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  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 07/19/2019 02:03 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 99 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/19/2019 EXHIBIT A FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 07/19/2019 02:03 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 99 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/19/2019 i RESIDENTLLL CONTRACT OFSALE JointlyPrepredbytheRealProperotHectionqftheWewYarkStateBarAnoctattop,.theNetYörkStateLandDtimAacciatimutheCasis eoitRealPñpertykt oftheAnäctâtionofmeBarofGeClyøfWewY0thandtheComm(|007 CONSULT TOUR LAWYER BEFoBE SIGNING TEUS CONTRACT. NOTst PrengDcascaLTY LOS$RS AND CONDEMNMtf01.t This contmethdoesnot pavide forwhthappens in theovest oche.dothercasually lessor =ñ÷áQbëtote thetide doskg. Weihtpro inhis madebtthia ooptmg3ectionSQ1l ofthd GeneratObligationsLawwill Apply.Onepart offhat law poemif66 of th makesa#urchasehesponsible16rScoád casuahytosupontaing Premisesbdreb title desiu WARNING: PLADf LANGUAGEMo=rWraica hnade thatodgibun ofcontmet fbrtheath eadyerchaseofreat estcoer.¡ñin widiSectionB-702 ofthe0enerni cMainianspase"). obligationstan CONTRACT OF SALB mgde as of ? / between 3 Eugene Hubberd Address: Wo lviainStreet,Wes ham ptonBeach, New York 11978 Social Nuthber/Fe& L D No(sh herefnater cãlled"Seller" and Security EliPdpack Or To An Entify ht Will Be Created Address: 756Eastern Parkway,Brooklys,New Ýork11213Ella DJio(s): hereinafter " Social Seáority.Number/Feil called"Purchaser The parties hereby agree atfollown L Eremises. SellershallseR and convey gud Purchaser áhellpurchase the property, togetherwith allbuildingsand improv.ements thereon the'"nomisr#), more Atllydescribedon asepaccatepagemarked anaemed heretoland made a part (cclkady "BehodalcA7 hereof and alsoknown as: StreetAddrew. 114 Jessup Loney Westhampton Bea&, New York Desig=tion· Taf Map Sectioft01900.Block 0007, Lot(s)0120623 Town of Son aspian, Suffolk County Together with Seller%ownership andrights,ifany, toland lyingin the bed of any streetor highway opened or pro ased, adjoining the P1wnise4to1he center line anyright thereof;includfing of to Seller any uttpaidaward by reasonofany takingby a and/or forattydanage tothe Pretnisesbyreason ofchange efgrade ofany streetorhighway. Seller thalf deliver atno additional. cost to Purchase6at Closing(ashereinafterdermed)3 or thereaftenon demand, any daceants thatPurchaser may feasonably requireforthe conveyance visugh tith and theassignment enicollecti6n of suchaward or issags a kusonairropersydnja saleasu htciucesaü 1unures andwds Premises, unless exatnded specifically below. Sellerrepresentsand warrantsthat at Closingtheywill be paidf owned by Seller,freeand clearof liens all and enountbrances,except gayexistiúgmortgáge tò%vbic . anay be subject3Theyinclude but arenot limitedto,plumbing, heating,lightingand cooking fixtures,chan thecom andkitchen cabinets and counters mantels, doormirrors, switchplatesend dbor hardware, v6 , whidowtreatments, shades,screens, awnings,storm windows, storm doors,window boxes,mail .er,tals, weather yane, flagpole, pumps, shrubbery,fencing, outdoorstatuary, tool shed,dishwasher, wash ne,.olothes dryer,garbage disposalunit,range,oven, built-in microwave oven, refigerator, freezer,aft g equipment and foe ne, walitowall carpetingand bnitt4nsnot ascinded below:(strikhout Excluded tom thissale are furnitute And household fitrnishings and NY$BA's nesidential Realastate Fonns C1/00) -16 O2012 Matoidiv Beader O a rneruborotihe LexisNexisGrdup. FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 07/19/2019 02:03 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 99 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/19/2019 3. Eurease Price.The purchase price s 4 1,2 0,000.00 payable es follows on the signingof this by Purchasets contract, good check payableto the Escrowee(as hereinafterMMadl subjectto (a) the receipt collection, of which is hereby acknowledg4 to be heldinescrow patenent to paragraph6 of this contnic (the $ ,000.00 "Downpayment") balance at Closingin accordance with paragraph7 S 1,125 0 00 (d) %.