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  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview
  • BETTY REIS, ET AL VS DUANE MANOR RESIDENTIAL CARE(23) Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD document preview


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NGS) u!ha1 8!celt!oig h 1NO 3'NAOO HOB '~eAIJ A'BNBO~e JAoHll/AAMvd80 ABNBOJJV 'R 0l !-ND CASE NUMBER; PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER; Betty Reiss, et. al, CIV 532688 DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: Duane Manor Residential Care Home, et. al. 4. b. of the case, provide e brief statement including any damages.(Ifpersonal injury damages are sought,specify the inj ury and damages claimed, including medical expenses lo date(indicate source and amount),estimated future medical expenses,lost earningsto date,and estimated Ifequitable future Iosf earnings. reliefis sought, describethe natureof the relief) Defendant Redwood Care Horne {erroneously sued as Defendant Duane Manor Residential Care) provided care to a residentwhose successors in interest have sued Defendant for elder abuse/neglect, professional negligence and wrongful death. Defendant{a} deny these claims.Resident was cared for by others for a substantial period of time after he left Defendant'scare and passed away. (Ifmore space is needed,check this box and attach a page designatedas Attachment 4b.) 5. Jury or nonjury trial The party or parties requesting request a jury trial): M~ ~ a jury trial a nonjury trial. of each (ifmore than one party, provide the name party 6. a. b. ~ Trial date H3 The trial has been No trial date has set for (date); been set.Thiscase ofthe date for trial within 12 months will be ready of the filing ofthecornplaint(if not, explain): c. Dates or attorneys on vfhich parties for trial (specify dates wili not be available and explain reasonsfor unavailability): {see attachment 6 c.) 7, Estimated length of trial estimate The party or parties that the triai will take (check one): ~a'ays a. b. ~ hours (short causes) 10 (specif}f number): (specify): 8. Trial representation The party or parties a. Attorney: (lo be answeredfor each at trial will be represented ~ party) by the attorney ~ or party listed in the caption by the following: b. Firm: c. Address: d. Telephone number: f. Fax number. e. E-malt address: g. Party represented: Additional representation in Attachfnent 8. is described 9. Preference This case (specify code is entitled to preference section): 10. Alternative disputeresolution (ADR) a. ADR information package. Please note that different ADR processes are available jn different courts and communities; read the ADR information package provided by the court under rule 3.221'or information about the processes available through the court and (1) community programs For parties represented in this case. by counsel;Counsel CH has ~ has reviewed ADR options with the client, to the client and in rule 3.221 not providedthe ADR information package identified (2} For self-represented parties: Party ~ has C3 has not reviewedthe ADR information package identified in rule 3.221. b. (1) ~ Referral to judicial arbitration or civil action mediation statutory mediation under Code of Civil Procedure limit, section {ifavailable). under Code of Civil Procedure This matter is subject to mandatory judicial arbitration 1775.3 because the amount section in controversy 1141.11 does or to civil.action not exceedthe (2) ~ to refer this case Plaintiff elects section Civil Procedure to judicial arbitration and 1141.11. agrees to limit recovery to the amount specifiedin Code of (3} ~ This caseis exempt from judicial arbitration mediationunder Code of Civil Procedure under rule 3.811 section of the California Rules of Courtor from civil action 1775 et seq. (specify exemption): CM-110 iRev. Ju'y 2011i Page 2 of 5 1, CASE IIANAGEMENTSTATEMENT CM-110 PLAINTIFFlPETITIONER: CAS Nuus R Betty Reiss, CIV 532688 EFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Duane Manor Residential Care Home, et, al. 10. c. or processes Indicate the ADR process are willing to participate that the party or parties in, have agreed to participate in, or have already in (check all lhaf apply and provide the specified information): participated The party or parties completing I f the party or parties completing this form in the case have agreed to this form are willing to in or have participate alreadycompleted an ADR process or processes, in the following ADR participate of the processes indicate the status (attacha copy of the parties'DFf processes (check all that apply): stipulation): Mediation sessionnot yet scheduled Mediation sessionscheduled for (date): (1) Mediation Agreed to complete mediation by (date): Mediation completed 4/21/1 6 on (date): Settlementconference not yet scheduled :(2) Settlement Settlementconference scheduled for (dale): conference Agreed to completesettlement conferenceby (date); Settlementconference completed on (date): Neutral evaiu'ation not yet scheduled. scheduled Neutral evaluation for {date): (3) Neutral evaluation evaluation Agreed to cx>mplete neutral by (date): Neutral evaluation completed on (dale): Judicial arbitration not yet scheduled (4) Nonbinding judicial for (dale) Judicial arbitration scheduled arbitration Agreed to completejudicial arbitration by (date): Judicial arbitration completed on (dale): Private arbitration not.,yet scheduled Binding private for (dale) Private arbitration scheduled (5) arbitration to complete Agreed private arbitration by (date): Private arbitration completed on (dale): ADR session not yet scheduled ADR'session scheduled for (date): (6) Other (specify) Agreed to complete ADR session by (dale): ADR completed on (date): 20i 1I CL1-i 10 IRao. July 1, Pago 5 of 5 CASE MANAGEMENTSTATEMENT t M-110 crise suvBER; PLAINTIFF/PETITIQNER: Betty Reiss, et. al. CIV 532688 DEFENDANTiRESPONDENT: Duane Manor Residential Care Home, et. al. 11. a. b. ~ Insurance insurance Reservation of rights:~ carrier, if any, Yes ~ for party filing this statement No (name); c. ~~ Coverage issues of this case will significantly affect resolution (explain): Defendants Duane Manor Residential Care Horne and Redwood Care Home represent there is no business liability insurance and/or homeowners insurance coverage for thealleged claims. 12, Jurisdiction ~ Indicate Status: ~ any matters Bankruptcy that may affect the court's jurisdiction or processing Other (specify): of this case and describe the status. 13. ~ Related cases, consolidation, There are (1) Name companion, of case: and coordination or related underlying, cases. (2) Name of court: (3) Case number: b. ~ ~ (4) Status: A motion to ~ Additional casesare described consolidate ~ in Attachment13a. coordinate will be filed by (name party): 14. ~ Bifurcation The party or parties action or coordinating intend to file a motion for an order bifurcating, severing, (specify moving party„ type of motion, and reasons): or causes the following issues of 15. ~Other motions The party or parties expect to file the following motions before trial (specify moving party, type of motion, and issues): 16. a. b. ~ Discovery ~~ The party or parties have completed all discovery. The following discovery will be completed by the date specified(describeall anticipated discovery): ~Part Descriotion Date Def. Redwood Care Home written discovery ongoing Def. Redwood Care Horne depositions-Plaintiff November, 2016 Def. Redwood Care Home depositions-witnesses December, 2016 Def. Redwood Care Home expert depositions per code c, ~ The following discovery anticipated(specify): issues,including issues regardingthe discoveryof electronically stored information, are ca-1 10 IRev. JUly 1, 2011] Pagc4of5 CASE iNANAGEMENTSTATEMENT CASE NUMBER', PLA)NT)FFIPET)T)ONER: Betty Reiss, CIV 532688 DEFENDANT)RESPONDENT: Duane Manor Residential Care Horne, et. al. 17. a, ~ Economic litigation (i.e., the amount demanded This is a limited civil case is $ 25,000or less) and the economic in Code litigation procedures b. ~ of Civil Procedure sections90-9B will apply to this case. This is a iimited civil case and discovery viilt be filed (ifchecked, from the economic a motion to withdraw the case explain specifically why economic or for additional litigation procedures to discovery or trial litigation procedures'elating should not apply to this case): 18. ~ Other issues The party or parties conference request (specify): that the following additional matters be consideredor determined management at the case 19. Meet and confer a, ~Y'he party or parties have met and conferredwith all parties on all subjects required by rule 3.724 of the California Rules of Court (ifnot, explain): b. After meetingand conferring asrequiredby rule 3.724 of the California Rules of Court, the parties agree on the following (specify): 20, Total numberof pages attached(if any): 1 I am completely familiar with this case to discuss and will be fully prepared the statusof discovery and alternative dispute resolution, as well asother issues raised and wilt possess by this statement, the authority to enter into sfipulations on these issuesat the time of the casemanagement conference,including the wdtten authodity of the party where required. Date: May 9, 201 6 Michael B. Levin {TYPE OR PRINT NAME) {SIGNATUREOP PARTY OR ATTORNEY) ! TYPE OR PRINT NASIE) ~ {SIGNATUREOF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) Additional signatures are attached. CI'll 110 {Rov. July', ES11) of 6 Pago 5 CASE MANAGEMENTSTATEMENT Attachment 6 c. Unavailable dates are as follows: May 11-13, 16 18; Junc 2. 6-9,14, 16-17, 20, 23, 27-29; July 6-7, 12, 14, 19,-20, 26, 28; August 2-5 (trial),8-12 (trial), 15-18, 22, 25, 31, September 6-9, 12-16, 20-30 (trial), October 5, 7, 11-13. 19-20; November 1-3 1."ederal court trial (pending, no date set). PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL I, Michael B. Levin, declare that I am employed in the County of San Diego, that I am over the age of 18, that I am not a party to the within action and that my business address is 3727 Camino del Rio South, Ste. 200, San Diego, California 92108 and I am readily familiar with the law offices practice for the collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service, and that pursuant to this law oftice's ordinary course of business, correspondence will be deposited with the United States Postal Service the same day that mail is e placed for collection and mailing. On May 9, 2016, I served by fax and mail the following: 1. CASK MANAGKMENTSTATEMENT by placing a.true and correct copy thereof in a sealed envelope addressed to: Anthony D. Ghecea, Esq. LA%'FFICE OF ANTHONYD. GHECEA 3521 Aristides Drive, Suite One Modesto, CA. 95355 {Attorney for Plaintiffs REISS) Paul A. Bucldey, Esq. Taylor/Anderson LLP 6256 Greenwich Drive, Suite 550 San Diego, CA. 92122 Attorney for Defendant MANALO'S BOARD 4 CARE Kevin L. Eng, 'Esq.; George Nowotny, Esq.; Scott C. Bayles, Esq. Lewis„Brisbois, Bisgaard 4 Smith, LLP 221 N. Figueroa St., Ste. 1200 Los Angeles, CA. for Defendant ST. FRANCIS PAVILIONNURSING 8c 90012'ttorneys REHABILITATIONCENTER and, following ordinary business practices, depositing the envelope in. the place at." -" "-,--:-.- 3727 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, California for collection and mailing on that date. I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed May 9, 2016 at San Diego, California. 8. 4 MlCHAH.LEVtN