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  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 01/11/2020 12:45 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 117 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/11/2020 DEFENDANT EXHIBIT F FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY VILLAGE CLERK OF WESTHAMPTON 01/11/2020 BEACH 12:45 PLANNING PMBOARD INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 117 RECEIVED JAN 23 NYSCEF: 1981 01/11/2020 APPLICATION FOR WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 1 and 4 lots on1 (23 1. Owner _Norman A. Enhbard . . . Address 112 Jes sup Lane Telephone 288-1259 2, Applicant (if other than owner) Address . Telephone 3, Licensed land surveyor and/or engineer Baldwin & Cornelius Westhampton Address 129 Ramt Main .neach Telephone 988-1436 street, 4, Attorney or agent (if any) Smith, Finkelstein,Lundberg,Crimmins & Yakaboski Address 456 Griffing Ave., Riverhead. Telephone727-4100 5. Surveyor's or engineer's sketch showing entire parcel in one ownership and showing proposed subdivision and all exising structures, Attach three (3) copies of sketch. 6. Proposed number of lots t-wo 7, Would the requested subdivision result in parcels (whether or not presently improved) which would comply with the Zoning Ordinance without a variance? No if not, (a) has application been made to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance? Yes and (b) if so, attach copy of application for variance and copy of Zoning Board of Appeals decision thereon, Application is being filed simultaneously herewith. 8, Name all persons individual, corporate or otherwise who have a financial interest in the property for which Subdivision Waiver is requested. Norman A. Hibbard 9, Location of proposed Street Jessup Lane subdivision; Zoning District Residential District 3 10, Existing or presently proposed easements or other restrictions on property, including, but not limited to, right-of-way easements: 11, Names of owners and addresses of properties which abut or lie directly across adjoining streets: To East; New Westhampton Beach Bath & Tennis ClubrDune Rd. To Sopth: Swordfish Beach Club Inc., Dune Road To West: Swordfish Beach Club Inc., Dune Road 12, Does applicant, (directly or indirectly, including but not liinited to any stockholder of applicant if a corporation) or any predessor in title since March 6, 1970, own adjacent property? No If yes, (a) when did the parcel which is the subject of this application first come into separate ownership? , and (b) was the subdivisiou resulting in such separate ownership approved by the Pla.nning Board __ and (c) if yes, when? Tne undersigned hereby affirms that all answers contained in the application are true and correct, and requests ap;.mal of waiver of the FlanaLng Board's w1xliveion regulations FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 01/11/2020 12:45 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 117 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/11/2020 " ' STATE OF NEW YORK . ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) FRANK A. ISLER being duly sworn, deposes and says: That deponent is the/a icÏ1 in e w hin action; deponent has read the foregoing Application for Waiver of Subdivision Regulations (2, 3 and 4 lots only) and knows the contents hereof and the same are true to deponent's own knowledge. FRANK A. ISLER Sworn to before me this day of January , 19 8_1 Notary Public UEANNE M. VICALE liOTARY PUDLic, State of New York No. 4717817 - Sitntak couni pommissionixpwe . . Datedt . NOTE: It is the Planning Board's policy that (a) Application must be submitted ten (10) days the at which it is to be heard the Board, preceding meeting by Planning (b) Applicant must appear at the Planning Board Meeting in person or by Attorney or other agent in person, and (c) no Waiver-will be granted if it would result in one or more parce which fail to comply with the Zoning Ordinance,unless a variance has first been obtained