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  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview
  • Saba Hashem Individually and as a member of And derivatively on behalf of D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC vs. D'Angelo, Stephen L. et al Accounting document preview


ale J COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETS ESSEX, SS ~ SUPERIOR COURT SABA HASHEM, individually, and as a Member of, and derivatively on behalf of, D’ANGELO and HASHEM, LLC. Plaintiff, Civil Action No.1677-CV-01419 fe Vv. STEPHEN L. D’ANGELO, D’ANGELO LAW GROUP, LLC, and D’ANGELO AND HASHEM, LLC. Defendants. i REQUEST FOR HEARING 8! AIS 6497 - Law D vu NOW COMES, Thomas C. LaPorte, Attorney for Stephen L. D’Angelo and D’Angelo Group and request a hearing on said parties’ Motion for Summary Adjudication of Plaintiffs’ counts except Quantum Meruit. As grounds herefore, the moving parties rely on Superior Court Rule 9A(c)(3) wherein the Superior Court Rule sets forth a presumptive right of hearing on Motions for Summary Judgment. Respectfully submitted, Stephen L. D’Angelo and D’Angelo Law Group, LLC By their attorneys, Dwar CNBR Date: August 1, 2019 Thomas C. LaPorte (BBO #634194) Kenneth A. Cossingham (BBO # 100970) Cossingham Law Office, P.C. 30 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 404 North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 685-5686