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POOLE @ SHAFFERY, LLP 445 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET, SUITE 2520 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071 TELEPHONE (213) 439-5390 FACSIMILE (213) 439-0183 Ce NN A Hh ke ew NY Re a An Bw KH = S 17 POOLE & SHAFFERY, LLP John Shaffery (Bar No. 160119) Charles W. Jenkins (Bar No. 134338 ) ELECTRONICALLY Luiza Manuelian (Bar No. 233154} FILED 445 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2520 Los Angeles, California 90071 (213) 439-5390 (213) 439-0183 Facsimile MAY 06 2008 GORDON PARK-LI, Clerk BY: JUDITH NUNEZ Deputy Clerk Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco Attorneys for Defendant Gardner Denver, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Case No. CGC-08-274570 DECLARATION OF LUIZA MANUELIAN IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GARDNER DENVER, INC.’S MOTION FOR ORDER TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT ON THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION FOR ORDER TO STAY PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT ON THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENS [Pursuant to C.C.P. § 410.30(a)} Date: May 28, 2008 Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept: 302 Judge: Patrick J. Mahoney DECLARATION OF LUIZA MANUELIAN BENNY IANNUZZELLI Plaintiff, vs. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS, et al. Defendants. 1. lam an attorney at law, duly licensed and authorized to practice before all the courts of the State of California, and an associate at Poole & Shaffery, LLP, attorneys of record for : Defendant, Gardner Denver Inc. I have personal knowledge of the following facts, stated upon information and belief, and if called as a witness, I could and would competently testify them. 2. Plaintiff, Benny Iannuzzelli (“Plaintiff”) filed his Complaint (“Complaint”) on March 18, 2008. Attached hereto as Exhibit “A,” is a true and correct copy of the Complaint. -l- Fi\Clients2\0422824-ANNUZZELLI v. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (GDDNPLEADINGSIFNC Motion\Manuelian.Dech.0O1.wpd DEFENDANT GARDNER DENVER, INC.'S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR ORDER TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT GN THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION FOR ORDER TO STAY PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT ON THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENSPOOLE & SHAFFERY, LLP 445 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET, SUITE 2520 FACSIMILE (213) 439-0183 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071 TELEPHONE (213) 439-5390 eC em ND NH & BD Ye yboN y Bw BP NY NR BY DB BR me eet oC tA Re FF BW NH Se SS SC OH DA HN ek BH HY SF S Plaintiff's Complaint claims exposure to asbestos at the following sites: . Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, IL from October 1971 to April 1972; . Holy Loch Naval Base, in Holy Loch, Scotland, and USS Alamos from April 1972 to October 1975. . Work on personal automotive vehicles from 1975 to 1977. Plaintiff does not claim any exposure to asbestos in CA in his Complaint. 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” is a true and correct copy of Plaintiff’s response to Standard Interrogatories, Set One. In his response, Plaintiff states the following as his previous addresses (pp. 3-4): Plaintiff resided for 18 years at 442 Broadway, Staten Island, NY 10310; 3.5 years at USS LOS ALAMOS (SFDB-7), Holy Loch, Scotland; 16 years at 183 Myrtle Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10310; 9 years at 171 Pulasri Ave., Staten Island, NY 10303; 13 years at 68 Ronald Road, Lakewood, NY 08701. 4. Attached hereto as Exhibit “C,” is a true and correct copy of Naval Historical Center home page of USS Alamos, which I retrieved from According to this home page, USS Alamos was kept at Holy Loch, Scotland, in 1961 for more than three decades as an important part of the Nation’s strategic retaliatory force. After being in Holy Loch, Scotland for more than three decades, the vessel was disassembled and its sections returned to the United States. 