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  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS SUPERIOR COURT Civil Action No. 1677-CV-01419 SABA HASHEM, individually, and as a Member of, and derivatively on behalf of, D‘ANGELO and HASHEM, LLC. Plaintiff, ve STEPHEN L. D’ANGELO, D’ANGELO LAW GROUP, LLC, and D’ANGELO AND HASHEM, LLC. Defendants. ee Affidavit of No Opposition I Albert L. Farrah hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that on January 12, 2021 I served by mail my Motion To Withdraw As Counsel To The Plaintiff on all attorneys of record and Saba Hashem. A copy is attached as Exhibit A. I further certify that I have received no opposition to that motion. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this 8th day of February, 2021. ms om ert L. 8 ¢ a mx a CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE -~ 5a SUFFOLK, SS February © 203, . > 39 One original and one copy of the above pleading was today emaikgi to all counsel of record and mailed and emailed to Saba Hashem. wo S a4eA COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS SUPERIOR COURT Civil Action No. 1677-CV-01419 SABA HASHEM, individually, and as a Member of, and derivatively on behalf of, D’ANGELO and HASHEM, LLC. : Plaintiff, v. STEPHEN L. D’ ANGELO, D’ANGELO LAW GROUP LLC, and D’ANGELO AND HASHEM, LLC. Defendants. Ne meme Motion To Withdraw As Counsel To The Plaintiff Motion to Withdraw As Counsel To The Plaintiff The undersigned hereby moves he be permitted to withdraw as counsel to the plaintiff in the above action. The plaintiff is without sufficient funds to pay the balance currently due the undersigned as well as costs and attorney’s fees likely to be incurred in the preparation for and trial of this matter. —~ Mm - January 12, 2021 Saba Hashem 2. a by hip“attorney m xX BS ea — ar Albert Farrah, Esq, ° 23 800 Boylston Street, Suite 1600 2 Boston, MA 02219 Ss 2 617-694-1549 oes - BBO No. 159340 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUFFOLK, SS January 12, 2021 One original and one co: py of the above pleading was today mailed to all counsel of record and to Saba Hashem. Albert L. Farrah, Jr., Esq.FARRAH Trial Lawyers and Legal Counselors 800 Boylston Street, Suite 1600 Boston, MA 02199 www. January 12, 2021 Mernaysa Rivera-Bujosa Esq. Rivera-Bujosa Law, PC Shipway Place, Suite C2 Charlestown, MA 02129 Thomas C. LaPorte, Esq. Cossingham Law Office, P.C. 30 Massachusetts Avenue, Ste 404 North Andover, MA 01845 Counsel: Albert L. Farrah, Jr., Esq. Direct dial (617) 694-1549 Enclosed please find a copy of my Motion to Withdraw As Counsel To The Plaintiff. Please forward any response within the applicable time periods setfort{fin Superior Court Rule 9A, that provides: “All Oppositions must be served no fater‘than 10 days after service of the Motion Papers.” Si Ly, ‘arrah. ALF/sisi cc: Saba Hashem enclosure Se zi} G33