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  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 EXHIBIT F FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 INDEX NO. 619585/2018 [FILED: ¯SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM NYSCEF RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 LAST WILL AND T TAME T ORMAN.A,aH B&BD . ....--.... NORMAN A. HUS.BARD, .Ïd[n .gt 29 Frariklin Street, 1, Westhamptori Beach, of Suffo and 5tate pf N.ew York , do County .make , pubHsh and declare this to b .. my st W.iJI and Testainent, herepy.revoking all WiJJs and todicils retofo máde by me. FIRST; f dirent .the pays nt of iny Just debts, unera ×P9nses :and he expehses .of the_ inist. on of iny estate .as soo£ after-pty dégease as is pracücal. 5ECOND; J gwe and devise the ãñd house. Wh li 11 furniture $58 surn.tshinss therein, nuate at 29 Franklf tree é thempton sench, and the wat8tit lo. at northeast torne o Qu 6 Rçad· and Lane,· Westhampton Beác New to so Jessup York, .ivy .EUnENE If he su.rviýes me of 1f be p. decea es me to his childre , p ; sttrpes. TR@.D.;. f give, devise a d be eath 'the fo.t, hou e a ariria togeŸher: pith áíJ fu s improvements ther furniture, .ish[rt and .. in, situete .on the easterly side of arie,. Westhampton Beac ssup Jlew Vork with frontade on the o canal the improved par :bay (.beirig â . to·the horth .of the vacant fet des.ct ladi in aragraph SECOND abov , to:my son EDGENE for the remal er t he dhilded tw én fife2 equally such of my :grandchildren Ithe chi ren Eugene and o Ralp ) FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED INDEX NYSCEF: NO. 04/15/2019 619585/2018 [FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY C1,ERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM| NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 ., RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 survive or.if EUCENE prede aing e, who survive me, EUGENE, FOURTH: All th'e rest, res¢tig d. remainder of :tny estatd, reat and pe;rsonal, of whatsóever $knd nature and heresoever both the same be situate, of wh!ch I s g[1¶d seized or possessed, or to may which I in be entitled a me of my .decease, I givb, may any way devise and bequeath unto my trustee ust, for the (pilowihg u'st and purposes: [a) To pay or .apply st incoms therefron), in at ast instauments, to or t r se use of my wife, ARt quarterly OiJISE HUBBARD for the duraÜûn,óf)h . (b) I authorize and d Pec n‡y trustees. to iny.ace th§ 5r-pus (of iihis trust. in ceder tö pa any spenses .for .¶he gyn.era werface, enjoymanit, beàTth or maiñtena ce of niy wife,. at any ti e sh be in nued of soth sums, if the iconie Wip this trust is irsuffi ay Cc} Upon ·thé death of. y seijk wife, oY upon iny gath if she :does not survive me, to pay ·ov r, tMnsfer and distributè-the Êorpus ànd any unclistribated ing 4 as foNowst on -ba thereof to my son EUGENE, and if i.e is of .then IWing, Ptd his children, per stirpes. The other ine-half1to ny daùghtéretaw CA.ROL M. HU.BBARD, and if she jis off then alive, to her childÎen., per stirpes. FTH VAñ wife des not survive ra .by haf:tiff more tEan sl× mon s b ye 1shoWB th ·die s a result of the sarne accident or ·cornmon fis ster gndfi¼igr existy as fo whether e niy FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 INDEX NO. 619585/2018 |FILED: SU OLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31 /2018 04:30 PM) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 RECEIV,ED NYfCEF: 10/31/2018 or I died first, then it will be presu Ad (N c p ,.gsd Ï dÏNRt± the executors to distribute to my wife!