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  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/18/2017 05:47 PM INDEX NO. 451303/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 88 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/18/2017 EXHIBIT “P” 13