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  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • ERIKA CHRISTMANN ETAL VS ALLEN L PRICE ETAL(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview


84/17/2814 15: 43 6585893988 MODENA ROYCE PAGE 82/83 1 PATRICIA ROMA, CSBN: LAW OFFICES 54433 OF PATRICIA ROMA FILED Mp,TFO COUNTY 2 .P.O. Box 644 SAg 745 MillStreet 3 4 5 Ha>f Moon Bay, CA Telephone: Facsimile. (650) (650) 94019 726-5575 726-2214 Attorney for Defendants By gPgR Glerl: ot t PEP 'p 8 20l~f TY CLERK o< ALLENPRICE and CAROL PRICE 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MATEO 10 FRIKA CHRJSTMANN. GARY CURTAZ 12 CASE NO. CIV522015 Plaintiffs, and STIPULATIO'N FOR CORI'ISSUANCE 14 OF TRIALDATE ALLEN L. PRlCE, CAROL PRICE and Date: April ~ Y, 2014 DOES 1-25 Time: 2:00 p.m. 16 Dept: P.J. Defendants 17 Trial Date; Junc 9, 2014 ]8 lT IS HEREBY STIPULATED, by and between the parties hereto, through their respective attorneys. that the trial datein the above-referenced matter, currently set for June 9. 2014. and tbe Mandatory Settlement Conference. currently sct for May 22, 2014, be continued. 22 The parties stipulate that the trial datebe continued to August 18. 2014, and ifthat date is not 23 available then to August 25. 20.14. and thatthe Mandatory Settlement Conference be set for a date hvo weeks prior to trial. 25 The parties further stipulate that discovery shall be reopened, and. both discovery and expert witness disclosure shall be governed by the new trial date. 27 /// Ii/ of Trial Date Stipulation for Continuance SMCSC Case 14o.CIV522015 84/17/2814 15:43 6585893988 MODENA ROYCE PAGE 83/83 1 The parties further stipulate that this request may be made on an ex parte basis, and that facsimile 2 or electronic signatures may serve as originals. 5 Dated: 1 l~7/l l AMES A. KAESTNER Attorney for Plaintiffs LAW OFFICES OF PATRICIA ROMA 10 By PATR1C1A ROMA Attorney for Defendants 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 25 26 17 28 for Continuance Stipulation of Triol Date SMCSC Case Vio. ClV5220) 5