Defendants’ Motion to Compel Plaintiff to Appear for Independent Psychiatric Exam. Defendants move to compel plaintiff to appear for a forensic psychiatrist examination by a psychiatrist and a neuropsychological exam by a psychologist. Defendants argue in support of the motion: two mental examinations, one by a psychiatrist and the other by a psychologist, are justified, because multiple examinations of a plaintiff are statutorily permitted upon a showing of good cause as held in Shapira v. Superior Court (1990) 224 Cal.App.3d 1249; mental examinations do not need to be completed within a specified time limit, such as the single eight hour period plaintiff demanded, which is arbitrary, fails to take into account the legitimate and significant purpose of the IME given the serious and ongoing nature of plaintiff’s alleged psychological injuries and plaintiff has not provided a reason to shorten the time period for the examinations; the mental health examiners are entitled to inquire as t