA 92415 B Xafim—Mm SAéRINME-ux, DEW}? BRANCH NAME: San Bernardino Justice Center Petitioner: ln Re:THE WILFRED W. AND IMOGENB J. FORMAN FAMILY TRUST Respondent: DECLARATION REGARDING EX PARTE NOTICE CASE NUMBER T0 OPPOSING PARTY TRUSBZ 0005! l -BLACK INK ONLY - The undersigned hereby declares that l gave notice to the opposing party about where and when the application for the emergency order wouid be made as follows: Name of Party Notified/Served: Raghel Delfin Date of Notice: 2-28—2921 Time Notice Was Given: 12:55 D A.M. m PM. Form of Notice: m Oral U Written D Other: Bx 31mg- (251) 315-1151 Information Given: That at 9129 mAM. D P.M., on 8-92-3921 (court date), the moving party would appear at the Superior Court, located at: dino. CA 9241 5 California, in Departments}; to ask for immediate temporary orders regarding: D Custody {:1Visitation D Temporary Guardianship E3 Restraining Order E3 Residence Exclusion U Property Control w Otherrfix Em; Egg'ngn f9; Appg'lmmgm gf§ugggssgg1m§§gg, I have received the following response to this notice: ed to Covid. CONTINUED ON BACK SIDE See Rules ofCourt, Rule 5.1 65for notice requirements - no later than 10:00 am on the court day before the matter is to be considered by the court or provide written explanation ofexceptional circumstances. SB-I 9447 Revised 3.1 1. 13 lsOpposition expected from the other party? D Yes D No mUnknown For All Cases Except Domestic Violence Restraining Order m l have served the other party with a copy of the paperwork. D l have not yet had a reasonable opportunity to serve the other party with the paperwork. D My notice to the other party was later than 10:OOam on the court day before the hearing. See the attached declaration explaining the exceptional circumstances about why there was shorter notice. >ALL CASES: You mav ask the court to excuse you from giving notice to the other party for good cause. Ifyou did not give notice to the other party, you must write down your exglanation here. Below you wiil find a of reasons from California Rules of Court Rule 5.165 why no notice list may be acceptable. Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and Mm correct. Date: 2-23-2921 Signed by: Street Address: lOZIfioothin Blvd CitV/State/Ziplflmhaflmwmfi California Rules of Court, Rule 5. 165 O The party made reasonable and good the other party, and further efforts to give faith efforts to give notice to notice would probably be futile or unduly burdensome; o Giving notice wouId frustrate the purpose of the order; Giving notice would result in immediate and irreparable harm who may be to the applicant or the children affected by the order sought; Giving notice would result in immediate and irreparabie damage to or loss of property subject to disposition in the case;or The parties agreedinadvance that notice not be necessary with respect to the matter that will isthe subject emergency orders. of the request for See Rules ofCourt, Rule 5.1 65for notice requirements -- no later than 1 0:00 am on the court day before the matter is to be considered by the court or provide written explanation ofexceptional circumstances. SB-l 9447 Revised 3.1 1. 13 I