‰eytenttht cyremdredmyrñent m an th es' n mort tween f renÝand 1n ½ h fhy M Wthw to n mar+mh amenwhAnt t Ne1he n f tn P hn h con he noo nerf and h h 1 mannt th * m nf +n lee n veen dh h ser$ th Wth hnl of c mn nk ne nth n d..o nthht b WAntrowÅ W9eronte that eller M e n Pttr er trHP GWdenm e A en n n mn a trAah^nay ñd 11.he.dmwn ht huttnm fneblkr hi the fnrmn;rh.;d nv fnat hthe (a) awa rn a hÿ thp hu ¼W .+a+47 an↠rb 4ýwt Mm‰nhwe ehm11 py at indng h mnrt + v reenrding.fe mrl theattnrnge feeditihe.nmenet n . enr½ prepratinr .. ‰ prAmes money wnf a ed mncto«gembli ston prnvid h+½† onhyear andä.w "r.mitn the lienn he pr& mnrtpge And nny rFanqinnewdñMingtaplacemento nt :ñ~Anneinnq ofthe mnitonga that prn1rirled +hkterest ... ethning ratetharanidhõ11an+ h*ormter then mntyre anmtm and theinfaldehhmem+kaemmAn shWll unt-e granter thw wn wom Wiwpan nmarworew A11 aweea h amnimbsprisipai nwm3 as mpu an+h -e;-; - f the ffmenfphkg mmh ne enmn1 rhtedmart ob eveea ke pid enh hn1 n evicting prahamnhey mortgage k:redur+tnn nFtha wewmartpy nrMMpl thereof‰ mtre to theholder therenfh11 not nTter or n‰t ths re One installmente..ifme of wrkeind whhthecamder nélahal4he hn lar 6 TMwnpayment tatscrow ( ) Seller's attorney("Èscrowne") abd hold theDo p ment inescrovrin a segtégated bank a National Irst Bank of Lon Island AddresMPrankan Ave, Garden Oty 11530 itntil CIøsing or sooneriMmMon of this contractand shall syover orapply the h=pri=mt inaccardãñawith the termsof thisparagraph, BeõtóWee shdu h01a the Dow2tphyrnent inQi) interest-bearingaccountfor thetenefithfthepartiesdf intef6stis held for thebeefit of they4ttles,it smil be patà to the party entined totheDownpaymentrand the party (eceivingthe interestshallpay incoine aily tgxesthereandf interestis not held for the benefitofthe partiesJhe Downpayment shahplaced in an IOXAaccouút or As othBrWi$50permitted otrequiredby lawJhotooial securityor1federalIdentl1ication numbefs oftheparties she be $2rnishedto Escrowee upon requmAt Closing, the Dovapayment:shall be paidby Escrowee tor Seller. Iffbranyreason Closing does notoccur and eitherpartygivesNodce (as definedin p-dagraph 25)to Escrowee demandin¼ päyment pf the DownpaymentJacrowee shallgive promptNotice to theotherparty ofsuch deme.d. IfBscrowee does netreceiveNotice øf NYSBes koddentWReátEstateForma(11/D0) O2012 MeftlièwBender & Co amember b thef.exisNexis 0tepp; ,. ..¿ a----a-a r-..w . a u4sam agnaiii.. ni . qu-wiice neur -e r..v.a a...6--n.-,..-u.a *4a+ s.i.s-simu.• wre -m1i-- e in..a .e,p,p.e,... a .ine-uf ....... .......... ....... . ..................... .............. . . ....................... .......... ....................... ..... .... ...... .......... ........ ......_... _._......__..____.___..__... ... ................. ....._........__.... . ......- ...... .... . . .............. ....... FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 07/19/2019 02:03 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 99 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/19/2019 from objection such otherparty to theprbposedpayment within 10 busines&days anerthe giving ofàuch Notice, Edorowee ikhetehy authorizedand directedto make such payinent.IfEscrowee does receivesuch Notice of objectfon withh such 10 datperiod or iffor any otherreason Bscrowne ingood fidthshallelectnotto make such paylgentEscrowee shallcontinuefo hold suchamount until otherwise directedby Woticef¾qa the parties to thiscongact a futál, nonappealablejudgment, onler of a courtGlowever, or tleeree Escrowee shallhave therightat anytlineto depositthe Downpayment and the interestfhereanwiththe clerkofa oeurtin to county insvhleh the Premisesare locatedand shallgiveNotice of such deposittoSener and Purchaser. Upon such depositer other disbursement lu accordance.withthe terms of this paragraph, Escrowee shallbe relievedand discharged ofan furtherobligations hereunder, and responsibilities (b) The patica acknowledge that,Escrowee is acting as a dehnidel solely t their requestand for their wonvenience and thatEsorowee shallnot be liable¾ither pmty forany actor ornission on ts part unless taken or suffered in bad faih or in willful disregard ofthiscontractor involvinggrossnegligence on the partofBscróWee. Sellerand Purchaser jointlyand (with seterally rightof contribution)agreeto defend(by Ameyeselected by Escrowee)3adc=iff and bbld Escrowee harmless f(omand against all claimsand expensesOncluding reasonabl'e attomeW feesyincorredin connectionwith theperformance ofEscrowee's edsty dutieshereunder, exceptwith respectto actionsoromissions taken or suffered byEscrowee in badfaithor inwillfuldisregardof tis contractor involvinggross negligenceon theyatt ofEsorowee. (c) Escrowee megy actor refrainfrom actingin respectofgny matter refi:rred tohereink fulfrelianceupoanid wilk the advice of counselwhich alaybe selectedbyR (inclñdingg$inember ofits firm)ándahall be fullyprotectedinso abdag or from refi'aining actingupon theedvice ef suchcounsel (d) Escrowee acknowledges reoølptof the Downpayment by check subjecttocollectionand Escrowee's agreeinentto the provisionsofthis paragraph by signingA the placeindicatedon the signdtm2page of thiscontract. fe) Escrowee or any member ofitsfirm shal1he permittedta not.asoatmseliksenet in guy disputeas to the disbursement of ne Downpayment orany otherdispute between thepartieswhether ornotEscrowee isinpossession ofthe Downpaÿment and continuesto actas Escrawee. (1) The party whose attorneyis Escrowse shallb.e liable forloss ofthe Downpayment 7. Acceptable Funds, All moneypayable ander thiscontract,unlessotherwise shall specified, be paid by: (a) Cash, but notover $1,000.00; (b) Good check certified of Purchaserdrawn on arofficialchectissued by anybmkigatings banka tedstcoln atty or payings and loan associationhaving a banking oftice in theState of New Tork, unbadorsed and payable tothe orderof or m 8dtgr Seller, may o&erwise directupon reasonable priornotice(by felephone or other wise) f o Purchaser; (c) As to money oker than inepurchase pricepayable Sellerat Closing,uncerdfied oneck ofPurchaser n to the amountof S1,00040 ; and ) As otherwise agreed to in writing by SellerorSeller'sattorney. .m h Ñ( (f Onmmitment T1n ten th mhmenHI-Am an Tn9fifnt rmn1 T entl a h . 491E4t-Sh9Mer-te BMt04 6 enwamary enmvn (+h en h ertent aP-h an t nn rW nn prt nn the eat n imragymmt ofmy nnfetan r1 nriAt n matorM eduers Acm in Pnech neig1 ~Ehnr wny Ather inn . -w'f&: -.-h~¬reents theris1c thaf ench ennÆfinne trf†nnt hr n- h+•we ennelitined mn thenot m 1 4%er-mana nas esp 4 byhe ase Banned h -theseof . NYSBA'sResidentidRealEstatefone(1t/00) 4 42012hlatthew Bender &. co.,a raember oLexis Oro . FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 07/19/2019 02:03 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 99 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/19/2019 suoMes@ahas enae schase40 andaf thh gkin Nnti a toReUar w h n h ewdaynner & Onmmitmet k Pnwhwmay mwrashy p Notice4ndud mded ta. Archeer .ed ever f W tret Enrth iri mormh mm rmw éé ne end inC -+½ weM+ men A h hein 4nn ahf‰r Arrmn T d nPA kn9 + Unt ãhesena) er-ste+fer . knq¼ee in hwVrielf %te+ thm+ w n r e +ertw wmantin Aff4le MnnFLAm1½w Yw am1 armin&ÔmataM.fnmotw Peralitted Weeptions4The Premises are soldand thallbe conveyed subjee to (a) Zoning atidsahdMeloñ Is we edregulations and kndmark, histone or Whnhdalgastica, provied thatthey are not vichted buildings by the.existing and improvements erectedon the propetyor theirusq; (b) Consentafor the erecticeof anyshvctures on, underor above any w streets which the Premises abat; (e) Emoroachments