5. A total of 31 defendants are named in this matter. At least 21 out of the 31 named defendants have registered agents for service of process in the state of Florida. Attached hereto as Exhibit “D,” are true and correct copies of Florida Secretary of State Corporate Filings for each of the 21 defendants. 6. As to the remaining defendants, Florida’s long-arm statutes allow Florida courts to assert personal jurisdiction over defendants who engage in, or solicit business, in Florida. QVest’s Florida Statutes Annotated (“F.S.A.”) § 48.193). True and correct copies of the relevant sections -2- Fi\Clients2\04212824-IANNUZZELLI v. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (GDI\PLEADINGS\ENC Motion\Manuelian, Decl.001, wpd DEFENDANT GARDNER DENVER, INC.'S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR ORDER TO DISMISS PLAINTIFE'S COMPLAINT ON THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION FOR ORDER TO. STAY PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT ON THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENSPOOLE & SHAFFERY, LLP 445 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET, SUITE 2520 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071 TELEPHONE (213) 439-5390 PACSIMILE (213) 439-0183 we eo ND Aw & HO NY NoPE eB Be Be Be Be Re ee FP Soe ee NAH BB ey SB S 23 of the F.S.A. have been attached hereto as Exhibit “E.” Florida statutes also provides for service of process outside of the state for these defendants who do not have an agent for service of process in Florida. (F.S.A § 48.194, Ex. “F’). Defendants involved in this case are national corporations who regularly solicit and engage in business all over the U.S. Thus, Plaintiff will be able to establish personal jurisdiction as to these defendants via Florida’s long-arm statutes. 7. Attached hereto as Exhibit “G,” is a true and correct copy of Florida Standard Jury Instruction in Civil Cases Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. 8. If Plaintiff's matter were stayed or dismissed, Plaintiff would not be precluded from. filing the action in Florida. Florida has a four year statute of limitations period for an action based on negligence. (See F.S.A, Section 95.11, Ex. “H”). Plaintiff was diagnosed with asbestosis and on or about July 2007, and thus Plaintiff will not be barred by Florida’s statute of limitation. (Complaint, p. 5, Ex. “A”). I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 2th day of April 2008, at Los Angeles, California. Lujza Manuelian 3. FAClients2W042\2824-IANNUZZELLI v. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (GDI)\PLEADINGS\ENC Motion\Manuelian.Dec].001.wpd DEFENDANT GARDNER DENVER, INC.'S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR ORDER TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT ON THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION FOR ORDER TO. STAY PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT ON THE GROUNDS OF FORUM NON CONVENIENSEXHIBIT “4”CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY: DXO/ ALL . . Transmittal Number: 5721452 Notice of Service of Process Date Processed: 04/16/2008 Primary Contact: Marec E Edgar Esq. Gardner Denver, inc. 1800 Gardner Expressway Quincy, IL 62307 Copy of transmittal only provided to: Sharon Tanna Kell Sepia Entity: Gardner Denver, inc. Entity ID Number 2085923 Entity Served: Gardner Denver, Inc. Title of Action: Benny fannuzzelli vs. Allis-Chalmers Corporation Product Liability Trust Document(s) Type: Summons/Compiaint Nature of Action: Asbestos Court: San Francisco Superior Court, California Gase Number: CGC-08-274570 Jurisdiction Served: California Date Served on CSC: 04/16/2008 Answer or Appearance Due: 30 Days Originally Served On: csc How Served: Personal Service Plaintiff's Attorney: David R. Donadio 415-898-1555, Information contained on this transmittal form is for record keeping, notification and forwarding the attached document(s). It does not constitute a legal opinion. The recipient is. responsible for ir ing the documents and taking appropriate action. To avoid potential delay, please do not send your response to CSC CSC is SAS70 Type if certified for its Litigation Management System, 2711 Centerville Road Witmington, DE 19808 (888) 690-2882 | sop@cscinfo.comSUM- ivy SUMMONS FOR COURT USE DNLY (CITATION JUDICIAL) {S0t0 PARA USO DE LAGOATE) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ~ . (AVISO Al, DEMANDADO): ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP) As Reflected on Exhibits B, 8-1, C, H, f, and DOES 41-8500; and SEE ATTACHED LIST. