Plaintiffs Leading Insurance Group Insurance Co., Ltd. (U.S. Branch) dba Leading Insurance Company (U.S. Branch), Leading Insurance Services, Inc., and Kookmin Best Insurance’s Motion for Attorneys’ Fees in the Amount of $143,434.00 is GRANTED.

Plaintiffs Leading Insurance Group Insurance Co., Ltd. (U.S. Branch) dba Leading Insurance Company (U.S. Branch), Leading Insurance Services, Inc., and Kookmin Best Insurance to give notice.


Code of Civil Procedure section 2033.420, subdivision (a), provides:

If a party fails to admit the genuineness of any document or the truth of any matter when requested to do so under this chapter, and if the party requesting that admission thereafter proves the genuineness of that document or the truth of that matter, the party requesting the admission may move the court for an order requiring the party to whom the request was directed to pay the reasonable expenses incurred in making that proof, including reasonable attorney