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  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview
  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview
  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview
  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview
  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview
  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview
  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview
  • German Prado v. The North Flats Llc, North Flats Llc, Building Dev CorpTort document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 03/19/2015 02:54 PM INDEX NO. 510059/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/19/2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------){ GERMAN PRADO, Index No.: 510059/2014 Plaintiff, VERIFIED ANSWER -against- THE NORTH FLATS, LLC, NORTH FLATS, LLC and BUILDING DEV. CORP., Defendants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------){ Defendants, THE NORTH FLATS, LLC and BUILDING DEV. CORP. ("Answering Defendants") by their attorneys, TRAUB LIEBERMAN STRAUS & SHREWSBERRY LLP, as and for their Verified Answer to the Verified Complaint of plaintiff, GERMAN PRADO ("plaintiff'), state upon information and belief, as follows: 1. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "1" of the Verified Complaint. 2. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "2" of the Verified Complaint. 3. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "3" of the Verified Complaint. 4. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "4" of the Verified Complaint. 5. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "5" of the Verified Complaint. 6. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "6" of the Verified Complaint. 7. · Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "7" of the Verified Complaint. 8. Answering Defendants admit the allegations set forth in paragraph "8" of the Verified Complaint. 9. Answering Defendants admit the allegations s~t forth in paragraph "9" of the Verified Complaint. 10. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "1 0" of the Verified Complaint. ANSWERING GENERAL ALLEGATIONS AGAINST DEENDANT THE NORTH FLATS LLC 11. Answering Defendants admit the allegations set forth in paragraph "11" of the Verified Complaint. 12. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "12" of the Verified Complaint. 13. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "13" of the Verified Complaint. 14. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "14" of the Verified Complaint. 15. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "15" of the Verified Complaint. 16. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "16" of the Verified Complaint. 17. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "1 7" of the Verified Complaint. 18. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "18" of the Verified Complaint. 19. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "19" of the Verified Complaint. 20. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "20" of the Verified Complaint. 21. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "21" of the Verified Complaint. 22. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "22" of the Verified Complaint. 23. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "23" of the Verified Complaint. 24. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "24" of the Verified Complaint. 25. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "25" of the Verified Complaint. 26. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "26" of the Verified Complaint. 27. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "27" of the Verified Complaint. 28. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "28" of the Verified Complaint. 29. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "29" of the Verified Complaint. 30. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "30" of the Verified Complaint. 31. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "31" of the Verified Complaint. 32. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "32" of the Verified Complaint. 33. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "33" of the Verified Complaint. 34. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "34" of the Verified Complaint. 35. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "35" of the Verified Complaint. 36. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "36" of the Verified Complaint. 37. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "37" of the Verified Complaint. ANSWERING GENERAL ALLEGATIONS REGARDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 38. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "3 8" of the Verified Complaint, but admit that certain services were being performed at the Construction Project. 39. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "3 9" of the Verified Complaint, but admit that certain services were being performed at the Construction Project. 40. Answering Defendants admit the allegations set forth in paragraph "40" of the Verified Complaint. 41. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "41" of the Verified Complaint. 42. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "42" of the Verified Complaint. 43. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "43" of the Verified Complaint. 44. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "44" of the Verified Complaint. 45. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "45" of the Verified Complaint. 46. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "46" of the Verified Complaint. 47. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "47" of the Verified Complaint. 48. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "48" ofthe Verified Complaint. 49. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "49" of the Verified Complaint. 50. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "50" of the Verified Complaint. 51. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "51" of the Verified Complaint. 52. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "52" of the Verified Complaint. 53. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "53" of the Verified Complaint. 54. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "54" of the Verified Complaint. 55. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "55" of the Verified Complaint. 56. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "56" of the Verified Complaint. 57. Answering Defendants admit the allegations set forth in paragraph "57" of the Verified Complaint. 58. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "58" of the Verified Complaint. 