of stpops, areas,cellarsteps;trim and comicessif any,ty paanystreet or highway; (d) Real estétetagèsthatare a linil, btitare netyetdue andys;yablepud (e) Th6otherittatters,ifany, includinga surveyaceptionJet forthka Ride aj‡ached 10. GOvermadal Violations and Orders. (a)Sellershan comply With allnotesornotices ofviolationsoflaw :äunicipal ordinaé¼orders or nqnirements noted of issuedas of the datehereofbyany govemachte depattratathaving adhorhy este lands,housing; buildiage,firshealth,environmental and laborconditions rdicrimgthe Premhess thePremises shellbe conveyed fl·ee ofthemat Closing/Selletshaufurnish Purchaser With any authorizations necessaty to make the searches that oulddhdose thee inu¾& 11 Sellers Representat ous. (a).Seller reprsents and warrants to Purchaserthat (i) ThaPrentisës abuWr have a rightofaccess to spunic toad (ii) Selleris thesoleowner of the Premisesand hás the power fullright, and anthority1n and sell3 convey transferthe samein accórdánce with theterms of thiscontract; (ifÇ Selleris pota "foreigtiperson," as thattemï is definedfarpurposes ethoPoreigninvestment in Tax RealPrbpedy Act, hiteraw Reventre Code ("IRC") Sectiott1445,As antended, and theregulationspremegee¾±hered (collectivelý "FIRPTA"); (iV) The Prentise&arenotaffectedbyany exemptiona or alatement¢eftaxessud (v) sellerhanteenknowntynoothernameforthpasttenyears,except Rd8T350tt6R06tts(j1/00) SSAÉS iiisidBRti@l -4- t11eIätia 020DhitiMI1éWBbnder4CO, ataindaro Ordu FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 07/19/2019 02:03 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 99 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/19/2019 M . hh Sellercovenants and warrantsthatallofthe representationsand Warrantiesset forâ1inthiscontractshallbetra6 and (b) correctat Closing; Except as otherwise set forthin this none contract, of Selletscovenants, representationsiwarräntles or other (c) expressly obligatianscontained contract in this shallsurvive Closing 12. CoaditiGA of Property. Purchaser acknowledges and regeme thatPorchaser aware is fully ofthephysical enditibn and stateofrepair of1hekmi= and of allotherpropertyindluded inthissalerbased on Purchasets own kspectim aidinvestigation thereoitand thatPurchaser Is entering intothis contract upon based solely such inspectionand investigation and ndt tpen any st4emeds or represtahs wsittenor orabas tothephysical condhié¼ stateofrepair,use3cost ofoperationof information,data, othermatter relatedtoth6Premises atthe otherpropertyincluded inthe salecgiven ormade by Selleror its and representatives, any is" stateof repairsubjectioreasonable tearand ¼atural shallaccept thesame "as in their present canditionand use, wear, detederaticñ between thedate hereofand the dateof closing(exceptas otherwisesetforthin paragraph 16(e)) withoutany reductionin thepurchass priceor claim ofany idnd forany change insuch condition by reasonthereofsubsequent†o the dateof this contract.Purchaserand itranthorized shallhave representatives the right; at reasonabletimes and upon reasonablejnotice(by telephoneor otherwise)to Sener,toinspectthe premises beforeClosing. 11 Insurable Title.Selletshallgiveand Purchaser shallacceptsuch titleas any reputable title hsurance or alistract compaiy iteensedto do bùsinessin thestateof New York shallbe willingtoappròve and insure inaccordahoe with its sandardfong oft1tlepolicyapproved by the New toric State insurance Deparknent, subjectorily proWded to theanatters forin thiscontact. R Closing,Deed ned Title. (a) "Closing" means the settlement chligations of the of Sener and Purchaserto eack otherunderthis contract,includkg the payroentofthe purchase price and to seller, the deliverytoPurchaser of a argain and salewith covcñant against grantore acts deed in proper short statutory fòrm forrecord3duly executedand Racwledged, so as to convey to Purchaserfee sirnpletitle to the Tremisetfreeof allencumbrances, exceptas