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): BENNY (ANNUZZELL You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS affer this summens and tegal papers are served an you to file a writton response at this court and have a copy served on the piaintifi. A letter or phono call wilt nol protect You. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be @ court form that you can use for your response. You can find these Court farms and more Information at the Gatifornia Courts Online Self-Help Center {(, your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the fling fee, ask the court clerk for a fee walver form. {f you do not file your response on time, you may Jose the case by dofault, and your wages, money, and properly may bo taken without further warning from the court. There aro other legal requiremants. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you da not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. {f yau cannot afford an attomey, you may be oligibie far free legal servicos from a nonprofit legal sorvicus program. You can locate those nonprofit groups at the California Logat Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Holp Center (, or by contacting your focal court or county bar association. Tiene 30 14S DE CALENDARIO despuds de que ie entreguen asta citacion y papeles legates para prosontar una respuesta por escrito on esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al domandanta. Una carta 0 una Hamada tolefénica no ta profegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato iagai corrects si desea qua procesen sU caso On fa carte, Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para Su respuesta. Puede oncontrar estas formutartos ae fa corte y ntds informacién en al Centra de Ayuda de las Cortes da Caltfornia (www.courtinfo,ca. gav/seitholp/espanal}, on ia biblioteca de feyes de su condado o en Ja corte qua le quede mas cerca, Sino puede pagar fa cuota da presentacién, pida al secretario de fa corte que ie dé un formulario de axencida de pago de cuotas. St no presenta su respuesta a tleinpo, puade perder of case por idcumplimienta y Ja corte te podra quitar su suotdo, dinero y blenes siz mas advertencia, Hay otros requisites legales. Eis secomendable que Hame a ue abogado inmedlatamente. Si no cance a un abogada, puede Hamar aun servicio de remisiba a abogados. Sf no puede pagar a un abogado, és posible qtre cumpla con fos requisitos para ablener Servicios Jegales gratuitos de ua programa de servicios legaies sin finas de lucro, Puede encomtrar o8tos grupos sin finas de iucro en of sitio web de Californla Legal Services, (}, en ef Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, {} o ponléndose ea contacto can la carte o ef colegio de abogados locales. The name and address of the court Is: (El nombre y direccién de te corte es}: i NUMRER: SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Ge: Caso) 400 Noaliser Stret ~he-274570 San Francisco, CA 94102 The name, address, and telephone number af piaintiff's atiomey, or plaintiff without an attomey, is: (El nombre, la direccidn de teléfona det abagado cel demandante, o del demandante que no tien abogado, es) DAVID R. DONADIO, ESQ., STATE BAR NO. 154436 BRAYTON*PURCELL LLP 222 Rush Landing Road, Novato, CA 94948-6169 - (475) 898-1555 . pate; WAR 1.8 2088 Gordon Park-Li Clerk, by SMart Deputy {Fectia) iAswusio). (For proof of service of this summons, use Proof of Sarvice of Sumeone Sean POS-610).) . {Para prueba de entrega de esta citaiién use ef formutario Proal of Service of Summons, (POS-010)). NOTICE TO PERSON SERVED: You are served ISFALJ 1 oO a8 an Individual defendant. 