$. ést.ate. (b t IncittletïG$ T4 estate's using da'te of death 5hdt Mill;req@l@ asseh, taxable estates of my wife and my der pi fg|gend| Re Code; the remain)ng assets not so el)th NWdj [L $|f 5 4vige 3t1d; bequeath my.son E.UGENE and daught AROL hyigqG$ltshhres, per stir·pes. . SIXTJS: I inominate, consti t.e appohtt Cthy :?op$0U$$i . NORM.AN H BBARD and my daught c4thl p‡R44 $,. MighRh ekecutors of Last Will and Teitament 1 direct that the.y shaM serve in this or any othêr jurisdi tion withou bond. J request thät‡) atturrfãý, ECWÃRD M:. .FfNKELSTE.ÏN,hb.e n ined âs attorneý fo t1 pr.ðliate of this will nd in the.adminis.t·atiõñ f iny estáte and the tru created hereuãtier. .. . JEVENTH: 3 nernináte, onstitt¼e and appont my sd EUGEN.E ÑORMAN HLIBBARD and TEll SUFE)Le iCDUNTY NAT O iBAÑK, Riverheatt, Ñew tork, .trust es iof.thin my Last Will Testament, ¡and f hereby authorite t e al batik to rely upön the . instructions gi en it by n)y son, EUG NE, I exercising the right t . invadA the. trust co s for the benefit 3.fhis other. EfGHTlh additio tp th poWÿs granted ugdgr th statutes of the iState of New York, I h reb.y apt to my .Execute an T CRékia$'thMP¼gggessors th $é gett t> any and a!! proj5erty aligE pW4@eg Whlyh ¼hal0pt any tips.constitute part of-my 4‰y iWf4t eats$.herptmdar the powers: fÒ1lowing FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/15/2019 INDEX NO. 619585/2018 (FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 P1 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 A. To retain withdth liab f ty for loss or depretlation from such origlial proberty, whether or not pro- resp)ting retention, dp,ctive of income, or wasting ass.e s, red -or persorjaf,. .at ariy Titiie recelved by them from me or the Exic:utór of thy estäte, for such tipe as to them -shall seem best., although such property may nof be of3he prescr.ibed law for the lovesthent of trust 'funds and 'al- character by thWugh it represents a (arge percen5ge of the propérty, and to dispose of such original property by sale ot ex.change, or otherwis.e,. s . and when they shaH deeni advisable, .and tc receive and administer ,t e proceeds as a part of my estate or at gof tf e trusts created he(ein. 82 To invest and re7piest fand 8ýâp the funds of a trpst.created herein invested in any lñd ofpropedy, r al or persod y illustration but not of comnion ar f - incNding, by way of fimitation, p ferred stpcks, voting trust certiffrates, Bonds, notes, debentu mortgages, shares or int.erests in iny stman trusts, shares of inte.rekts I,n cómmon trust fu.nds, investments. hat y d a high rate of incometr at and thout regard to the - no income all, wasting invesittents, f p põrtion ariy such investment or inve twent of a sinular tharä.cter , y beär to the total trust estate or whetfier.or lot such investroents.are . . tiew issues or in new and foreign ertérprl And without being.lirñi to the éfass of investments in vihich ti"ffste are or maÿ be authoria by statute or rule of court to invest trust. nds, intending HeÈeby fb authofiže my Trustees to act in suchi f agnei$as shall believe to they for the belit .1nterest of my estatei regagding if as a whole, though partic.ular investments otherwif e mk linot b.e proper. · C. T.o exercise anyn ropti or privilege to co.n rit. . . böKÚs, nbtes, -,stocks bF securf iés b ging .estate .0c $ , trusts created hereunder into other bDnds, tes, stocks or 6ther rities, to exercise. any privilege to pubscr for additional of 1.. bonds, notes, :stoëks or other securit es, to niake such tonvers.tons â d make †nd oi· . subscr4j5tións, to paymenfs tli foF to Edÿ e bo monef for..the purpose of exercising (·olStion, prfv e or ri ht to hold such tiorids., potes, 5tocks afä ofhe"p secürilles so arguired in.vestments for my estate or anÿ of hhe tights created bereupder, h intention being to clothe my Executor and Trustees with all the rig s and pr1vligges of a p,erson. pwning sim lar p rty Jn his own right p. After th,e death o my fe, at any ime and frÛgi time to time, to keep all or any pothian of my estate o of any trdst created hereunder in tash, unitivêstu if for such :time as my Trusit A . thay deem advisable, without tiability iflir a loss of income occas¾is by keeping such furids uninvested. .0 E To manage real pppetthbefpngitig .to my eëtate r arfy trost created herein, in such ys ·as to thern. shall ·seëñt !be ricliading, by Way of iffustration but nöt of limRation. of the, fohegot § general sta.tement, authority to exc ange., to aban.don, to alter, 5 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED INDEX NYSCEF: NO. 04/15/2019 619585/2018 fFILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM| NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 n, REǧIFEp NYaSCER: S,p/'21/2018 demolish erect to co,n- :. . ad just boundaries, to build.hgs, buffdings, nd oth public use wlthput coin- t d tiedi fe. T9r sirgats T D58 I 9-(Sfght. [nts, . settle claims for property ,, . ¼en figfit . 4mlogut #i41 equal e shares, to .Improve,.to phi% ...d tentn9p n S (so.ut r t of purchase, to partí'- ! tthft promete 45155, W. Matedf.Jin of he furids of Wie o es subd!Wih tp BMure e title to, to perfect the ¾pta repe¾ iÈe pL ppg in ga t F. To .fease any real fro y that at any time maý form part of estate or of any tiStt sted herein, under suc my terms and conditions and for such pe lod as. to them shall seem hes¶, even though such period máy or will xtend ëyond the period ·of any - trust created herein, arid to renew canc amend or extend aW ·cbnsent to the assigornerit or modificgiln of y lease or øn aný terni$ that may be deemed them fa be for he b intere.sts of my estate. by G. To .abandon, adjust. arbi .i93 JMâþrároll¼t, see mii dr defend und otherwise deal with a set e clatin aggr gf ?ø7 .egains.t estate or arty of the trusts 7eat ftenetti o u ft tgrshit, . my te .the.m shall seem best, and their etisloa s REb4 .ggdf5dir on all pretles in in-t.eresh H. .To bqrrow moriey fpr the of my estate or any trust created herein and to secure the foán pJedge pr inortgage of 9 the property of my estate br any tr.ust eate tein. To employ such ÿgents, . . . gpgy assistants, adselsers, brokers, banks, ithes thq . and attorneys, and sucfi other agents. B.assi m¥t s shell.ti e ey iiscessary to the administratinrh .of nty s.tate r f anÿ trust Egfé4 ;. 5. hereunder, without liability for tlie negPgence mB;sinhy f efisult of such person, provided reaglñäble a and prudence was , exercised in his selection. . J. . No peison,. firm or (kpora n who shall purchase .preperty .from or lend money to my Execstar pr eastnes shall b.e.under obligation to.inquire into the prop$y or of such sale or aný alkiltý . foan, nor to Inquire into the epplicatiort o the BCeds thereof, .and rio . firm or corporation from h· w ¼rgngfg.jr $tgreg(.e person, or'thing ment, reinvestment., purchese or sale of f by .se ithiMeg r gaylbe(¾nESj ubde)• tran,sférted shall be any obligaffon to in IM.injo.·&he p¶pftety pr authority of my Executor and Trus.tees to tra , Avet¼,‡ yest purchase, .self, exchange, mortgage, pled etlea , istribut¾ ¼ranther wise dispose of or deal With any n)o.ney, Milaritle or other property. FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED INDEX NYSCEF: NO. 04/15/2019 619585/2018 (FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM| NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 .. RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 K. To g rcise the p0$6cs with pier4nce to . coritr.of, management and dilip53iti.on whether sclfr as expsutet or as trustee. N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have reunt set my hand tin6 seaY this . . of Decembet-, 1984. day (L.S.) The :foregg g instrument, .consi ing of ix pbges, including this, page, was s gned, sealed, publis Ind an declared by NORMAN flJBBARA the abov.e-naged Testath a.s and for his Last Will andl Testament, en the .day and year ab@i s¼t foir{h, In cur presence, and we th.ereupon, at his request and .Idfls prepence, and In the pfesence of each other, subscHbed our names t ereto s attesting witnesigs. FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED INDEX NYSCEF: NO. 04/15/2019 619585/2018 (F11 ED : SUEFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM) NYSC R DOC. NO. 21 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 SUFFOLK ) K rumo our n •-wu COUNTY OF ....FJiPPR A·• JRSpaWi . .........................Bets duly re says: I reside at ...