otherwiseherein stated Jhe deed shallcontak a covenantby Selleras requiredby aubd.5 of Section 13 of the LieuLawL (b) IfSelleris a corporatiourit shalldelivertoPurchaser atthe timeof Closing(I)a resoibtionof its Boardof Directors nuthorizingthe saleand deliveryof thedee( and a (ii) cartiacetebythe SecretaryorAssistant Secretaryofthicorporation certifying such resohitióúand settingforthTacts showingthatthe isin transfer confonnity withthe requirements ofSection 9 of the Business Corporatién Law. The deed in huchcase shall contain sufficient a recital toestablishcompliance with thatSectica 15. Closing Date näd PIke. Closing shal1takeplace at the office Of Wilkie & Wilkie,33Ri1tch Avenue, Hemphtead, New york 11550 at lik00 Alvf elockon or about , W19 òr,upon reasonablenotice (by telephoneér otherwise)by Puròhaser,at theofficeof 15 Conditions to Cloafag. Thiscontgct and Purchaser's obligation to purchase thePremises are alsosubjecttoand conditioned upon the fulfdimentof thefollowing cenditionsprecedent; (a) The accuracy 5of the date ofClosing, oftherep‡6sentationsand warrantiesof Sellermade in thiscontiact. (b) The deliveryby BellertoPurchaserof a validaüd subdstingCertificateofOccuhneybr otherrequiredt stificate of wmyllauct or evidence thatnone was required,covering thehuilding(s)nad a11óf the ¼üpithâäts bftier leentedon the property authorizing theiruse as a V#cant hand Subject to Recorded Essement family dwelling at thedateof Clostng. (c) The deliverybySellerto Pùrchaserof a certificate statingthatSelleris nota foreigaperson, which certi$cate be in shall the form theA reqo.ired by FIRPTAcor a withholding certificateota the113 IfSellerfailsiodeliverthe aforesaidcertificate or)f Purchaser is notentitledunderFIRPTA torely on such Purchaser certificate, shan deductand withhold from the p‡öh price sum equalto 10% thereof(or any lesseramóunt permitted by law) and shallatClosing remitthe withheld atonent iththe required forkfsto theInternalRevenue36rvice d:¼TeodelianaS/ SeefueseaW4esweetulkim vacast-ead4esefèasew enessadegeee meeken 4eented ede. agelasale4eer-de e (g) The delivery byihe partiesofany other reqúiced ffidavfts as a conditionof recordingthe deed, 7, Deed Transfer and ecording Tazes. At Closing,certified or bank official checks páÿableto the orderofthe gpp ate NY5BA$9 Reid tist RéWEstateFamis (11/00) 4 ©2012Eatthew Balder & Co., A meWrfthelwisl p FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 07/19/2019 02:03 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 99 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/19/2019 or onicerin the.amount ofany applicabletransferand/orrecording taxpayable byreason oftheEelivery or State,City County ofthe deed ormortgagp, ifany, shallbe deliveredbythe partyrequiredby law orbythis contracttopsy duch transfer recording and/or recordingtag togetherwith any requiredtaxretums dulyexecuted and sworA topand such party shancause ány such checks and returneto be deliveredto theappropriateofEeerpromptly ater Cl4sing. the obligationto payany additionaltai or deficiency and any interest oryenalties thersanshal1survive Closing.. 18. Apportionments and Other Adjustments; Water Meter andlastanment A=ame± (a) To theextentap the licable, following shallbe spportioried as ofmidnight ofthe day beforethe day ofClosing taxes,waier charges and tewer reaton the basisof the period liacal forwhich assessed;($4elc(iii)lnesrest on the (1) mortgage; (hry preinituds on existingtransferableinsurancepallelesand tenewals ofthose expiringpriortoClosing; (v) existing vault chargesp(vi)rentsas and when collecte4 ifClosing shalloccur beforea new taxrate is Exed,theapportiomnent of taxesshallbe poA the basi of the taxf ate for (b) the preceding period fiscal applied ésesse to the latest valuation. immediately thean -chaus***AS anWf-aesha4barra*leaadde eleasemehanetwa (d) Ifat thedate6f Closing the premisesare affected by an =e=ent which is