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  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Seven Hundred Dollars ($700) Forfeiture, G.L. c. 94C, § 47 document preview
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Seven Hundred Dollars ($700) Forfeiture, G.L. c. 94C, § 47 document preview


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, ss. SALEM SUPERIOR COURT _ CIVIL ACTION NO. 1977CV (00 3F 4 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, BY JONATHAN W. BLODGETT, DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT (ESSEX COUNTY), Plaintiff v. SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($700), Defendant-In-Rem. ORDER OF NOTICE and PRELIMINARY CUSTODY After due consideration of the Commonwealth’s ex parte request for an Order of Notice and a Preliminary Order of Custody: It is hereby ORDERED and ADJUDGED that: 1. The Commonwealth shall provide notice by certified mail to the owner of the Defendant- in-Rem (res) and other interested persons of this civil action; 2. The seizing law enforcement agency shall retain custody of the res, pending this Court’s final judgment in this civil forfeiture action or further instructions from this Court. Dated at Salem, Massachusstshis 26 day of _ (YLQn/UW _, 2019. L vt 1 Ln JJ. ii imahry Q. Feeley, J.