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  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


INDEX NO. 519700/2018 rf NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2020 KINGS COUNTY GLER? Atan LAS. Trial Term, Part9/of the Supreme 2020FEB-6 AM 9: 28 Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse, located at Civic Center, Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New York, on the ST day of Feb o> PR ES E,N T Hon. Justice ¢ LorENr Plaintiff(s) Cal. No. (0 Index No. Sf) FI bd Ne against- N . Pave Defendant(s) The following papers numbered 1 to read on this motion Papers Numbered Notice of Motion - Order to Show Cause and Affidavits (Affirmations) Annexed. Answering Affidavit (Affirmation), Reply Affidavit (Affirmation). Affidavit (Affirmation), Pleadings - Exhibits. Stipulations - Minutes. Filed Papers. Pad Way oy Arse PC open > be aueen ert C= COAL ys Walkr \s steel Por by deys a rst tel Cy) a Fiyrs Br cots MSburge yok tole Getl Re G@ansak Radin yx WoSh SB Sot gerbe For cs y eh use only Olt to SIAN& oe Woe Le MG_.~ Motion Seq. # ksos ant) Ra oe = EJV-rev 11-04 HON. PAMELAL. FISHER lof 1