or maybecome payáblb b at nual installmentsrand thefirst installmentis thena lien or has been paid;then purposes f br the of this cogtractallthe aid instalhnmatsshaR be sonsidered ane 8nd shan be paidby $ellerat or prior toClosing Anyerrats. or omissions incomputing apporntonments orotheradjustments it Closing shaRbe corrected ethin a (e) reasonabletime following Closing. This subparagraph shallserviveClostag IA Allowange fer Unliaid Taxes, etc Sener has theoptionfa creditPurchaser as an Adjustmentto the purchase ricewith the smount ef anymnpaid th¼es, assessments,watercharges andmverrents, togetherwhh any arúl toterest pënaltiesthpreonto a date not 1mthen fivebusinessdaysafter Closing,provided that hills official thereforcotaputedto saiddate are pnadued at Closing, 20, Use bf Purchase Price to Remove Enoumbrañccadf ar Closingtherean otherliensor encM*a es that$ lleris obligated to payor discharge,Scher may use any partionof the sh balance of the purchase price to payor dischargethem, royided5elle shallii=n!tmeously deliver toPurchaser at Closinginstruments in recodablefonn sad sufficienttosatisfymeh liehsor encumbrances of record,togetherwiththe dostofrecording or fillagsaidinstrummits.As an•J†an=#ve Seller may¼teposit suHiolent moneys with thetitleinsurancecompany employed by Purchaser acceptableto and requiredby it toassuretheir diWharge, but onlyif the dtleinsurance company willinsurehtrchasefs titleileptof the matternor insure againsttheirenforcement out ofthePremises and willinsurePurchasers Institutionalledderelearof suchmattersSpon runnininflepriotnotice(by telephoneor otherwise), Porchaser shallprovide separatecertified dr oniohl bank checksms tequestedto assistinclearingup these mattats,| 21 Ttle hamination; Seller'sJnabilityto Convey pine s ofLisbility.(a) Purchasershallorderan exâmination of titio in respectof the Prëmisesfrom a title company Ilcensedor authorisedtoissue title insuranceby the New York StateInsurance Department or enyagent forsuch title cornpany promptly af ter the execution ofthis contractor ifthfecontractia subject to the mortgage contingentiyset fo1thinparagraph A aftera mortgage cornmitment has been acceptedbyPacchaser. Purcheser shallcause a bopy of thetitle reportand ef anyadditionst%ereto to be delivered to the for attorney(s) Sellerpromptly after receiptthereof at the (b)(i)1f date Seller of Closing is unableto transfer title to Purchaserin accordance withthiscontract,or Furchaserhas other validgrounds forrefusing to dose,whether byteasgo of liens, markances or otherobjectionsto title orotlierwise(herein collectivelycalled"Defects"),othe thanthose subjectto whichParobaser is obligatedtoaccept title hereunder or whichPurchaser may have waived f ban those at14 other which Sellerhas hereinexpressly agreedto remove, remedy or dischargeand ifPurchgser shallbe unwilling towolve the same and toclose without title abatement of the purchase then, price, exceptsahereinafterset forth, Sener shallhave the right at SeUefs either sole election, totake such actionas Bellermay deem advisableto renovp,remedy, discharge orcomply with such Defectsor to. cancel this contract; (ii)ifSeller electsto takeaction tosemove,remedy or comply with such $91hcts,Sellershallbe entithalfrorgtime toame; upon3rptice to Purchaser,tos4journ the datef br Closing hereunderfor a period or periodsnotexegeding 60 days inther aggregate(butnot extendingbeyond thedate upon Which Purchaser¼ mortgage commitment ifanycshall expire),and thedate forClosing shallhe adjournedto a datespecifiedby Sellernotbeyo¼d such pedod. If forway reason etratsoever,Sellershallnot have succeeded in removing,remedybig or complying withench Defectd at the expiration of such adjdurmnent(s),and iffarchaser ähallstill be unwilling to waivethesame and toilosetitlewithoutabatenientof the purchase price then eitherpartymay cancelthiscontractby Nodce to theothergiven within 10 daysaftersuch adibutifed