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  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview


THE FIERBERG NATIONAL LAW GROUP, PLLC I3? DOUGLAS E. FIERBERG (admitted pro hac vice) derber g@tfnlgroup. com JONATHON N. FAZZOLA (admitted pro hac vice) jfazzola@g”nlgroup. com 161 East Front Street, Suite 200 Traverse City, MI 49684 Telephone: (23 1) 933-01 80 Fax: (23 1) 252-8100 SAWYER & LABAR LLP IVO LABAR, State Bar No203492~ labal@sawyerlabar. com 1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 108 San Francisco, CA 941 1 1 Telephone: (4 l 5) 262-3 820 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 10 DAPHNE BELETSIS '. YVONNE RAINEY 11 " z M12 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA LABAR LLP ‘13 COUNTY 0F SANTA CRUZ 1700 MONTGOMERY ST. srE 105.. TELEPHONE: '41 5.2623820 SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 11 mvwsa‘wyerlabancom 14 DAPHNE BELETSIS, individually, and as 7 Case No. 19CV03287 Administrator of the ESTATE OF & 1'5 ALEXANDER BELETSIS, and SAWYER YVONNE RAINEY, surviving parent of 16 ALEXANDER BELETSIS, deceased OBJECTIONS To EVIDENCE SUBMITTED BY DEFENDANT 17 . _ NAJPREET SINGH KAHLON IN Plamtlffs, SUPPORT 0F MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 0R 1N THE ' ‘ 18 vs. I - I ‘ ALTERNATIVE SUMMARY 19 THETA CHI FRATERNITY , ADJUDICATION; AND ' INC , et al. , . [PROPOSED] ORDER 20 21 Defendants; Hearing Date: Time: IQWM 8: 30 a. m. is] Dept: 10 22 . Complaint Filed: October 3 1, 2019 23 FAC Filed: February 5, 2020 Trial Date: June 9. 2022 24 25 26 27 28 ' I ‘ i PLAINTIFFS’ EVIDENTIARY OBJECTIONS RUUNGS l Pursuant to California Rules of Court 3.1352 and 3.1354, Plaintiffs Daphne Beletsis, and as Administrator of the Estate of Alexander Beletsis (“Alex”), and Yvonne individua11y Rainey, as a surviving parent of Alex, hereby obj ect to portions of the evidence led in support of Defendant Najpreet Singh Kahlon’s Motion for Summary Judgment or, in the Alternative, Summary Adjudication. IPlaintiffs respectfully request that the Court strike the objectionable portions of'the evidence, as set forth below. _’77wCowY‘17 N/QSQSQj/OWS; .F (XL) Mam] OBJECTIONS To KAHLON DECLARATION Material Objected to: Grounds for Objection: Ruling: ,~ - 10 1. Kahlon Declaration, page Improper Legal Conclusion Sustained: 2, lines 4-7: “Alex Beletsis (Evid. Code § 310). See also was not being initiated or Hayman v.Block, 176 OVemlled- 11 ‘hazed’ in any capacity, as Ca1.App.3d 629, 638—39 (1986) \U\ 12 he was already a fully (afdavits and declarations member of Theta Chi since in support of summary LLI’ submitted 13 the Fall of 2017. (judgment “must cite evidentiary gate—M— 1700 MONTGOMERY ST. STE 108 - LABA'R TELEPHON Elf“ 5.2623820 SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94111 facts, not legal conclusions or mvwzst'rawyellahamom 14 . ., _ _ - = ‘ultimate’facts”);Marriage of Heggie, 99 Cal. App. 4th 28, 30 8L .15- n.3 (2002) (“The proper place SA\VYER ' 16 for argument is in points and Judge authorities, not declarations”). 17 Defendant Kahlon’s statement is 18 not a statement of fact, but an 19 improper legal conclusion that conicts, as a matter of law, with 20 the Court’s October 14, 2020 Order Denying Defendant 21 Kahlon’s Motion to Strike Portions of the First Amended 22 Complaint, and the Court’s 23 October 14, 2020 Order Denying Defendant Theta Chi Fraternity 24 lnc.’s Motion to Strike Portions of the First Amended Complaint. 25 See October 14, 2021 Order Denying Kahlon Motion (Ex. 3 26 to Plaintiffs’ Index of Evidence); ‘ 27 See October l4, 2021 Order Denying Kahlon Motion (Ex. 4 28 2 RVLJ [V650N PLAINTIFFS EVIDENTIARY OBJECTIONs . to Plaintiffs’ Index of Evidence). 2. Kahlon Irrelevant (Evid. Code‘ §§ 2 1 0, Sustained: Declaration, page 350) lines 7-8: “. Overruled: 2, .. and unlike Alex-I Lacks Foundation (Evid. Code § did not have a 403) . / _ fake-ID to alcohol.” Speculation / Lacks Personal purchase Knowledge (Evid. Code § 702) (Judge '33“; 1 .7,.y - y I"“—. 5 PF :3] {1,2 i‘r-i'v .. 3. Kahlon Irrelevant (Evid. Code §§ 210, lsu‘staine’d: e a 10 Declaration, page 350) ‘ I lines 23-24: Overruled: 2, 11 “Alex was well Lacks Foundation (Evid. Code § liked but not 403) . 12 considered very Speculation / Lacks Personal LABAR LLP responsible ...” 