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  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview


1 2 JAMES 421 Grand A. KAESTNER, SBN LAW OFFICES OF Avenue, JAMES Suite A 143179 A. KAESTNER g IIy gQ IF IIL SAX MmeOCOvmv E9 CA 94080 ~@ South San Francisco, 3 p: 650.952.6002 s g% MaY 18 20I6 f: 650.952.6008 ~o~cpuar ~QSeg 'araaue 4 g GLERK~F Eo county zHesu~~R'ttorney for Plaintiffs, 5 ERIKA CHRISTMANN k GARY CURTAZ SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MATEO - UNLIMITEDJURISDICTION 9 ERIKA CHRISTMANN, CASE NUMBER: CIV 522015 ) GARY CURTAZ, ) 10 ) ORDER Plaintiffs, ) 11 ) ) ) ) ) Hearing Date: April 18, 2016 vs. Time: 9:00 am 14 Dept.: 18 ) 15 ) ) 16 ALLEN L. PRICE, ) CAROL PRICE and ) 17 DOES 1 - 25 ) ) 18 Defendants. ) 19 The petition of Defendants ALLEN L. PRICE and CAROL PRICE for an order vacating 20 arbitration award, and the counter-petition of Plaintiff ERIKA CHRISTMANN for an order 21 confirming arbitration award came on regularly for hearing by the court on April 18, 2016. 22 Defendants Allen L. Price and Carol Price appeared In Propria Persona and Plaintiff Erika 23 Christmann appeared by her counsel, James A. Kaestner. 24 Proof having been made to the satisfaction of the court, the Petition of Defendants Allen L. 25 Price and Carol Price for an order vacating the arbitration award is DENIED. The counter-petition 26 of Plaintiff Erika Christmann for an Order Confirming the Arbitration Award is GRANTED. 27 IT IS ORDERED that the Award of Arbitrator, signed by Arbitrator Charles A. Dyer on 28 Order Erika Christtnann,Gary Curtaz vs. Allen L Price, Carol Price,and DOES 1-25 Superior County ofSan Court of California, A1ateo,Unlitnited Jurisdiction, Case Nutnber:CIV522015 g~gQ9, ~WQ ,~,„-~ MMQIQ o& OQMNNNS 50,0521‘) ~() magma?» g~hl58~~ Wm~ L1 NR am @fififififi 1 December 16, 2015, is confirmed in all respects and that judgment be entered in conformity 2 therewith. 4 Dated: HONORABLE SUSAN IRENE ETEZADI, JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Order Erika Christmann, Carol Price, Gary Curia= vs. Allen L. Price, and DOLS 1-25 Superio> Court of California, Coun~ ofSan hlateo,Unlimited Jurisdiction, Case CIV 522015 IVuntber: