Motion: By defendants for admission of counsel pro hac vice
Tentative Ruling:
To deny, without prejudice.
The application states it was served by electronic service, which is permitted by Judicial Council Emergency Rule 12. However, Code of Civil Procedure section 1013b, subdivision (b)(3) states that a proof of such service must include: “The name and electronic service address of the person served.” No electronic service address is provided for the State Bar of California.
California Rules of Court, rule 9.40(d)(5) requires that the applicant list all cases and courts in this State in which he or she has submitted an application for admission pro hac vice. Counsel here does not provide such information; he states only that he was not admitted. An application can be denied. All prior applications in the applicable time period must be listed.
Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Procedure section 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further writt