Nature of Proceedings: Petition for Coordination of Add-On Case
Defendants’ petition for coordination of add-on case is denied.
The court’s June 1, 2009 stay order is lifted.

Code of Civil Procedure Section 404.4 allows the judge presiding over coordinated actions to coordinate add-on cases pending in different courts if the factors set forth in Code of Civil Procedure 404.1 are satisfied. Section 404.1 states:

“Coordination of civil actions sharing a common question of law or fact is appropriate if one judge hearing all of the actions for all purposes in a selected site or sites will promote the ends of justice taking into account [1] whether the common question of fact or law is predominating and significant to the litigation; [2] the convenience of the parties, witnesses, and counsel; [3] the relative development of the actions and the work product of counsel; [4] the efficient utilization of judicial facilities and manpower; [5] the calendar of the courts; [6]