Superior Court of California

County of Los Angeles – Central District

Department 53

State Farm Mutual Automobile insurance company. ; Plaintiff, vs. arina babayan , et al., Defendants.

Case No.: 20STCV16203

Hearing Date: August 26, 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m.

[Tentative] Order RE:

MOTION for order deeming admitted truth of facts in request for admissions sets one to defendants arina babayan and aslan okhoyan, and request for sanctions in sum of $585

MOVING PARTY: Plaintiff State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company

RESPONDING PARTIES: Arina Babayan and Aslan Okhoyan

Motion for Order Deeming Admitted Truth of Facts in Request for Admissions Sets One to Defendants Arina Babayan and Aslan Okhoyan, and Request for Sanctions in Sum of $585

The court considered the moving papers and the declaration of Plaintiffs’ Attorney filed in response to the motion.


Plaintiff State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (“Plaintiff”) filed this action on April 28, 2020, against