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  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview
  • D&J Realty Partners, Llc v. Eugene HubbardCommercial Division document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 EXHIBIT J FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 VILLAGE OF WESTHAMPTON BEACH ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS __ ___,---...____..--- X In the Matter of the Application of DETERMINATION Eugene Hubbard Address 114 Jessup Avenue Tax Map # 0900-19-7-12.2 ------------------ X The applicant is the owner of a parcel of real property located on thenorth side of Dune Road in the R-3 Zoning District. The applicant is requesting a variance from the rear yard setback of 75 feet to 20 feet or a variance of 75 percent of the required rear yard. The original variance application filed by the applicant's agent Rocco Lettieri on November 8, 2013 stated that there had been no prior variance applications with respect to the property. While the application indicated there had been no prior variance application, in fact inl981 the property, consisting of the applicant's property and the abutting property to the north was a single parcel of property owned by Norman Hubbard who acquired title in a deed dated March 21, 1978. Norman Hubbard filean application with the Planning Board for a waiver of subdivision in 1981 requesting permission to subdivide the property having a lot area of 37,261 into two lots. The survey submitted with the application provided for Parcel A to have a lotarea of 20,000 which met the lot area of the Zoning Code and for Parcel B to have a lot area of 17,261 square feet which did not meet the Zoning Code requirement for lot area. Since the property was located on a county road, the application was, pursuant to Section 239-m of the General Municipal Law, submitted to the Suffolk County Planning FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 Commission for itsreview. In a meeting held on March 4, 2081 the Suffolk County Planning Commission approved the application subject to a number of conditions. The conditions imposed by the Suffolk County Planning Commission were set forth in a letter to the Village Planning Board dated March 6, 1981 which stated: 1. No new residential structure shall be located within 100 feet of the shoreline of Moneybogue Bay. 2. No new sanitary disposal facility shall be constructed or installed within 100 feet of the shoreline. 3. All stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of the subdivision or any of itslots shall be retained on the site by adequate drainage stock structures so that itwill not flow into either Jessup Lane or Dune Road. 4. No stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of the lots shall be discharged into Moneybogue Bay. 5. Vehicle access for Parcel B shall be restricted to Dune Road east of the easterly terminus of the horizontal curve at the corner. 6. All driveways shall contain a turnaround provision, such as a T-shaped shunt so that vehicles leaving the lots will not have to back out into traffic. 7. This subdivision shall only be approved subject to the meeting of the regulations and standards of the County Department of Health Services. 8. The above conditions of approval shall be filedas a covenant and restriction in the office of the County Clerk. In addition, the Suffolk County Planning Commission sent a copy of the subdivision map to the Village Planning Board which was received on March 11, 1981. FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 The subdivision map contained the annotation that the subdivision approval was subject to the eight conditions set forth above. The Village Plan-ning Board in a meeting held on March 6, 1981 approved the subdivision of the property into the two lots as proposed by Normand Hubbard subject to the conditions set forth in the Suffolk County Planning Commission approval, which required the filing with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office of a covenant containing all of the conditions The Village Planning Board further conditioned itsapproval on Norman Hubbard obtaining a variance from the Zoning Board for a lot having 17,261 square feet. The Zoning Board in a decision dated May 15, 1981 granted Norman Hubbard the requested variance subject to the condition that there would be no further request for a variance under the Zoning Code. The present application came on for a hearing December 19, 2013. The applicant's agent was advised of the prior applications submitted to the Village, specifically the decision of the Zoning Board that there would be no further request for a variance. Since the Board received a letter from the owner of the property requesting an adjournment, the Board adjourned the matter until itsnext meeting in January. Prior to the meeting on January 16, 2014, the applicant submitted an amended application which application changed the address of the property to 114 Jessup Avenue, indicated that a prior variance had been granted by the Zoning Board and expanded in more detail the basis for the requested variance. Since this application did not change any of the substantive requests for a variance, no new notice or hearing was required. At the meeting the applicant was advised, that in addition to the condition imposed by the FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 Zoning Board in 1981 that no further variances would be granted, there were conditions imposed by the Suffolk County Planning Commimion and the Village Planning Board in the granting of the subdivision application and that those conditions had to be contained in a covenant to be filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. The application was adjourned for a determination by the Board as to whether or not the Board had jurisdiction to consider the variance application based upon the 1981 Zoning Board determination. At the February 20, 2014 meeting, the Board rendered a determination finding that the present applicant was not the applicant in 1981 and therefore res judicata did not apply, that the Board based upon the provisions ofthe Village Law, waived any claim of statute of limitations and that the applicant could proceed with the variance application. The Board had a further discussion with the applicant with respect to the conditions imposed by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and the Village Planning Board which included the filing of a covenant in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. Since the original notice of application stated that the variance was a request to reduce the rear yard from 50 feet to 20 feet when in fact the required rear yard is 75 feet, a change in the substantive requirements not previously noted the application was adjourned to allow the Village to re-advertise the request. There were further discussions with the applicant at the meetings held on March 20, April 17 and May 16. At these meetings the applicant was advised that since the property was part of a single parcel of property in 1981, the covenant applied to both parcels of property and, in order for the Board to proceed, a covenant containing the conditions set forth in the 1981 determination had to be executed by the owners of both FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2018 04:30 PM INDEX NO. 619585/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2018 parcels of property and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. At the meeting held on June 20, 2014 the applicant stated that no such covenant had been filed and the case was closed for a determination by this Board. That based upon the foregoing this Board finds that the filing of the covenant was a condition that had to be complied with in order to complete the subdivision process creating two lots. Until such time as the covenant is filed, the subdivision process is not complete and the applicant does not have a separate lot as to which this Board has the jurisdiction to grant variance relief.Accordingly the variance application is denied. If the applicant has the covenant recorded thereby completing the subdivision process, the applicant can file a new application for variance relief. Dated: July 17, 2014