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  • MI21D3222JP Eggleston, Steven Mark and Mcguire, Kendra Alexis Joint Petition document preview
  • MI21D3222JP Eggleston, Steven Mark and Mcguire, Kendra Alexis Joint Petition document preview


Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department Middlesex Division Docket No. MI 21D3222 JP Judgment of Divorce Nisi Steven Mark Eggleston, Petitioner of Lexington, Massachusetts Vv. Kendra Alexis McGuire, Petitioner of Belmont, Massachusetts All persons interested having been notified in accordance with the law, and after hearing, it is adjudged nisi that a divorce from the bonds of matrimony be granted said Petitioners for the cause of Irretrievable Breakdown of the marriage under M.G.L. c. 208, Sec. 1A as provided by Chapter 208, §§ 1 and 2 and that upon and after the expiration of ninety (90) days from the entry of this Judgment it shall become and be absolute unless, upon the application of any person within such period, the Court shall otherwise order. It is further ordered that the Master’s report dated December 2, 2021 filed with said Court be and hereby is confirmed, that the parties are ordered to comply with the terms of an Agreement dated July 13 2021 whicirts fited— iree cand . mes urvive aS an independent contract -01 — which is filed, incorporated and not merged, but shall survive and remain as an independent contract, except as to child related issues, amount of alimony, and medical and dental insurance for the children. The wife be and is hereby permitted to resume her former name, to wit: Kendra Alexis McGuire January 3, 2022 Date d Middlesex Ptobdte and,