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  • CORNELIA Y SMITH VS RICHARD SMITHContempt - Joint Child Support/Alimony document preview
  • CORNELIA Y SMITH VS RICHARD SMITHContempt - Joint Child Support/Alimony document preview
  • CORNELIA Y SMITH VS RICHARD SMITHContempt - Joint Child Support/Alimony document preview
  • CORNELIA Y SMITH VS RICHARD SMITHContempt - Joint Child Support/Alimony document preview


IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CORNELIA YVONNE SMITH, ) ) Petitioner, ) v. ) CIVIL ACTION ) FILE NO.: 20FM4344 RICHARD SMITH ) ) Respondent. ) FINAL JUDGMENT AND DECREE OF CONTEMPT The above referenced case came before this honorable Court on December 2nd, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. Cornelia Yvonne Smith, Petitioner in this action, and her Attorney appeared before the court for a Final Hearing on her Motion for Contempt. The Respondent in this action did not attend this final hearing and was properly served by publication. A brief hearing was held an as such it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. The Petitioner and Respondent were divorced on or about July 22, 2015 upon which the Court ordered the Respondent was too pay the Petitioner permanent alimony in the amount of $2500.00 dollar per month, payable on the 1st day of each month and continuing until such time as the Petitioner remarries, dies or until such award is modified or discontinued by further order of any Court having jurisdiction. Respondent has not made the monthly payments for 13 months in willful disregard of this Court’s order. 2. As such, the Court hereby orders that the Respondent be incarcerated until such time that he pays the owed arrearages in full. The total amount owed as of the date of this order is $37,500.00. Upon paying the full arrearage amount Respondent shall be released from incarceration. 3. The Petitioner’s request for attorney’s fees under O.C.G.A. §19-6-2. is hereby granted As such, the Court orders that the Respondent pays $2,500.00 in attorney’s fees to counsel for the Petitioner. Said payment is due instanter. Paymnt shall be made t affe Family Law LLC and be sent to: 47 80 Ashford Dunwoody Road Suite 540 Box 611 Atlanta, Georgia 30338 SO ORDERED this 18t day o—f aniJ am 2222 72041. _____. E NORABLE JUDGE _ ___ _____ SHONDEANA C. MORRIS _ _ ___ Superior Court of Dekalb County State of Georgia Prepared By: /s/ Ryan Castellon Ryan Castellon, Esq GA Bar No.1 131855 Attorneys for Petitioner 4780 Ashford Dunwoody Rd. Suite 540 Box 611 Atlanta, GA 30338 T: (404) 3 17-0042 E: