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  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 12/13/2019 01:22 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 104 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/13/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– X D&J REALTY PARTNERS, LLC, : : Index No. 619585/2018 Plaintiff, : : (Pastoressa, J.) - against - : : Motion Seqs. 002, 003 and EUGENE HUBBARD, : 004 : Defendant. : –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– X PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the within is a true copy of the Decision and Order of the Honorable Joseph C. Pastoressa, Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Suffolk dated December 5, 2019 and entered in the Office of the Clerk of that Court on December 13, 2019. Dated: Uniondale, New York December 13, 2019 RUSKIN MOSCOU FALTISCHEK, P.C. By: /s/ Michael A.H. Schoenberg Michael A.H. Schoenberg, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff 1425 RXR Plaza East Tower, 15th Floor Uniondale, New York 11556 (516) 663-6600 TO: All Parties by NYSCEF 1 of 4 FILED:: (FILED SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 128.9INDEX 2U19>¹1 12/13/2019 NO. 619585/2018 01:22?12419N PM NY SCE F NYSCEF DOC. NO. 104 RECE IV RECEIVED . x NYSCEF:5p5/1812 12/13/2019 DOC . NO. 103 /13/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK IAS/ TRIAL PART 34- SUFFOLK COUNTY PRESENT: HON. JOSEPH C. PASTODESSA Mot Seq: #002-MG;CASE DISP JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT 003-XMD x 004-MD D& J REALTY PARTNERS, LLC, ATTYS FOR PLAINTIFF[_S)1 RUSKINMOSCOUFALTISCHEK Plaintiff(s), 1425RXRPLAZA EASTTOWER,15™FLOOR -against- UNIONDALE,NY 11556 ATTYS FOR DEFENDANT__(S)1 EUGENE HUBBARD ' RICHARDT. HAEFELI 48FMAIN STEET,POBOX 1112 Defendant(s). WESTHAMPTONBEACH,NY 11978 ATTYS FOR ¯rROFGSEDm sERVENOR: BARBARAP.ECKSTEIN 220WESTBURYAVENUE CARLEPLACE,NY 11514 Pages Numbered Noticeof Motion/Orderto Show Cause/ Petition/CreesMotionandAfñde 2 (.^Zimstions) Anacxcd 1-3 OpposingAEdevits(f±matienc)_ 4-5 ReplyAffidavits(Affirmations) 6-7 Affidavit (Affirmation) ___ Other Papers Upon the for cgsing papers, it is ORDERED by the plaintiff that the m:tie the cres for summag judgn.cut, n by the - defendant for y j ___adand the retion for leave to intervene in this by Diane E. Wilkie as follows. action are deterined The P -W"" with the defendant to purchase a vacant parcel of real entered into a =nt:r-t prep:q located at 114 JessupLane in W -pt:n Beach. The contract was subject to the plaintiff obtaining a building permit to c___L:t a single family also provided that the house. The cmtreet plaintiff any defects and accepting such title asthe Seller is able "shall have the priv ilose of waiving price." The defendant resides in a in the purchase any abatement or diminution to convey without to subdivide the parcel and the defendant's father had obtained approval home on an adjoining property in 1981 subject to the condition that a dec! sti of covenants be recorded. The parties ds;::ntly correct die_·_ecrcdthat the declaration had never beenrecorded and they wereunableto the problem. Despite these issues, the ; ff's a closing date of attorney sent a letter sche±!ing attoracy rejected the ching October 4, 2018. By letter dated August 29, 2018, the defendet's date n:±:d becausethe defendant could not transfer title. and declared the contract canceled and tc The then c:rr_ giainiiff need this action for specific perfortniuice and breach of contract allegina that 1 2 oF of 4 3 FILED: FILED : SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK INDEX 12/13/2019 NO. 127T372M9611FP1 619585/2018 01:22 19M PM NY $CE NYSCEF F DOC. DOC . NO. NO. 104 103 RECE IVE RECEIVED D NY SCE F : NYSCEF: 12 / 12/13/2019 13/2019 it was w;11:..eto waive any defects in accordece with the centract. now moves for The plaintiff :=m^.-fjudginenton its claim for specific perf:nn:2- - and the defendant cross moves for r_____ y judgnicñt rescinding the centract. Diane E. Wilkie, the escrow agent, moves for leave to iiiterveiie and to deposit the down payment escrow into court. To prevail on a cause of action for speciñc perferece of a ceneset for the sale of real a plaintiff property, puwlidsermust establi811that itsubs 2.'.., pcif:med itscontractual obligatians and was ready, willing :'-' and able to perform its ren^'nin;;e, that the vendor was and that there was ne cd:qüste remedy at law (see Chester Green Estates able to ceilvey the prep:±y LLC v Ar!!::g:on Chester LLC,161 AD3d 1036; 1107 Putnam LLC v Em!a!:Church of God in . Christ Jesus of the A;z:c!.L Faith, 152 AD3d 474; E&D Inc., §÷±;· v Vialet, 134 AD3d 981). is sought excuses the party breach by the party from whom specific perfeme An anticipatory seeking speciEc perfess-ce from te-4=Lgperfs s cc but not from the requirement that the party seeking specific perf: and able to perform (see establish that he or she was ready, willing Dixon v W!=f, 70 AD3d 763; Zeitzuev Cohen, 66 AD3d889). Here, the plaintiff sbmits an omaau+ from member who asserts that the its 111a11-311,s ! :1ff was prepa-ed to prseced with and waive the closing any defects when the defendant The pldiiitiff canceled the centract. also subn.It a bank stetcn·ciit showingsumelant funds to --" to made a prima facie showing of its e purcliase the propev+y. Thus, the plMntiff summary judgment(see Herzog v Marine,170 AD3d 682). In spp the defendant contends that he cannot transfer title because ± of the cross-inetisit, the subdivision approval was never completed. However, the fact that subdivision approval was not cc -- ;-' -Ad doesnot render title unmarketable (see Ver!:æsville Rod & Gun Club v EW Tompkins Co., 82 NY2d564; Fe .;;.5v Jamron,9 AD3d 379).Thus, the defendant could transfer his interest in the ps pc y andhiscancc!lsti-,11of the to the closing date consti+uted an cen+vactprior supra). of the contract (see Herzog v Marine, anticipatory repudiation Althe-chthe letter sent by a closing did not make time ofthe essence,becausethe defenda.ntcemniitted the gi...C'Tscheduling did not need to attend the closing before e- an anticipatory breach, the plaintiff this action (seeCoizzav164-50Crossbay Realty Corp., 73 AD3d 678). not unil aterally The defendant also contends that the plaintiff could waive the lack of defendantretained the ^ parcel v (see e.g. Israel approval subdivision because the :¶ 20 AD3d 493; Savinc v DeLeyer, Orange Inc v Coyote Acres Inc., Charnews, 46 AD3d 753 ; ADC 160 AD2d 989). However, subdivision 2ppre ±l was nota cer"en ofthe contract (see There was no requir=cn:that Voorheesville Rod & Gun Club v EW Tompkins Co., supra). either ennt act was subject to the plaintiff party obtain subdivision apprevel prior to closing. The b±ninin;; a building a cenman perrnit, (see Tucek v _" that could be waived by the pkintiff 161 143 AD2d AD2d 588; Coizza v 164-50 Cre_=_§ayRealty Corp., supra; Caira v Bell Bay Pr;:±s, 870). the plaintiff In eddition, deed for wli asserts that it is vvilli1ig to accept a qelicl±iin teves ent has in the pep±r'y 111toic3ithe ±finf price in accordance with the express for the full prchase terms of the contract. The defendantfurther claims of that the descripti:n in the property the centract was insu"icientHowever, the dese-iption of real pieg±i ty in a contract of sale need not be as actalled in a deed and only rec=n.Z and exact as the descdption is required (see Del Pozo v le certainty idc-"- 1268). Here, the contract Impressive Homes, 95 AD3d by its street address the propcitf 2 3 of of 4 3 FILED: FILED : SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 12 lNŽ0191T2ŸI4¹ INDEX 12/13/2019 NO. 619585/2018 01:22 PM PL NYSCEF NY S CE F DOC. DOC . NO. NO. 104 103 RECEIVED RE CE IVE D NYSCEF: NY S CE F : 12/13/2019 12 /13/2019 and tax map d½=Cs which is sufficient to permit the propcitf to be ! a with reasonable ccitaliity (seeDelPozov!:..p.-:æizûüics,supra). Thus, the defendinit has failed to der:n± the existence of a triable issue of fact. p' the Accordingly, "'s for summary judgnsat is granted and the cm= =ction by the defed=t is denied. In view of this dG Cs, the m:tion for leave to intervene is denied DATED: December 5. 2019 HON. JOSEPH C. PASTORESSA judgment\D&L H:\Summary vHubbard 4 3 ot of 4 3