Motion: By Defendant Nivninder Kaur to set aside the entry of default. Tentative Ruling:
To grant the motion to set aside the default. Defendant shall have five (5) court days from the date of notice of this ruling to file the proposed answer with the Court. Defendant is to perfect service of the answer in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Defendant Nivninder Kaur has filed this motion to set aside the default entered by this Court on July 23, 2019. The Court’s files show that a proof of service was filed with the Court on July 17, 2019 indicating that Defendant Kaur was served by substitute service on June 7, 2019, with the papers mailed to Defendant on June 10, 2019. In its previous tentative ruling of February 5, 2020, the Court found that, despite some procedural issues with Defendant’s papers, Defendant had borne the burden to show entitlement to relief under Code of Civil Procedure section 473, subdivision (b). Defendant had sh