
According to the allegations of the complaint, in 2015, plaintiff Floyd D’Aguiar (“Plaintiff”) won a Below Market Rate (“BMR”) rental lottery that was administered by defendant City of Campbell (“City”), and, on February 24, 2016, Plaintiff and defendants “Mark E. Robson individually and dba Alvin’s Corner at Penny Lane, LLC,” entered into a written lease agreement to rent the premises located at 715 W. Hamilton Ave., Apt. 301 (hereinafter, “subject premises”). (See complaint, ¶¶ 2, 6-7.) The lease was a 12-month lease, renewable as a month-to-month lease thereafter, subject to the annual recertification of Plaintiff’s BMR eligibility by defendant Alvin’s Corner at Penny Lane, LLC (“Alvin’s”) and approval from City. (See complaint, ¶ 8.)

Alvin’s certified Plaintiff’s BMR eligibility at move-in in February 2016 and subsequently thereafter in May 2016, and Plaintiff was approved to rent by City. (See complaint, ¶ 9.) On June 7, 2016, defendant Housekeys, Inc. (“Housekeys”) was appoi