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  • MEYERS -V- ARROWHEAD LAKE Print Unlimited Civil Complaint - Real Property  document preview
  • MEYERS -V- ARROWHEAD LAKE Print Unlimited Civil Complaint - Real Property  document preview
  • MEYERS -V- ARROWHEAD LAKE Print Unlimited Civil Complaint - Real Property  document preview
  • MEYERS -V- ARROWHEAD LAKE Print Unlimited Civil Complaint - Real Property  document preview


N SUPERIOR COURT OF IFORNIA 1 egory Y Lievers Esq State Bar 110837 CSAN ERNRDNO DS R C AW OFFICES QF GREGORY Y LIEVERS 2 5860 4wens Avenue Suite 210 1U 1 2016 arlsbad CA 9200 3 760 268 1947 BY 4 STEPHANIE CARR DEPUTY 5 ttorneys for Plaintiff SCOTT MEYERS Trustee af the Meyers Revocable Trust dated June 8 O15 6 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 10 SCOTT MEYERS as Trustee of the Meyers CASE NUMBER CIVDSI514856 Revocable Trust dated Tune 8 2015 11 DECL RATION OF GREGORY Y Plaintiff LIEVERS IN OPPOSITION TO MOTIUN 12 FOR TRIAL CUNTINUANCE v 13 AI2 ROWHEAD LAKE ASSOCIATION a UNLIMITED CIV1L 14 California Non Profit Carporation MICHAEL D DITTRICK and LYNN DITTRICK as 15 Trustees of the Dittr ick Trust dated March 18 2004 JAMES R ALEXANDER and Complaint filed October 9 2015 16 MARLENE DOR4THY ALEXANDER and Trial date September 19 20 6 their Successors as Trustees of the Alexander 1 7 Family Trust dated September 4 1989 Hearing date July 27 2016 JAMISON 3 ASHBY and DONNA J ASHBY time 8 30 a m Iearing 18 Trustees of the Jamison J Ashby and Donna J Departrnent 5 30 Ashby Revocable Trust dated August 20 1996 19 and DOES 1 through 10 inclusive 2o a F AX Defe dants 21 RELATED CROSS ACTIONS 22 23 24 I Gregory Y Lievers declare as follows 25 1 I am an attorney at Yaw duly licensed to practice law in all courts ofthis state and I 26 counsel of record for Plaintiff Scott Meyers 27 28 1 Declaration ofGregory Y Lievers in Opposition to Motion for Trial Continaance m tv 1 2 Plaa ntiffs inotion vas hand delivered to my office an July 12 Although the proof f service indicates it was servec by mail on July 1 it was apparently sent to my previous office 3 ddress and was never received by me in the mail 4 I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and conect and that if called 5 a witness I could and vould con dently testify thereto 6 7 g ated regory Y Lievers Attori e for Plaintiff SCOTT YERS Trustee of the Meyers 10 Revocable Trust dated June 8 2015 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 ly 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 eclaration ofGre ory Y Lievers in Opposition toMotion for Trial Continuance