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  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview
  • Melanie Chavez an infant by her mother and natural guardian MARIA VERA, Maria Vera individually v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc., Jean Louis, Howard Miller, Ruth Miller Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/18/2017 05:47 PM INDEX NO. 451303/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 76 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/18/2017 EXHIBIT “D” FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 06/12/2014 INDEX NO. 700060/2014 r".i'f\('y .....DOC. NYSCEF ".]("_...••. --_ NO. 25 •• _- __ -- - ••• RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/12/2014 _ I SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY HON. ARLENE P. BLUTH ,.' PART~ PRESENT: Justice .~~~. ~M.CWJ>ANf .' INOEXNO.~ -v- MOTION DATE _ Jo:tQ. ~ C.()RP, (Xf5-. 1lI0TION SEQ. NO. The followingpapers, numbered 1 to __ ' • wereread on thiS motiontoff"" _ Notice of illation/Order to Show Cause ~ Affidavits ~ Exhibits INo(s). _ Answering Affidavits- Exhibits '-- _ INo(s). _ Replying Affldavits _ INo(s). _ Upon the foregoing papers, It Is'orderedthat thisMotlon Is w u t;; ., :> IZ o w '. a: 'a: .w . ••• :':. w a: ~.~ .. F'LIffS) ..JZ :> 0 'JUN 05 .201~ '~ . ...t; '"~ ." . , /' ....•~. W a: " -'". :lie> wz ~ . ., '. CJfIIIII. a: !!l :!: 0 W ..J u« '" ..J 0 ••. Z ~ o I- i= a: o 0 ... :.;; .Dated: ,.J.S.C. RON. AR ENE P. BLUTH ,. 0 CASE 1. CHECK ONE: •.........•.......•..................•......................•... ,.... DISPOSED o NON-FINAL DISPOSrf10N i,: 2. CHECi( AS APPROPRIATE: ..........................• MOTiON IS:0 GRANTED 0 DENIED o GRANTED IN PART 0 otHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE; 0 SETH.E ;..........................•............ ORDER o SUBMIT ORDER ODO NOT POST o FIDUCIAR'f APPOINTMENT 0 REFEF:a;CE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NY COUNTY OF NEW YORK: PART 22 Index No.: 40005Z113 Motion Seq. 05 MTA Bus Company, Plail,tijJ, .agoll1sl- AMENDED Jofaz Transportation Corp., Jean Louis, Ruth Miller and Howard S. Miller, DECISION/ORDER De/e'FlIIl L E QON. ARLENE P. BLUTH, JSC JUN 05 2014 This motion by defendants Jean Louis and Jofjg.1IanspOliation for an order removing a N~W YtJHK:,_ Supreme Court Queens County actiogQHI\ij'f~~hat it bc tried-jointly with . several other cases involving the same September 6, 2012 motor vehicle accident, is granted without opposition. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that within 30 days from entry o[this order, counsel for the movants shall serve a certified copy of it upon the Clerk of the Court of Queens County, who, upon payment of the propcr fees, if any, shall transfer to the Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County, all of the papers on file in the action M C , an infant by her mother and natural guardian Maria Vera v City of New York, NYC Department of Education. Jofaz Transportacion, Inc.,,Index No. 700060/14; and it is further ORDERED that within 30 days from entry of this order, counsel for the movants shall serve a certified copy of it upon the Clerk of the Court of Queens County, who, upon payment of the proper fees, if any, shall transfer to the Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County, all of the papers on file in the action M C , an infant by her mother and natural guardian maria Vera v City of New York, NYC Department of Education, Jofaz Transportation. Inc.,, Index No. 703760/14; and it is further Page 1 of 2 ORDERED that the Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County, upon receipt ofa copy of this order, shall, without fllIiher fee, assign an indcx number to the matter transferred pursuant to this order; and it is further ORDERED that, within 45 days from entry of this order, counsel for movants shall serve a copy of it with notice of entry upon the Clerk of the Trial Support Offiee together with Requests for Judicial Intervention, for which the Clerk shall not charge a fee; and it is further ORDERED that the Clerk of Trial Support shall assign the transferred matters to Part 22; and it is further ORDERED upon the payment of the appropriate calendar fees and the filing of separate notes of issue and statements of readiness in each of the above actions, the Clerk of the Trial Support Office shall place the aforesaid actions upon the trial calendar for a joint trial; and it is further ORDERED that all matters of the trial,including the order of the right to open and close before the jury, shall be left to the trial judge; and it is further ORDERED that all parties are directed to appear at the next conference on June 16, 20 I4 at 80 Centre Street, New York, NY, Room 103, 9:30AM" whether or not the court file has , amved from Queens County, FILED This is the Amended Decision and Order of the Court,,' "JUN 05 2014 / i ~E YORK: •. Dated: June 2, 2014 ~LJ,," • ,... . ' ~O I : I ..1"(';' ., New York, New York ~ \4v' ".: !/v1 - \ ~:~;,ii-1;; ,."',~ ".':. ,1:1" '. :0,:\:, ;"~.'_ J P. BLUTH, r,,,.iC>:rpr"''l1~~'.'!JlIlI111t ,JSC h,:oa. T~;\'!il'r~ $5: I. t,;~r:\1.~1;:J;:1:'1 .'!4", !.,Gll;'TV C!fflr.M,o (ri- SUCHtt~[;d"l. I Il:"';F.p~;\Hl:~ro SH MY ClEEK Of Tnt: f1)lT,<.:rh GaC:""!T. li;;.'i YOH:, W!lmw~, CWiHY. no H:mI;'Y ~:;-;-IFl 0:1 Ht.~l1JHI;:!AH:.'~t :,:> 2,r:('.I!,t S~flL 2014 JUii - Cj /:",10: 2 2 530345 Tj-l.AT j lW'~ C~:/:', UI7t'l.:; CDP'Y 'N:1H l~!l Of;':;,:f-'i'.. :'i::,"j i;l Wi OffICE o.~