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  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 49 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 EXHIBIT G FILED: FILED : SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 04/15/2019 10/31/2018 01:18 02:57 PM PM| INDEX INDEX NO. NO . 619585/2018 61 95 85 / 2 018 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOp. NO. NO. 49 11 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF:: NYSCEF 04/15/2019 10/ 31/ 20 8 1/1BÎ2014 W 13 51E7482011 ';ampenellieMAssociates #2771 ? 002 / n 2 2 RESIDENTIALCONTRACT OF SALE /ongly PreparedbytheRaafPropeny&char ofthenewTarkSureBor Ass4ciation,thtNewlbrk8WeZard2htsAssocMton,&cCorr.miece I-my on-RealPmpare of theBarAft12 OOrofthw brkand90 of de Assactasore ChamtstcconReelProperpriavJAcNewlbrkQary EarprfAssocia0or(HM0) CONSULT VOUR LAWYEEtBEFORE SIGNING T3USCON%SA.CT. NOTE:FREAND CA-904LTrLOSSESANDCONDP.30MWOlif. EnituaqEracrermdassprovidefurwhathappensinaesvanoffirc,orothepmaltylosser ademruitfte he!bretietitioclosing,UnlessdifilemeprovislanistendsInif::=:-‡Section5-13ud$60matnIONiefaultwwillagly,0nsputoftatl4w rankesaParchaserm:poesilñebranendcasaltylosrayatskingyesseminnafamRomisesk4nechemeslosing. WatmNGr M4NLANCtlaGENorepmentameirmededatmiaGrmoFeonamersonisatgwchasoofmdcateacompleswimpsaiom5402ef±ehat owgationsLar(mainLespage), CONTRACT OF SALEmadeasof $ 2 ? Ó3 between Eugene Hubbard Address:470 Main Street WesthamptonBeach, New York31978 "Seller" Social L securityNumber/Fed, A No(s): hereloatercalled and y.jEa P ov$Or To An EntityThatWWBe Created pp Address: . . C socialseceityNumbatfFed.L 'D, Nots): hereinacercallent"Pizechaser The pertiesherebyagreessfollows: L Premises.Sener shall sell and ostrvey andPurchaser with shaUpurchasa1heproperty,together allhqilfmgsand improvernents theroon the "Pmmises")Jaare (collecdvely fullydescribed onaseparatepagemarked'ScheduleA/'anncNEdhereto end made a part hereof and alsoknowcas: StreetAddress:114Jewsp Lane,WesthamptonBeach,New York Tax Map D erdgoation: Seethm01900, Block0D07,Lat(s)012002, Town ofSad=ptes,SufibDr.County Togetherwith Sellersownerdipandrights,ifey,16km4lyinginthebedofany street ar highway, opened atproposed,adjoining mePremisestothecenterlinethereoginoladinganyrightofSdlertoanyunpaidaward byreason ofanytakingby condeamation snd/orfor any damagetothePremises by reason of ahimsoofgradeof Seller shall deliveratnoadditional any street or highway, costtoParchaser,at Clodrag or%erea$ersondemand,anydocismentsthat (ashereinatherde6ned), Purchaser may reasonably requireibrtheconveyanosofsudhtitleandthe assignmentandcollection of suchawardtr damages Preinises, unless specifically eschdedbdow.Sellerreprescatsandwarrantsthatattledag be they will a ' Sdllere fresanddearofallliansandaboumbrRaces,exceptanycziatingmortgagetcy¼hich ' ggybasabject,Theyinclude, butarenotlimitedto, phuding,heating, and cottingfixtures,ch lighting , cabin,ets sad counters, sthroom and kitoben ' mantels,doormirrors,awif ch plates and doorhardware. ,whidowt::::::::::, stonn shades,screens, awningg windows,stonn ddors, windowboxes, anail hi, weather pumps, Grt:b'bery,fimaing,outdoorstatuary, vana,flagpole, toolshed, was dishwasher, garbage disposd olothes dryer. unit,range,oven,hidit-insterorfave oven; refrigerator, - co freezmr,air equipment andi±!'.:‡!cas,well and built-ioanat to wan carpeting smhided bdogqfkep v.,rrom6 -r .=- ... r-g3 F.xcindedA-osthis sale are furniture andboosehold Amdáiñgs and . C + C2011MachewBuder@Ceamedorofther- up, riSBA's ResidentialRealEstamEmms(n/0G) ..., .. . .. .-- ........ ... ....-.. - . . .- _.-- . ..-,_,... FILED: FILED: SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 04/15/2019 10/31/2018 01:18 02:57 PM PM| INDEX INDEX NO. NO . 619585/2018 61 95 85 / 2 018 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO.! Np 49 11 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF:: NYSCEF 04/15/2019 10/ 31/ 2018 hepanellur*o' As s c n th 8/2 0 14 n 13 5 18n028 1 at es 0 3/ 0 p p 3, Purchase Price.h pwahase priceis S 1,250,00D.00 payaNe as foDowr . (a) on thesigningofthis good chart by Purchasets contract, pupble to the Esorowee (as herehaâer defned),subject to the receipt of which collection. is hereby acimowledged, to be held in escrew pasues to paragraph 5 of this comract (the "Downpaymsat")- 125,000.00 . g S (£ s (d) beiance at Closing in acconiasee with pezagetah 7 S 1J¾000.00 Pnthe evter tt a nfa n h m h m'qrln marl n een A d+hµnnf m4 f rw wh rh RM1 n weymnfr fh. ne dethrered 1 h t onmntere en t evktn me ‰ purnhm mnnewnte nd mnrfpge ha drew.t theft hy ths.n½nrney frr Aphr the Amn whebecT nrfont fha a) e+smAnn frm anpean ‰‰ 1•y Awv•tw½ ½rTe Gree t vma 'Ntle kmther Aff pr -e fnMng thwrirt and tw fm wf 49 orrnmm'n reet in Ae.nmmmraft . . h jb ypar-minn 443 (b) Tha pumhnee mMnPVMafP imff mNrf AblT thñ pWndtle thfait fe mhject e44nknovinate fa tha th Mthe erictm m ay --4my evrenckn¶ mnef 4miang.taphemento nt enneMderinnengh eWig mnclgage,prmdded ht kW (i)the . ¿ote the.nmfehall wnt he greater then pementpwr mimrm ana the fnfel nehr nervice t11ere•maer chaU nnt he grater th nm¾g erri mpM nev enmm end Mt) fftheprineW *memnt hwdohAW mpenthe ernatme nopr½imu em evict(w mmgage- orth.time nEphring.meh new annenTiMrM the m.eew he paid m +he hMav #meh mnrey n-u.nkneemaneumnermage in vennelinn ofthe-wrincipdthere hpumbe manew marryge chaU okn prm½fhe mA pmen †q the hqMr.r thernFeh911not Mteras ef1Mthe regn1ny meteheptr (Fey of-iwet at pwfahTahrennAer r3 t thMWe & Dowapaymer t shorow. (a) Seller a attomey{"3serowee") shall hold the Downpayerent in esorow in a segregated hat amount at National First Bank of Lon Idand Address: Franklin Ave,Ga reen Oty - 11530 - untilClosingat sooner termination of thhcontract in accordance with end shall pay over or app'fy the Dowapsyment Ge tenas of this paragaph. herowee shallhold ther Dowapaymentin a(n) necamrior interest-bearing the benditof the preties. If imerest of the prties, f br the beefit is held be pid It shall to the party to1he Dow4payment entitled and the pinty receMag the shall pay any income interest taxes thereon. Ifinterrat h not held fbe the benefit ofthe pttles,the Downpaymaent shalue pNeed in an IOLA accoime or as otherwise perzaitted or required W by law. Social Seceity numbers ar Federal Identificatice chhe partim shall be furnished to Escross upon the Dawapayment request. .At Gosing, shdi he paid by Escrowce to Seller. If for any reason Closingdoes not occur end either partygivesNotice payment (as defined in paragraph 25) to Escrowee demanding of the Downpayment, &crowes shallgive prainps Noticeto the other party does not receive Notice of of such dema1td. If Escrowee hWBA.'s bsMa rcFcirm',s /00 4 MaGWE.W Becd 4 s sn erd$.LAN Grap, FILED: FILED: SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 04/15/2019 10/31/2018 01:18 02:57 PM PM| INDEX IN DEX NO. NO . 619585/2018 61 95 85 / 2 018 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DQC. NO. NO. - 49 11 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 10/31/2018 4 ? 1 4 18 / 2 0 12 14 51 8 74 82 8 n ca mpa n e lli a nd ciat es $2m P 004 / o22 .- . . - . .-._ ......- , . ...... , objecdonfrata such other party to the proposed payment within10 business daya after the giving of such Notice., Escrowee is hereby Euthormed and directed to make such payment. If Escrowee doesreceive auch Notice of objectlan within auch 10 day period at if for ay other reason Escrowee in good faith shall elect Eat to make such paymen Escrowne shall candnue to hold such anount until otherwisedirected by Notice fromthe parties comrset to this or a fmal, nonappealable fudgment, order or decree of a court shall havde Howeve4 Escrowee right 8t Say*ims to depUsit thc DOWDPRymCQ$ and 6 int$re5t th0rean Whh the clerk ofa cputt in thc Gounty in whichke Premises are located and shall give Notica ofsuch deposit to Seller and Pachanardipan such deposit or other dishars ement in accordance-wia the terms ofthis paragraA Escrowes shallherelieved and dischaged.ofall thdberobligations and hereunder. (b) The pardesacknowledgeThat, Escrowee h actingsolely as a scakeholdei ei theirrequest and for their conveaicane end that Escrowee shall not be liabin to either party for any act or omission on its pertunless taken er sufibracl b bad %ithor in willibt disregard of this or involving contract gross negligence on the perc of Escrowee. Seller and Purchaser joimty and seveally(with rightof contribution) agree to defend (by attorneys selected by Facrowee), indemnify and hold Escrowee hermless from and against all costs, claima and expenean (inchding reasonabTe attorney# fees) incurred in cormeetion withthe performanceofEserowers duties hemuader,exotpt with respect to actions or atoissiona taken or sufBred by Bscrewes in bad faith or in willful disregard of this contractor involvinggross negligenceon the part of Escrowae, (c) Esczowee may actettetrainfrom acting in respr.ct of any matter referred to herein in fo3 reliance upon and withthe advice of comsel which may be selear.ed by it (inclading any member ofits and shellhe so acting or firm) funy protected in from acting refraining upon the advice ofsuch counsel. (d) Escrowee acknowledgesreceiptoftheDompaymenthy check subject to callection and Esccawat?s agreeáent to the p:ctisionaof this paragraph in Go piece indicated by signing en the signature page ef this centract. (e) Escrowes or any memberofitsfinnshelibe en004811beSeller in any disputmas to the disburseenent of pennistedto.acces the Dowapayment or any other dhpute betwea the pardes whether ar nat Escrowee is in possemian oftheDownpayment and continues to act as Eacrowae- (f) The party whose b Becrowes attorney shnu be liable for lossofrhe Downpaymere 7, AeceptableFunds, Allmoney payahlm ander this imless etherwise mpecified, shall be paid hy: contract, (a) Cash, but not over $1,000.00; (b) Good cedifiedcheck ofParchasardrawa an ar official check issued by any bank, avings bank,Irost compeyor samogs and loan esscádia havinga banking oftice in the State pfNew York, namdarsed and payable to the epier ofsplier, ar as Seller may othewhe direct upon reasonable prior notice (bytelephoneor otherudee) to Purchases (c) As to moneyatherthan the Purchase pdes payabb toSaller at Clos uncertified check of Purchaser up to the amount of S I,000.00 ; and @ As otherwise by Seller agreed to in writing attorney. at Seller's mh h Ri amm n Ther of 4trm enm ftmmchm an Yuw4msrnalYender ynwcientinwtWh m . nn wmfv theWelrthd mch mndM h= m + knaver n vrfoy vmf n evrrnmitment mnMt rmM Y MtnHnm ReMEstateForms(W00) -3- 4 Co. aracmter orbr O 20121vhedmurgender yysap Fashdg FILED: FILED: SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 04/15/2019 10/31/2018 01:18 02:57 PM PM1 INDEX I N DEX NO. NO . 619585/2018 61 95 85 / 2 018 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. 'DOC. NO. NO. 49 11 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 10/31/2018 'd1/ BÓ014 '2 14 5'l£7dS28'1 DmpanelhDM 0C18T95 277 )ÛS/022 was-ted4anditions4:r-5ra-i subparagr h S ca eam----..- y nmrehhk on t y ½ Nnt ee fa 0 w Ady Gwh en r1 Ber thUnrmnumem hve mn W the T 11e h N u n a e enm n in-+1 inn TT e.r 1 hy a her hath n n Hnn rwdh an o Deehm R+n m n m r½ rh+47 n h PermittedE2captions.& Premises are sold and shall be convgyed a h)eot to (a) Zoning fews and regulations. and subdivision and landmarkhistoric provided ar wedends designation, that they are act violated andimprovements brctldfags by thuxistitig erectest on fnopmpertyar theiruse; 00 Consects for the accotlan.of aty structures on, under or m)cTe any streets on which the Premiseq abut; (c) En croachmentsof stoops, areas, cellar steps. trim upon any street or highway; sad comises.ifany. (d) Real estate taxes f bar ars a lion, but a e not yet due and ps;yable; and (c) The ether matters, if any, ineladinga surveyaneption,set $atin a Rider anached. 