13 Knowledge (Evid-E’Cd‘de‘ §‘:702) 9 A 1700 MONTGOMERY ST. STE 108 TELEPHONE: 41 512623820 SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 11 www.5awyerlabancom 14 & 15 32-1;- SAWYER 16~ 17 II. 18 R VLJ M65 071/ OBJECTIONS To O’NEIL DECLARATION 19 N ‘" MaterialwObjectéd toi '1VGrOuli‘dsfor Objection: '7 Ruling “l' V. _ 20 4. O’Neil Declaration, W 3- Best Evidence Rule (Evid. Code Sustained: 10. §§ 1520, 1523) *21‘ Improper Secondary Evidence Overruled: i (Evid. Code § 1521) 23 Speculation / Lacks Personal Date: OZ 24 Knowledge (Evid. Code § 702) i 25‘ ., Misstates Evidence 5- l/ ‘26 Improper Argument and Legal Judge Conclusions, Not Factual 27 gfahu glfga Statements (Evid. Code § 310); 28 See also Hayman v. Block, 176 Ca1.App.3d 629, 638-39 (1986) l 3 - . . EVIDENTIARY OBJECTIONS" PUMA/gs W'PLAINTIFFS’ h (afdavits and declarations submitted in support of summary judgment “must cite evidentiary facts, not legal conclusions or ‘ultimate’ facts,” and “[m]atters which would be excluded under the rules of evidence if proffered by a witness in a trial as hearsay, conclusions or impermissible opinions must be disregarded in supporting afdavits”); Marriage ofHeggie, 99 Cal. App. 4th 28, 30 n.3 (2002) (“The proper place for argument is in points and authorities, not declarations”). :10 Improper Opinion (Evid. Code § 803) 11 12 L'ABAR LLP 13 III. RUM/V 1700 MONTGOMERY ST. STE 108 TELEPHONE: 415.252.8820 SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 11 W\ 14 OBJECTIONS OEXHIBITS SUBMITTED BY DEFENDANT KAHLON ' 15‘ Material Objected to: Grounds for Objection: 3L l Sustained:Rulin‘gf/ ' SAWYER Santa Rosa High Irrelevant (Evid. Code §§ 210, ”dam; . 16 School Records 350) Overruled: 17 (Ex E to Lacks Foundation (Evid. Code § Defendant 18 Kahlon’s Index of 403) ‘ » p ’ \ pgg ZS ' Evidence). 19 Hearsay (Evid. Code § 1200, et- Date: 2Q seq.) 20 21 JP :ZIIE 22 Riggs}: €531)“ from the Lacks Foundation (Evid. Code § Sustained: 23 . Excerpts Deposition 403) 24 Transcript of Matthieu Turk (Ex. Lacks Personal Knowledge / Speculation (Evid. Code § 702) 25_ H to Defendant Kahlon’s Index of Code § 26 Improper Opinion (Evid. Evidence), page 803) 27 183, lines 5-13: “Q. .. did anyone at 28 Theta Chi pressure A ’ g l 4 k UL} IVES GIV PLAINTIFFS’ EVIDENTIARY OBJECTIONS Alex to drink like, you know, say hey? A. -No, I didn’t see AIex get pressured. Not that I recall. -Q.'A Would you say that Alex drank because he liked to drink? [Obj ection] A. I would say . Alex drank because heliked to drink.” ‘v / Excerpts om the Improper Opinion (Evid. Code § Sustained: Deposition 803) Transcript of 10 Miguel Salvidar Speculation / Lacks Personal Knowledge (Evid. Code § Overruledzt (Ex. I to Defendant 702) Wpfinf 11 12 Kahlon’s Index of Evidence), pages: Date. w 177, lines 9—12: “Q. LABAR LLP 13 Was there a lot of 1700 MONTGOMERY ST. STE 106 TELEPHONE?“ 52623820 SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 11 peer pressure at www.mwyeriabancom '14 Theta Chi? A. - From my s; -. . 1‘5 experience, no. Q. E"!35m W3. MAREG3333::f5 {E‘F SAWYER / 16 Why do you say that? A. We’re all 17 individuals, 'ee 18 will.” 19 . UCSC Records Irrelevant (Evid. Code §§ 210, S s ained: concerning Alexander 350) lg 20 Beletsis (Ex. K to vegle : Defendant Kahlon’s Lacks Foundation (Evid. Code § 21 Index of Evidence). 403) 22 Hearsay (Evid. Code § 1200, et 23 seq.) 24 25 mm E “ ‘ ' A26 . Text Messages between Irrelevant (Evid. Code §§ 2 1 0, é‘t’lecf: 27 Sophia Beletsis and 350) Alex Beletsis (Ex. F to Lacks Foundation (Evid. Overruled. 28 Defendant Kahlon’s Code § A I Wsgl/a) W . 5 _ PLAINTIFFS’ EVIDENTIARY OBJECT-IONS HyL/A/GS Index of Evidence) 403) Hearsay (Evid. Code § 1200, et seq-) 2:- “ ” 4 10.Excerpts from the Improper Opinion (Evid. Code § Overruled: Deposition Transcript of 803) Leon Burns (Ex. G to _S° ‘ ._. Defendant Kahlon’s Index rm: I‘ anv of Evidence), pages: Date. 268125—269z8: “Q: was Alex someone who was 10 : known as someone who liked to drink? A. Yes ...” Judge 11 AW 1 r: :xA Alprvui 12 ‘“15r=‘_r“\..="*b 3aAL§$A 1i LABAR LLP .13 DATED: 700 MONTGOMERY ST. STE 108 mmlsjjzl TELEPHONE: ‘41 5.2623820 SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 11 14 8: 15 SA‘VYER 16 1 17 18 19 26 21 22 23 24 ‘ 25 26 27 28 A V A A A I 6 ' R UNA/‘95 div PLAINTIFFS’ EVIDENTIARY OBJECTIONS