á ,,, .....rg,a,rn.w.¾gg gg $3,¾Mty.........t e l one( f the attesting witnesses ($ the insfrinnenf6earing date theMqtday of...9eve@eL ...3.> ............,, be offered for prob.ate as the Witi .of .....¾1986. .m.munim...üñwe- . and rnake this af fidaylt at the request of........NPRW. µÎ .2..e. .............,,,ethe . testatex..... . ?Ö0 FÝVá.. . Walesfator. Eted that I execute this tiff avit.. .. req The e ø tests towid willipat mg e ky testatok ...±lnthe presjmce and MPÉRA .«.u.yr. thadher2ttesttng witnessþs) at......., (address) the t1 a MrtgWph idyRator de W in½me beSkWif denñé dtteothe MWt. vrtrtarnes as wit@nes a the WA at sa jrfstylaten tfieïfäquest.o . ret cef.Tfigg#1â¾stat9utt he¾eMeõ[xecut waldinskomént Was gg êen ar‰antia k niy @fh16626f1s69f½ mind, trñógindsft8êrdan .gayiest tor rt antwäpechiacøth§efêrdto.raskha Wip etestatsmoould r antf uortfene In na âÏlsfGap age2ndmas:5tiffgrthr frøm defect gsght to ggë¾ kHrérk aby rphysit wr ÿtitaWpdfrhtér.t"whic Wppld‡Wedt hh.4a Asaidf L.wa oneInstremert and 1.exacutèd¾t itinke¼xalid Wap Acq th yEld tê#tutWat the t a of;tly$eigu5náf l. ifbýthjjgtitl‰Jándwit¼essed rit hder thasuperfl$ .. .-.....wman itpmey-yw. . Sign t ra PIE .G. LUNDBERG T (Pfint rianie here) CRfE E. W AADS No|e: Court mäÿ iequire further and ottier at dads at f àüof probate of wif. FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 04/15/2019 01:18 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 48 RECEIVED INDEX NYSCEF: NO. 04/15/2019 619585/2018 [FILEp :- SUFFOLK COUNT RK 10(31/2018 04:30 PM1 NYSCEF DOC. . . RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 .. COUN†ÝbF SUFFOLK ) r-ursummruo ..A.RD M. N ... . . .B&/ dUly Worn SaySt rSSide at ...µ.... ... S. . .¾.P 9 W94.WW.Yort.11560..-11in one f the attesting witnesses to the instrument bear ng date itie.7Mday of........llbastmb...... of fered for probate as the Will of psmayam ...198á,2obe,øm.P.9WM.§ .M. ....-omw and mee this áffidavit at the request of......VPF/i4W.A ye y P...g..................:.p e testatp.z v... On the,,21.S.tday of.WP.W1...1948.ithe testator. requ ted 01stJàxeculesRS The subscription of the name of Affidhylt. testator. said wil was . elbytestat94 ag st WeF áñdi..........?#i3FR5 ine)zeence .,tt)€ó)heèalt Itlgwitnaà$ es[ (address} At the titra of rnaking such subscription, the.ssid estato .declared the said instrum so sûbscribed byhim. to behis Wif!; and.thisdeponent and he olit signed opr names as (attesting witness(ms) ther witnesses at the end of sald itis at th.e request of said test arid in bhpresence. The said . the t!me ofpt execu ngséldinätruittht 5 )ti of the age of eighteen years, and. of ininy opinion. sourd mind under restraint Mdrfand0iide (and not any or.lnany respect incompetent to m.a tøa Wii , tstestatoAqopid sud converse in the English language and was dMte suited f .vordefedt÷of s ht, h . int speech.or from any other physical or mental impai n whí 3ye d make a valid Will. affeet.h.éàapa to Said Wiff was executed ãs one instW eM a as not Theundersigned was executedincey p. acquá¡nted with saidtestath,at th ime AlthW sti f The Will was executed the ill, . by testaiM.....snd w tnesse y eneunderthésupervisidn of bfr..UMVW.† aw. aG‡feý Signature HONA N. FINKEIrSTE N (Print nameÎ here a beforexrtethls MARJORIE .E. EDWAÑÖS ota ublic,Elate of NewYork Note Court require may further andother affict vits:at me of P tù 97SO probste of sviff. ië,.u