14 Governmental Violationsand Orders.{a) Seller shall comply with oflaw all notes et notices of violations ar mimicipal ordinancer,orders or requirementanoted as of te ar issued date hareatby depedmont anygovemme-:rlal having as to authority buildings, lands, housing, enviramaentalendjabor Bre, health, conditions WRcting thePremises. The Pretnisms shall be conveyed Sea of themat Closn SeEer shall fenish ?prehaserwithany authorizations necessary tomakethe seerche(bat could disdose these matters. IL Seuer s Representattoms. (a) aciler represenfaandwarrants to Pumbaser &at: (1) The Premisesabut or have a right of seeses to a public road; (it)Sener fs the sole owner of the Premises set,conveyand and has the fau F-ght, power and su±ority:c transfer the aamein the tenns acent dance vdth of this contract; person," CIO Setter is not a "foreign as ther term in Real Propey is definest for purposes of the heign.Investment Tax At Bevents Internal Code ("IRC2)Section 14el5, as amended, and to thereunder regulationspromulgated (coUeedvely"FlRPTA"); (ly) The Premises are not affected by any exemptions or abatements of tores; and (v) SeUer has been knowabyno other name for the past ten years. except RosidefûGReal$nsForms01/DO) 4- 920n Markw Bener & Co, amomhr ofeo Lexi Gap. Nyssh FILED: FILED: SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 04/15/2019 10/31/2018 01:18 02:57 PM PM| INDEX IN DEX NO. NO . 619585/2018 61 95 85 / 2 018 NYSCEF S DOC. NO. 491 12 t5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 5 1Pa32Gn ca a pa n e 111an d As soc i a t es 0 212 (b) Sener covenantssad warrants reprmteh that all offae and warrantiesset in this fbrfn contract thd be mie and correctat Closing. (c) Exceptas othenviseexpressly setforth none of SetWs iti thiscontract, covem% reperawdenûessanmies or other ob!Jeetions contained in this connw shall survive Closing. 11 Condition of Property. PurdiaseracImowledges and:tpresets aware ch that Parchaser is Al!y physicalcondition and stata of repair ofte Premises and of dother propesty faduded in this sale, insed on Porchaset's own inspection and investignion tharcofnandthat Purchaserla enteri.-tg into this contract basd solely upon such inspection and intestigation and not upon any afonnation,data, staten:uents or represstations, writan or oral, as to the physical state ofrepair, condition, use, cost of operadon or any other znatter related to the Premises or the other ptoperty includedin. the sale, given ar made by seller or its representadves, ad shall is" in accept the same"as ±eir present and state of repair, subject to reasonable useswear, tear and natural candition deteierationbetween thedate hereof and the date of ofosing (o:cept es otherwise set thrth in paragraph 16(o)), witheat any reductionin the purchase priceor claimofany kindfor any change in such con d‰n by reason threof schseqwntto ttte date ci this contract. Purciasser and its authorized representatives shaB have the right, atreasonable tivies sad upon reasonablenotice (by relephoneor otherwise) to inspect de to Seller, Pretrdses before Closing. 13. InsuraL1aTitle. Sellershd giveand Purchasershall as any reputabla pccept such title tt66hraim.e or abstract contpany licensed to do Business in thestateof New ¼rk shall to approve be willing and itasure in accordance whh tustandard formoftitle policyapprovedby the New Wrk state Insurance Department,subjectonlytothe mattersprovided for in this contract. 14. Deed and TItie. "Closirtg" CIoshig, (a) means thesettlementof the obligations of Seller andPurchaser to each other under this contract, facludingíhepayment ofte purchase pricetoSaUer, to Purchaser of a bargain and the delivery an& sale with