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  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview
  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview


MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE JD-CV-21. Rev. 5-15 C.GS. § 52-196 P.B. §§ 14-23, 14-24 Instructions To Person Making Motion ADA NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at Fill out all sections of this form except the Order section and file it with the Clerk of the Court at least three (3) days before the date of the scheduled event. STATE OF CONNECTICUT [court USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT MECSE FAK 247 392 B10 AEE LY Docket number ? FBT-CV- S0Y0 YF -S TT! Name Pa) (Full, Vo of | at v. Full name of Defendant) CAYI NO Je Fa ReElL) (4 Arse cr er au ‘Judicial Ls wy Geographical ‘Address of Court (Number, street, town and zip code) eotrt: i rea District Session NerelST| JO6/ mAlad S&T BCIDCE E1727 CT. 0660¥ Date of Motion ‘Sequence Number on Short Calendar (ifapplicable) | Name of Judge Who Scheduled the Event this Continuance is Requested for (if applicable) . Stg ¥-27,20/4 Date of Scheduidd Event. | Person Making Motion is: Oct. 29,2.0/9 | LT Piaintis attorney 3 Prant [J] Defendant's attorney [_] Defendant _[_] Other Firm Name, if Applicable ‘Address Phone Number (with area Bee Event For Which Continuance Is Requested: (°x” applicable box(es) and explain below) C] Pretrial (_] Status Conference (] Trial Management Conference LJ Other C Arbitration (_] Administrative Appeal Hearing [_] Attorney Trial Referee Proceeding Court Trial .[_] Judicial-Alternative Dispute Resolution (J-ADR) Reason(s) For Continuance Request: . exe reason(s) and provide an explanation) ‘ (J Discovery not complete (J Counsel not ready (J Early Intervention Conference {_] Fact-Finding {_] Foreclosure Mediation LJ Jury Triat LJ Hearing In Damages {_] Lay witness not available (Name of witness) [_] Counsel not available ~ (rAa JLANS> > [_] Other Party not available (Name of party) LOU/¢ Aas Il UY TH? Expert witness not available (Name of Continue.explanation, if — Sheant of witness) Ca. h Leen gle ~ po meh ind by dD, Le iH it _ For the above reason(s), | request this case be continued to-(date): = 40: - Vf mi yiL O22? at the court's discretion. ‘29 ) G have contacted all counsel and self-represented parties of record about my intention to seek a continuance. All of the counsel and self-repréesented parties: (J Consent [j Do Not Consent continuance is granted or denied, and if granted, the new date of the scheduled event. Certification 1 certify that a copy of this document was mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically on eae 4 te ¢ Have not responded to the above motion for continuance and requested continuance date. Note: An agreement to continue a matter does not mean that the motion will automatically be granted by the court. l agree to be responsible for notifying my client, if applicable, and all counsel of record and self-represented parties whether the 2067 to all attorneys and self-represented parties of record and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all attorneys and self-represented parties receiving electronic delivery. Name and address of each parly and attomey that copy was mailed or delivered to™ (A Hie uUt7t nee LA Donjlourt Jo piAle. com (WU _4 Sign jignature of filer) ‘ aie type name of person signing ‘sigi emmy BE PaVmone Faieu Tri (ay P27, 209 ks address (Number, street, town, aa ‘and Zip ee Telephone numbef Motion For Continuance is: Matter Continued To: | Signed (Judge) Order C1 crantea Denied “Ol “If necessary, attach additional sheet or sheets with name and address which the copy was mailed or delivered to. 166 —8:700.6 8696