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  • LEDCOR CONSTRUCTION, INC.-V-CONSTRUCTURE, INC (MF) Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • LEDCOR CONSTRUCTION, INC.-V-CONSTRUCTURE, INC (MF) Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • LEDCOR CONSTRUCTION, INC.-V-CONSTRUCTURE, INC (MF) Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview
  • LEDCOR CONSTRUCTION, INC.-V-CONSTRUCTURE, INC (MF) Print Breach of Contract/Warranty Unlimited  document preview


a SUM 110 ON k Sr r 5 SUMMONS f wncouxruseoNir SOLO PARA USO DE 111 CORTEJ C ross C o mp la i nt C TACION JUD C AL CONTRADEMANDA NOTICE TO CROSS DEFENDANT d AVISO AL CONTRA DEMANDADO MADRID FQUIPMENT RENTAL INC a California Corporation SAN R AAADt o Ric SHAW STRUCTURES INC a California Corporation 016 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY CROSS COMPLAINANT BY LO ESTi4 DEMANDAfVDO EL CONTRADEMANDANTE N RMA MA NA EPUTY CONSTRUCTURE INC a California Corporation You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to ffle a wrkten resportse at this court and have a copy served on the cross complainantA letter or phone call will not protect you Your written resporrse must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case There may be a court fortn that you can use for your response You can find these cou tforms and more infortnaHon at the California Courts Online Self Help Center www courtinfo ca gov selfhelp your county law library or the courthouse nearest you If you cannot pay the filing fee ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form If you do not file your response on titne you may lose the case by default and your wages money and property may be taken without further waming from the court There are othar legal requirements You may want to call an attorney right away If you do not know an attorney you may want to call an attorney referral serviceIf you cannot afiord an attorney you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program You ca locate these nonprofft groups at the Cali omia Legal Services Web site www lawhelpcalifomia oig the California Courts OnUne Seff Help Centerwww courfinfo ca gov seftirelp or by contacting your local couR or county bar association NOTE The court has a statutory Ilen tor walved fees and costs o arry settlement or arbitration award of 510 000 or more in a civil case The court s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case Tiene 30 D AS DE CALENDARIO despu s de que fe enveguen esta citaclbn y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por esqrito en esta corfe y hacer que se entregue una copia al contrademandante Una ca ta o una Namada telel6nica no o protegen Su respuesta por escrito tiene que esiar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en a co fe Es posible que haya un formularlo que usted pueda usa para so respuesta Puede encontrar estos lormularios de la corte y n s informacJdn en e Centro de Ayuda de as Cortes de CaJifornia www sucorte ca gov en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que e quede mSs cerca Si no puede pagai la cuota de presenfaclbn pida a secretario de a corte que le d un formulario de exencicSn de pago de cuotas Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempopuede perder eI caso por incumplimiento y a corte le podr quifar su sueldo dinero y bienes sin mSs advertencia Hay oVos requisitos legales Es recomendable que lame a un ebogado inmediafamenie Si no conoce a un abogadopuede Ilamar a un servicio de remisibn a abogadosSi rto puede pagar a un abogado es posible que cumpla con Jos requisitos para obtener servicios legales de gratuitos un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro uede encontrar estos grupos sin ines de lucro en eJ sitio web de Califomia tegaServices www lawhelpcalifornia orgen el Centro de Ayuda de fas Cories de California www sucorte ca gov o oni ndose en contacto co r la corte o e colegio de abogados locales AVISO Por ley a corte tie e derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos exentos porlmponer un gravamen so6re cualquier recuperaci6n de 10 U00 6 m3s de valor recib da mediante un acuerdo o una concesiBn de arbitraje en un caso de der echo civil Tlene que pagar el gravamen de la corte anies de que a coRe pueda desechar e caso The name and address of the court is sr oaT NnMe oF cnsE rroc aa n NoroeB c E nombre ydireccibn de lacorte es an Bernardino Sup Court Centr Ledcor v Constructure 247 West Third Street ClSENUMBER NtimerotlelCaso San Bernardino CA 92415 0210 CIVDS 1516245 The name address and telephone number of cross complainanYs attorney or cross complainant without an attorney is E nombre Jadireccibn y el numero de tel fr no del abogado delcontrademandanfe o del contrademandante que no tiene abogado es Frank Satalino Esq 1299 E Artesia Blvd Ste 200 Carson CA 90746 949 735 7604 DATE Clerk by Doputy Fecha Secretario Adjunfo For proof of service of this summons use Proof of Service of Summons form POS 10 Para prueba de entrega de esta citafibn use el formulano Proof of Service of Summons POS 010 J NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED You are served s L as an individual cross defendant aTuF 2 0 as the person sued under the fictitious name of specify o i oae r 0 d o 3 o on behalf ofspecify under 0 CCP 416 10 corporation 0 GCP 41fi 60 minor CCP 416 20 defunct corporation F 0 CCP 416 70 conservatee ANPta 0 CCP 416 40 association or partnership CCP 416 90 authorizedperson 0 other specify 4 by personal delivery ondate Page t of Y Form ACopted tor Mandarory Use Judidal Co cilol Calfomia SU MMO NS CROSS COMPLAI NT Code dCivil ProceAure 41220 428 60 465 www courtfnlo ca gov SUM 110Rev laly 1 2009 t i SUM 200 A cnse NurneeR SHORT TITLE LGDCOR CONSTRUCTION v CONSTRUCTURE et al CIVDS 1516245 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This form may be used as an attachment to any summons if space does not permit the listing of all parties on the summons If this attachment is used insert the foilowing statement in the plaintiff or defendant box on the summons Additional Parties Attachment form is attached List additional partiesCheck only one box Use a separate page for each type of party Q Plaintiff Q Defendant Q Cross Complainant Q Cross Defendant YiHONG LlU ASSOCIATES LTD a Nevada Limited Liability Company MENDENHALL SM1TH STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL LLC a Nevada Limited Liability Company and ROES 1 through 100 Cross Defendants Page of Page 1 of t Fa dac mndoptediorMar ryu ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHIMIENT Judicial Caunal of California SUM 200 ARev January20071 Attathment to Summons