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  • TD Auto Finance LLC -v- Foster et alRule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited document preview
  • TD Auto Finance LLC -v- Foster et alRule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited document preview


\r \r STATE BAR NUMBER Reserved Fileslamp for Clerk's NAME AND ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY ORIPARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: MacDowell &‘ Assoc1ates, Ltd. 21 651 3 ‘ F i L E D 0F CALIFORNIA David T, chem, Esq , 31636 Eirch . btéPoEtmgyR 8,981? ewpo Beac Ski: $233660 N BERNA SAN BERNARDINO DISTRR%'¥O I: EQEEHAODVEEREgS; CONFERENCE TRIAL SETTING DATE: 12—1 4-2 ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff UNLIMITED CASE: FAXN0.(0pti0na|)1 LIMITED CASE: DDEPT; DEC 1 3 2021 W SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO COURTHOUSEADDRESS: 247 West Third Ave, San Bernardino CA 92415 By ' PLAINTIFF: T D Auto Flnance LLC BRIAN GUTIERHEZ, DEPUTY DEFENDANT'Paula Foster INITIAL TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT (,mzmfi INSTRUCTIONS: All must be checked, and the specified information must be provided. applicable boxes Party or parties (answer one): I a. EThis statement is MaCDowell submitted by party (name): & Associates , Ltd. , Plaintiff S counsel b. DThis statement issubmitted Jolntly by parties (names): Servlce of Complaint on B parties all has been completed. D has not been completed. Service of Cross-Complaim on all D parties has been completed. D has not been completed. °°S°"P"°" “casein 00mph“? Breach of Contract, automobile retail contract Cross-Complaint: Description of case in Hasall Do you agree to mediation? Yes Yes discovery been completed: E D No m No D Please check type agreed to: be completed: Daxe discovery anticipated to Private: I — I5—22 Court-sponsored: X w 3 Related cases, consolidation, and coordination a. D There are companion, underlying, or related cases. (1) Name of case: Name of court: w (2) (3) Case number: (4) Status: b. DA motion toD D consolidate coordinate will (name ofparty): be filed by requestedflesfl Trlaldates No D late Available dates: JUly ZhQuISJTD Timeestimate: COURTS 2022 10. Other issues: The followin%additional matters are re_quest'ed to be considered by the Court: Set lement negotlatlons 11. Meet and Confer: D The panies represent that they subjects required by California Rules of Court, Rule 3.724. have met and conferred on all D The into the following stipulation(s): have entered parties 12. Totalnumber of pages attachedany): (If alternative dispute resolution, as well as other issues raised by Iam this case and wiII be fully prepared to discuss the status of discovery and completely familiar with authority Setting Conference. including the written and wi|l possess the authority to enter into stipulations on these issues at the time of the Initial Trial this statement. ofthe pa wherere ired. \ David T. Chen, Esq \ (TYPEOR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY x (TYPEOR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY 0R ATTORNEY Form # 13-09001-360 Rev. 11—2021 Mandatory INITIAL TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT