delara nasseri, Plaintiff, v. Caroline Zeytuntsyan, Defendant.

Case No.: 19STCV35171

Hearing Date: September 22, 2020


motions to compel discovery responses

Defendant Caroline Zeytuntsyan (“Defendant”) moves to compel responses from Plaintiff Delara Nasseri (“Plaintiff”) to: (1) Request for Production of Documents, Set One (“RPD”); (2) Form Interrogatories, Set One (“FROG”); and (3) Special Interrogatories, Set One (“SROG”).

Defendant served the written discovery on Plaintiff via email on March 27, 2020. Plaintiff’s responses were thus due by April 28, 2020. As of the filing date of these motions, Defendant has not received responses from Plaintiff. Plaintiff has not opposed the motions, and there is nothing in the record suggesting that she has complied with her discovery obligations. Therefore, the motions to compel are granted.

Defendant seeks sanctions against Plaintiff and her counsel in the total amount of $1,716. The Court finds that Plaintiff’s failu