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  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview
  • Portfolio Recovery Associates vs Jurado, Lesliecivil document preview


Ilunt /Ic Hcnriques, Attorneys atI,aw Michael S. I lunt,I.sq. //99804 151 IIernal Road Suite 8 San Jose CA 95119-1306 5/15/2019 Telephone: (g00) 6g0-2426 I acsimilc; (40g) 362-2299 Attorneys for Plaintifl'UPERIOR COURT Ol" CALIFORNIA, l.OUNTY OF BUT'fE CIIICO- NORTll COUNTY COURTHOUSE —LIMITEDCIVILJURISDICTION 10 PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIA'fES, I LC, Case No. 18CV00759 12 Plaintifl; SETTLEMENT AOREKMENT D 13 JURISDICTION RL'TAINL>DUNDER III D D Vl CODE Ol" CIVILI'ROCIIDURE ti 664.6 2'D 14 LESLII. IURA I)O, et al., D D C. Z 6 D 15 Defendant(s) n 4z c> 0 16 Z 0 z n 17 ir'- lg IT IS HI-:RE13Y STII'ULATED by and betv ccn the p'n'ties hereto: 19 1. LFSLII"..IURADO (" Defendant" ) stipulates to entry of judgment in I;ivor ol I'ortfolio 20 Recovery Associates, LLC ("Plain>if1') in thc principal sum ol'4,456.26 plus court 21 costs pursuant to a mernorandu>n of costs (which will be li>1)itee court may require at thc time a motion or appl ical>on is tiled') 1'iirany motion„application, and/or order that i)cludii>g >lie»>or> 25 to enlorce this Agrcemcnt »nd any orI Plaint>fl' I'cc in 77 order to file this Ag>cement); less credit I'or payments made in good 1'un64 Ji) D>)000?C> l g<)?>00')7 00 > 2. The parties agree that an account has been stated and $ 4,456,26 is the accurate liquidated amount owed on this debt. As such, Dcfcndant acknowledges this as the correct balance due. It isthe parties'ntent that in the event of default in the payment 4 plan, Plaintiff shall be entitled to enter judgment for the total amount stated in $ I. 5 r 3. Notwithstanding the stipulation to cntcr judgment, Plaintiff will not request that judgment be cntcred so long as Defendant is not in dcfailli with ihe I'ollowing paymeni plan. Defendant agrees to pay io Plainiifl' 111)iiimum of $ 125.00 on or before the 1st day of each and every month commencing in May, 2019 followed by a final payment of $ 81.26 due on or before April I, 2022, until the Defendant has paid ihe total sum of 10 $ 4,456.26. These consecutive monthly installments, totaling $ 4,4S6.26, timely received, will constitute full satisfaction of the judgment. 12 4. Payments due as stipulated above shall be made payable to Portl'olio Recovery c c Associates, LLC, notated with Det'endant's lilc number 1246897, and sent to: c N cc c 14 Hunt & Henriques 0 0 occc 15 151 eternal Road Suite 8 ia 0 i-'3 0 ~ San Jose CA 95119-1306 n c c u 17 5. Thc parties jointly request that this court retain jurisdiction under Code ol'ivil 18 Procedure Ij664.6. The parties further request that this court vacate all future hearillgs 19 anal stay all further action on this case pending completion of this agreement. Il'and only 20 if local rules so require, the parties, by their signatures below, authorize the court to 21 dismiss this case without prejudice. The parties I'urther agrcc that in the cvcnt of a 22 del'ault in payments and at the reqnest of rrparty, the coui I slial Ireopen ihc case without notice tu the oihr:r party, vacate any dismissal, rind enter judgm(.ni in ihc ()mount si«ied 24 in tj7 below. I he parties further agrcc thai ibis stipulation may at Plaintiff's option hc 25 enforced by independent action. The parties also agree to, and do. voluntarilv waive all 26 statutes of limitation and tiny other l«gal rr»p(.diment oi bar to this court from 27 continuing or resuming jurisdiction ol this case )i)eluding, but not limited io, waiver ot rights and provisions r)f I:alif'ornia Code of C.:ivil I'iriccdlll'c S83 rSSS 160, 583.210, Prige 2 ol'i Settlcnient Agrccmcnt CC)odc ol C'ivil Procedure 664 C)j lj Di)0002(:J l l(()(i I2aos') 7 i)0I I 583.310. 583,360, 583.410, 583.420, and all other provisions of California law 2 regarding dismissal of actions for failure to prosecute or to bring an action to trial 3 wl t111) DI9000sc.I l Ia0002(' I R0 0 I21( S'17 00 I signatures shall be as valid as iln original. 21. This stipulation contains the entire agrecmcnt of the parties. There arc no oral or written agreements or understandings not contained herein. LFSLIP/JURADO Dcfcnd6nt Q f(aloh Meslsco Sgp Legal Recove y g Dated: Portfolio Recovery Associates, LI C 9 Authorized Agent Name: 10 12 C i/i N 13 cr m O 14 rr Z O O Q o 15 V )0 16 ! 0 n inr W ."'7 19 20 21 22 23 25 2() 27 I'agc 6 of'r Settlement Agrccrncnt fC.'odr'f (.'.ivil Procedure i~664.6) I)l)(l002(' f(O(i l I2ilaai)'I (Irr I