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  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview
  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview
  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview
  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview
  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview
  • PANIGUTTI,RAYMOND v. FAIRFIELD PROBATE COURTW00 - Wills - Probate Appeals document preview


Dockel FET -cV-I9 - so4os 44 Superior Count JD of Fairfield ( mY awd Cadi uUuvr) at Bndgeport Plainalt : PrsiGurty, raske — pae§apt ay, ro to cite addi bane! dofendat- jeansas woth Judes Dorsed ymt phat ~ did rat hid § did. my ee ; rvel Re yr ds wert A | : wdleS ao om gd de Pir-# Plaintiff / Defendant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing Monon has been mailed to all pro se parties/counse! of record on __ cegl 24, a ey ~ (Ot: ORDER ard by the court is hereby ordered: The foregoing MONE having been he GRANTED / DENIED | | | | By the Court “Judge / Clerk” Date - Lo. .‘SUMMONS - CIVIL UP-CV-1 Rev, 4-16 54-346, 51-347, 51-349, 5 52-48, See other: side for instructi Oo costs is $2,500 or more. ox TO: Any proper officer; BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, you are hereby yy id 2-259, PB §§ 3-1 through 3-21, 6-1, 10-13 1-350, 52-45a, ions if claiming other relief in addition to or in lieu of money or damages. this Summons and attached Complaint. Amended "X" if amount, legal interest or property in demand, not including interest and costs is less than $2,500. “X" if amount, legal interest or property in demand, not including interest and STATE OF CONNECTICUT -SUPERIOR COURT ‘Address of court clerk where’ writ and other papers shall be filed: (Number, street, town and zip code) | Telephone number of clerk Return Date (Must be a Tuesday) (C.G.S. §§ 51-346, 514 7350) ‘. . (with area code) (Dol Main Seet Lonceank [09 574-6530 |—wox— reer Bf usiciat District | GA ‘At (Town in whidh \rit is returnabje) (C.G.S. §§ 51-346, 51-349) Case type wW (See list on page 2) [] Housing Session | Number: n Major: Minor:Q0> For the Plaintiff(s) please enter the appearance of: Vs : Name and address of filomey. law firm or plaintiff if self-represented (Number, street, town and zip code) ‘Juris number (ip be entered by attorney only) LAY me) PAu GurTl fPeLlo AAT + 29 352 /G9- 779 mie Telephone tramber (with area code) Signature of Plaintiff (If self-represented) (2 Jfosbscob. | PRATR ONAL. 2 OlSO THAILAND [Pamond fers Email address for delvery Of papers under Secton\I0-13 (agreed to) PANIC TIN mAlectTyY, Lom The attorney oF law firm appearing for the plaintiff, or the plaintiff if self-represented, agrees to accept papers (service) electronically in this case under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut Practice Book. byes CI No Number of Plaintiffs, Number of Defendants: oO Form JD-CV-2 attached for additional parties Parties [Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) and Address of Each party (Number; Street; P.O. Box; Town; State; Zip; Country, if not USA) First Name: Fangyin mar d BPPOLLO AFAFT £79 P-01 Plaintiff | Address: ‘ Vay 252 /E 4-70 wm.dd PRATAmNA I 29159 Name: 5 P-02 Address: TAHA LAND First name: Faiitiedl) folk W225 OLD GosT RD FAIGFIELD CT p01 Defendant _ | Address: dt a - Sz Additional [Name: Fayyuth , Louis 10G PA 7A Bo a PE _#CBS D.02 Defendant [Address 1) L/ViN@TON , TX 77399 -/006 Additional | Name: D-03 Defendant | Adress: / Additional | Name: D-04 Defendant | Address: Notice to Each Defendant 41. YOU ARE BEING SUED. This paper is a Summons in a lawsuit. The complaint attached to these papers states the claims that each plaintiff is making against you in this lawsuit. 2. To be notified of further proceedings, you or your attorney must file a form called an "Appearance" with the clerk of the above-named Court at the above Court address onjor before the second day after the above Return Date. The Return Date is not a hearing date. You do not have to come to court on the Return Date unless you receive a separate notice telling you to come to court. 3. If you or your attorney do not file a written "Appearance" form on time, a judgment may be entered against you by default. The “Appearance” form may be obtained at the Court address above or at www, under "Court Forms." 4. If you believe that you have insurance that may cover the claim that is being made against you in this lawsuit, you should immediately contact your insurance representative. Other action you may have to take is described in the Connecticut Practice Book which may be found in a superior court law Hbrary or on-line at www, under "Court Rules.” 5. If you have questions about the Summons and Complaint, you should talk to an attorney quickly. The Clerk of Court is not allowed to give advice on legal questions. | \ Signed (Sign and “proper box) Sonsios Gout ‘ofthe | Name of Person Signing at Left Date ai Geanare Assistant Clerk Jemma Lerucse clasfiy If this Summons is signed by a Clerk: For Court Use Only File Date soll O& Peo Docket Number cv 49-S$9 40 944 a, The signing has Been done so that the Plaintiff(s) will not be denied access to the courts. b. It is the responsibility of the Plaintiff(s) to see that service is made in the manner provided by law. c. The Clerk is not permitted to give any legal advice in connection with any lawsuit. d. The Clerk signing this Summons at the request of the Plaintiff(s) is not responsible in any way for any errors or omissions in the Summons, any allegations contained in the Complaint, or the service of the Summons or Complaint. gr? . 1 certify | have read and | Sigded Sei-Represexied PlaintitN = | Dal understand the above: ons ne 1 Zz 8, es | N CN (Page 1 of 2) T