Plaintiff Van Roy Clemens' motion for attorney fees under Welfare and Institutions Code § 15657.5(a) (ROA # 52) is denied.

On 2/3/21, default was entered by the clerk against four defendants, including Kimberly Gillespie. (ROA # 15) On 3/24/21, a default judgment was entered against the four defendants. (ROA # 30) On 6/25/21, the Court set aside the default and default judgment as against Kimberly Gillespie. (ROA # 87) The order setting aside the default and default judgment contained the following terms: (1) defendant Kimberly Gillespie may contest plaintiff's claims for money damages against her; (2) she may assert her own claim(s) for money damages (including her claimed partial share of the equity of the property); but (3) she may not contest title to the property, or possession of the property, or seek to interfere with a sale of the property. The Court further stated that, "[i]n essence, this case will be a case about money, and not about title or possession to the property. Pla