59. Answering Defendants admit the allegations set forth in paragraph "59" of the Verified Complaint. 60. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "60" of the Verified Complaint. 61. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "61" of the Verified Complaint. 62. Answering Defendants admit the allegations set forth in paragraph "62" of the Verified Complaint. 63. Answering Defendants admit the allegations set forth in paragraph "63" of the Verified Complaint. 64. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "64" of the Verified Complaint. 65. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "65" of the Verified Complaint. :.-.i 66. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "66" of the Verified Complaint. ANSWERING A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION BASED ON COMMON LAW NEGLIGENCE 67. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "67" of the Verified Complaint. 68. Answering Defendants deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations set forth in paragraph "68" of the Verified Complaint. 69. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "69" of the Verified Complaint. 70. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "70" of the Verified Complaint. 71. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "71" of the Verified Complaint. 72. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "72" of the Verified Complaint. 73. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "73" of the Verified Complaint. 74. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "74" of the Verified Complaint, and refer all questions of law to the Court. 75. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "75" of the Verified Complaint. ANSWERING A SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION BASED ON LABOR LAW SECTION 200 76. In response to paragraph "76'"' of the Verified Complaint, Answering Defendants repeat, reiterate, and reallege each and every response set forth in paragraphs "1" through "75" above as if fully set forth herein at length. 77. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "77" of the Verified Complaint, and refer all questions of law to the Court. 78. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "78" of the Verified Complaint. 79. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "79" of the Verified Complaint. 80. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "80" of the Verified Complaint. 81. t\nswering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "81" of the Verified Complaint. 82. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "82" of the Verified Complaint. 83. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "83" of the Verified Complaint. 84. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "84" of the Verified Complaint, and refer all questions of law to the Court. 85. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "85" of the Verified Complaint. ANSWERING A THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION BASED ON LABOR LAW SECTION 240 86. In response to paragraph "86'"' of the Verified Complaint, Answering Defendants repeat, reiterate, and reallege each and every response set forth in paragraphs "1" through "85" above as if fully set forth herein at length. 87. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "87" of the Verified Complaint, and refer all questions of law to the Court. 88. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "88" of the Verified Complaint. 89. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "89" of the Verified Complaint. 90. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "90" of the Verified Complaint. 91. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "91" of the Verified Complaint. 92. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "92" of the Verified Complaint. 93. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "93" of the Verified Complaint. 94. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "94" of the Verified Complaint, and refer all questions of law to the Court. 95. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "95" of the Verified Complaint. ANSWERING A FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION BASED ON LABOR LAW SECTION 241(6) 96. In response to paragraph "96"" of the Verified Complaint, Answering Defendants repeat, reiterate, and reallege each and every response set forth in paragraphs "1" through "95" above as if fully set forth herein at length. 97. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "97" of the Verified Complaint, and refer all questions of law to the Court. 98. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "98" of the Verified Complaint. 99. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "99" of the Verified Complaint. 100. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "100" of the Verified Complaint. 101. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "1 01" of the Verified Complaint. 102. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "1 02" of the Verified Complaint. 103. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "103" of the Verified Complaint, and refer all questions of law to the Court. 104. Answering Defendants deny the allegations set forth in paragraph "104" of the Verified Complaint. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES FIRST AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 105. Any injuries and/or damages sustained by the Plaintiff, as alleged in Plaintiffs Verified Complaint herein, which these Answering Defendants deny, were caused, in whole or in part, by the contributory negligence and/or culpable conduct of the Plaintiff or a third party over which the Answering Defendants had no control and not as a result of any negligence and/or culpable conduct on the part of these Answering Defendants. SECOND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 106. That by entering into the activity in which the Plaintiff was engaged at the time of the occurrence set forth in the Verified Complaint, said Plaintiff knew th~ inherent risks incident thereto and had full knowledge of the dangers thereof; that whatever injuries and damages were sustained by the Plaintiff herein as alleged in the Verified Complaint arise from and were caused by reason of such risks voluntarily undertaken by the Plaintiff in the activities and such risks were assumed and accepted by the Plaintiff in performing and engaging in said activities. THIRD AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 107. The alleged acts and/or omissions of the plaintiff were the sole proximate cause of Plaintiffs damages alleged in the Verified Complaint herein. FOURTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 108. Upon information and belief, the injuries and damages, if any, allegedly sustained by the Plaintiff as alleged in the Verified Complaint were caused by third parties other than these Answering Defendants over which Answering Defendants had no control and, by reason of the foregoing, the Verified Complaint should be dismissed as to the Answering Defendants. FIFTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 109. The causes of action set forth in the Verified Complaint fail to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. SIXTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 110. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff either failed to use, improperly used or misused available safety devices as a result of which the alleged injuries were sustained or aggravated and by virtue of the foregoing, the damages, if any, to which the Plaintiff might otherwise be entitled to recover should be mitigated accordingly. SEVENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 111. Necessary or indispensable party(ies) have not been joined and, therefore, the action should not proceed and should be dismissed. EIGHTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 112. In the event Plaintiff recovers a verdict or judgment against these Answering Defendants, then said verdict or judgment must be reduced pursuant to CPLR 4545(c) by those amounts which have been or will, with reasonable certainty, ·replace or indemnify Plaintiff, in whole or in part, for any past or future claimed economic loss, from any collateral source such as insurance, social security, workers' compensation or employee benefit programs. NINTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 113. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of the CPLR, should Answering Defendants be found liable for damages, such liability being 50 percent or less of the total liability assigned to all persons liable, the liability of Answering Defendants for non-economic loss shall not exceed its equitable share determined in accordance with the relative culpability of all parties liable. TENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 114. The negligence of a third person or entity over whom Answering Defendants had no control was a superseding cause and insulates these Answering Defendants from liability. ELEVENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 115. Answering Defendants did not have prior actual or constructive notice of any defective, unsafe or hazardous condition at the subject premises. TWELFTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 116. While Answering Defendants deny plaintiffs allegations of negligence and statutory violations, any liability, statutory liability, injury or damages, if proven, were the result of intervening or interceding acts of superseding negligence, liability, statutory liability or strict liability on the part of parties over whom these Answering Defendants had neither control nor any right of control, and for whose acts or omissions these Answering Defendants are not legally responsible. THIRTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 117. Plaintiff failed to mitigate, obviate, diminish or otherwise act to lessen or reduce the injuries, damages and/or disabilities alleged in the Verified Complaint. FOURTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 118. Plaintiff was a recalcitrant worker at the time of the accident alleged in the Verified Complaint and/or his own negligence was the cause of the accident and therefore his claims are barred. FIFTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 119. Plaintiffs sole and exclusive remedy is the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of New York. SIXTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 120. If there were any defects or hazardous conditions referred to in the Verified Complaint, which the Answering Defendants deny, plaintiff failed to exercise. reasonable care to discover the alleged defects and to appreciate the dangers thereof. SEVENTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 121. The dangers, if any, alleged in the Verified Complaint were patent, open and obvious. EIGHTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 122. The causes of action set forth in the Verified Complaint pursuant to alleged violations of Labor Law §§200, 240 and 241(6) are inapplicable to the instant action. NINETEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE 123. Answering Defendants reserve the right to assert any additional affirmative defenses it may have which cannot now be articulated due to plaintiffs failure to particularize its claims, and because the Verified Complaint is vague and uncertain, or due to plaintiffs failure to provide more specific information concerning the nature of the claims. Upon further particularization of the claims by plaintiff, or upon discovery of further information concerning the instant claims, Answering Defendants reserve the right to assert additional defenses. WHEREFORE, Answering Defendants demand that the Verified Complaint be dismissed in its entirety, and for such other different and further relief as this court deems just and proper under the circumstances. Dated: Hawthorne, New York March 18, 2015 Yours, etc. TRAUB LIEBERMAN STRAUS & SHREWSBERRY LLP Attorneys for Defendants, Chelsea 20th Street Development, LLC, The Brads rganization and Ryder Construction, Inc. Robert M. Leff, Esq. Evan B. Rudnicki, Esq. Mid-Westchester Executive Park Seven Skyline Drive Hawthorne, New York 10532 Tel. No.: (914) 347-2600 TO: ISAACSON SCHIOWITZ & KORSON, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 371 Merrick Road, Suite 302 Rockville Centre, New York 11570 (516) 208-1300 • I -, _, ATTORNEY VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER ) THE NORTH FLATS, LLC and BUILDING DEV. CORP. are defendants in the action herein; I am a partner of the firm of Traub Lieberman Straus & Shrewsberry LLP, which has been retained to rep~esent said Defendants in the action herein; I have read the annexed Verified Answer, know the contents thereof, and the same is true to my knowledge, except to those matters therein which are stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. My belief, as to those matters therein not stated upon my knowledge, is based upon information contained in our file. I affirm that the foregoing statements are true under penalties of perjury. This Verification is made by me and not by the defendants because the defendants are located outside the county in which my office is located. R TRAUB LIEBERMAN STRAUS & SHREWSBERRY LLP Mid-Westchester Executive Park Seven Skyline Drive Hawthorne, New York 10532