2 oO as the person suéd ierthe fichlious name of (specify): 3. Bel on behalf of reecryy: Gearadnec Denver, Inc under] CCP 476, GCP 416.60(minor) O CCP 416.20 (defunct corporation) Docc 416.70 (conservalee) CCP 416.40 (association of partnership) (1 ccp 416.90 (authorized person) i (other (specify): by personal delivery on (date): He, fof? FORT AGOpIOO Yor Manaaary U Preceds: r lida! Cnach elton SUMMONS ENS SUM-100 [Rev January 1, 2008}ee au AW ew Pie Sas z OG wv P.O, Box 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 398.1555 Bq ATTORNEYS AT LAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD BRAYTON®PURCELL LLP No ype ee = S$ 6S & 3 NR v yo yon &e 3s hP 8 ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC, DANA CORPORATION FOSTER WHEELER LLC GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OWLENS-ILLINOIS, INC. PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION PLANT INSULATION COMPANY QUINTEC INDUSTRIES, INC, RAPID-AMERICAN CORPORATION UNIROYAL HOLDING, INC. VIACOM, INC. WESTERN MacARTHUR COMPANY MacARTHUR COMPANY WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. FORD MOTOR COMPANY GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION FMC CORPORATION GARDNER DENVER, INC. INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY CUMMINS POWER GENERATION INC. HOPEMAN BROTHERS, INC. LT. THORPE & SON, INC. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GATKi CORPORATION AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENT: ‘AL INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS, INC. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. PNEUMO ABEX LLC aud DOES 1-8500, Defendanis. Benny lannuzzctli vs. Asbestos Defendants (RerP} San Francisco Supsrior CourtCASE NUMBER: CGC-08-274570 BENNY IANNUZZELLI VS. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (B/P* NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF A Case Management Conference is set for DATE: FEB-19-2009 TIME: 1:30PM PLACE: Depariment 206 400 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102-3680 All parties must appear and comply with Local Rule 3.3 and 3.4. CRC 212 (g)(1) requires the filing and service of a case management statement form CM-110 no later than 15 days before the case management conference. Plaintiff must serve a Copy of this notice upon each party to this action with the summons and complaint. Proof of service subsequently filed with this court shall so state. [DEFENDANTS: Attending the Case Management Conference does not take the Place of filing a written response to the complaint. You must file a written response with the court within the time limit required by law. See Summons.] Superior Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator 400 McAllister Street, Room 103 San Francisco, CA 94102. (415) 551-3876CM-010 ATPORNGY OR PARTY WITEOUT ATTORNEY (ams, state bar mnaher, ave enfircss): _ FOR COURT USE ONLY GANIDR. BONADIO, ES ., STATE BAR NO. 154436, « 222 Rush Landiag Road | 26M Novato, California 54948-6169 ENDORSED TELERIONENO: (415) 898-555 PARNOS ¢415) 398-1247 . f =D avonste roan hey is} as atl Franeisce County Supariog Goutt SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO MAR 8 2008 STREET ADDRESS: 406 McAllister Street 1 4 GORDON PARKL MAILING ADDRES: CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Francisco, CA 94102 t Merk BRANCH NAMI fe engnsan na acs yoann CASE NAME: Daputy & ‘ori BENNY IANNUZZELLI vs. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BYP) . CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Compiex Case Designation mus 08 -274570 Muntimited (1 rimitea counter — C1 Joinder (Amount (Amount Filed with first appearance by defendant JUDGE: demanded demanded is (Cal. Rates of Cour, sule 3.402) . exceeds $25,000) $25,600 or less) DEPT: items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below of the case type that best describes this case: fye ‘fort Contact Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation Auto (22) Breach of commut/warraly (06) fF Rules of Court, cules 3.400-3.403) Uninsured motoris (46) Rote 3.740 callcctions (09) Antiqrusi’ trade regulation (03) Other PYPRAVD (Personal injury/Propesty Other Colfcotions (09) CD Consteuetion defect (10) mage/Wrongfutl Death} Tort Insurance coverage (13) Mass tort (40) Asbostos (04) ‘Gather contract G7) ‘Sceurities litigation (28) Product Liability (24) Real Property Ensironmental / Toxic tort (0) Medicat malpractice (45) Eminent domsia/faverst Insurance covctuge elaiens arising foo dhe ‘Other PYPDWD (23) LO condenmation (14) above listed provisionally complex ease types (43) Non-PI/PD/WD (Other) Tort ag ‘Wrongfid eviction (33) Enforcencut of judgment ‘Business torifunfuir busitivss prantice (077 Other rest property (26) Entorcement of judpnsent (20) on ight o Ualawtal Peaines Misceltaneous Civil Complaint Defantation (13) Conimrerciat 4) QO RIOR?) a ee sroperty (19) on ep > cer epi eset owe) Professional negligence(25} Judicial Review . Miscellancous Civil Petition FF otter nox etevawp ton 05) LE} Asset toreiere (05) 12 racine and comporate governance (21) Employment Petiston re: arhitration award (11) ObGrer petition (nor specéfied above) (43) Wrongfol terminaidan (36) 12 ete of osandats (02) Couer emptoyment (15) Oder jndiviat eeviow (39) 2, This case oO is fs not complex under rule 3.400 of the Catifomia Rules of Court, If the case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a. F) Linge number of separately represented parties 4 () Large number of witnesses b. Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel B Coordination and related actions pending in one or more coprts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states or countries, or in a federal court c. CF Substantial amount of documentary evidence (1 substantial post-judgment judiciat supervision 2 mony 8. LTnonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relict c. E punitive 3. Remedies sought (check all that apply): a. 4. Number of causes of action (specify): 7 5. This case is isnot a class action suit. 6. Ifthere,are an’ we related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You may.use form CM-075.) 2 Te oe C9 David R. Donadio » \ i (TYPE OR PRINT NAME} TSHGRATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY TOR PARTY) NOTICE * Paint rust file his cover sheet wth the fist paper Bled in the ection oF procending (except Small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Fanly Code, or Wallace ad lesa Codey {Eak eter of Court cule 450) Fash He mays eeu ce + Fife this cover sheet in addition to any cover shoot requited by joeal court : “AC this case is complex wader rule 3.400 ct 209, af the Califonsia Rutes of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all ther parties to the action ot proceeding, ~ Unless this is a collections case under ralo 3.740 of a complex case, this cover shct shall be used for statistical purposes only. Pree bat Foren Addoywed for Masndataty Use: CIVUL CASE COVER SHEET (ab eves of Cour, nder2-30, 3.288, 2.480.140, 3.740. Ses CmaiarCatetn . “Sana oft Aeon, 319 toe at 2007 rev cronfne (lis Aone Clalit mec FermeBRAYTON®PURCELL LLP ATTORNEYS AT LaW 22 RUSH LANDING ROAD “ POBOX 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94946-6149 (415) 298-1585 DAVID R. DONADIO, ESO., S.B. #154436 ROBERT Ce ESO. TSB. #248125 FLL E dD BR aoye ne # PURCELL LLP cE San Francisca Gounty Superior Gout 222 Rush Landing Road MAR 1 8 2608 P.O. Box $169 Novato, California 9494 SESARATEENT CONFERENCE SET 6 OFC PARI (ALS) 898-1555 By. Attorneys for Plaintiff Fep 19 2009 -1pM Deputy. ‘oti DRPARTMENT 206 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA “COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO BENNY [ANNUZZELLL, ASBESTOS lo. Plaintiff, ) CGC 068 -274570 5 : : ” vs. } COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY - ) ASBESTOS ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP) ) As Reflected on Exhibits B, B-1, C,H, I, and DOES 1-8500; and SEE ATTACHED LIST. ) L. Plaintiff BENNY LANNUZZELLI was born November 25, 1953. 2. The @Brayton Purcell Master Complaint for Personal Injury [and Loss of Consortium}- Asbestos (hereinafter “Master Complaint") was filed January 2, 2003, in San Francisco Superior Court. A copy of the Master Complaint and General Order No. $5 may be obtained upon request from Brayton%Purcell, and designated portions of the Mastcr Complaint are incorporated by reference herein pursuant to the authority conferred by Genicral Order No. 55. Plaintiffs claims are as set forth in said Master Complaint against defendants herein as follows: Mi uw ‘THIS CASE IS SUBJECT TO MANDATORY ELECTRONIG FILING u PURSUANT TO AMENDED 6.0, 158 ton I COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY - ASBESTOSATTORNEYS AT LAW P.O, Box 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 BRAYTONSPURCELL LLP 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC. DANA CORPORATION FOSTER WLEELER LLC GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGHIS, LLC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OWENS-ILLINOIS, INC. PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION PLANT INSULATION COMPANY QUINTEG INDUSTRIES, INC. RAPID-AMERICAN CORPORATION UNIROYAL HOLDING, INC. oS Pa AH Bw 101 Viacom, INC. WESTERN Mac ARTHUR COMPANY 11] MacARTHUR COMPANY WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY 12] HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC 13] Forv motor company : GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 14|| FMc coRPoRATION GARDNER DENVER, INC. 15]] INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY CUMMINS POWER GENERATION INC. HOPEMAN BROTHERS, INC, IT. THORPE & SON, INC. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GATKE CORPORATION AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENTAL. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS, INC. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. PNEUMO ABEX. LLC and DOES {-8506, Defendants. Benny lannuzzolli vs, Asbestos Defendants (ReeP) San Francisco Superior CourtQO 400 ‘NQLUXY Aue UO 10 juVeIduto;) Laysepy ay UT YJIO} 398 Se sorUD oIEUTAITE Hoy) pre, oooaoadg O O Oo taal: T HE DD FT F “SITQIHXY NO +SINVONa aa 5 Oo IN woo J x] eo} (qusy - Heoaqypneng) mauuEML (wopejuasaidassyyl [euoNUsqUT Aledaqypnezy) IUsIIaUIN, (1Wawyes9U0D slONEyAseidalsTIAY qadySanfiscaq ‘puery) ywasiysig ‘pUse;oAag {uo Jo WasU0D} YUZEIXIS (Zutpuug soyg oyzr_) Wusayiy ‘Tussyno5 (eo1aag Aapeg Axoyertdsoy) USSU, ‘WyLIM T, Cv Tra) Huaaayg ‘nual (BWOMHT] OV Uonesuadme> SIMON JOGIEL ple aloysuo7]) yu {amg poe sonreusuEA [oy ra eouaS)|3on ‘ssounpiomeostiy Ro al & Ua Ytanag “WXIS (Artiqery soysenua:y ouang sasituazd) YTS Cumirastios, JO 88077) yrtnog (uonequasaiday asted) PuqL (Auniqery rong) puoseg {eoua8 Son) aster ony Jo osteD3. Plaintiff's asbestos-related injury, date of diagnosis, employment status, and history of exposure to asbestos are as stated on Exhibit A. 4, Plaintiff's claims against defendant VIACOM, INC. (successor by merger to CBS CORPORATION which is Suiccessor-iti-interest' to WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION) exclude military and federal government jobsites. Dated: 5 I } b & BRAYTON‘ PURCELL LLP By: Qd¢ David R. Donadio Attomieys for Plaintiff KAtgurootoar . 3 EP AL INJURY - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT AEXHIBIT A Plaintiff's exposure to asbestos and asbestos-containing products occurred at various locations both inside and outside the State of California, including but not limited to: Location of . Exposure Employer Exposure Job Title _ Dates US Navy Naval Training Station, Trainee 10/16/1971 - Great Lakes, IL 12/30/1971 US Nav: Marine January - April, ¥ Mechanic 1972 mp (Trainee) U.S. Navy LOS ALAMOS (ArDB -7) Mechanic April, 1972 - Holy Loch Naval Base, (Marine 10/15/75 Holy Loch, Scotland engines) NON-OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE: Plaintiff performed brake jobs and engine work on various personal vehicles. When performing brake jobs, plaintiff uscd the same routine on cach occasion. Plaintiff removed old drum brakes, cleaning the brake assemblies and drums with a brush, a rag and his own breath and installing new rum brakes. Plaintiff bought the replacement brakes, gaskets and other parts from ARTIE’S AUTO SUPPLY, Staten Island, New York. Plaintiff performed Tepair to following vehicles: in 1975 plaintiff removed the brakes on his 1965 FORD (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) Galaxy, replacing them with BENDIX (HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC.) brakes purchased from ARTIE’S AUTO SUPPLY, Staten Istand, New York. Plaintiff replaced the intake manifold, removing the old gaskets by sanding and scraping with a wire brush and installing new FEL-PRO INCORPORATED gaskets. In 1977 plaintift removed the brakes on his 1969 CADILLAC (GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION) Coupe deVillé replacing them with BENDIX (HONEY WELL INTERNATIONAL, INC.) brakes. Paint also replaced the exhaust manifold, removing old gaskets by sanding and scraping with a wire brush and installing new gaskets from VICTOR MANUFACTURING AND GASKET (DANA CORPORATION ). In 1976 or 1977 plaintiff helped his brother-in-law Richie Cappola remove the brakes on his 1969 CHEVROLET (GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION) Supersport and replace them with BENDIX (ALLIEDSIGNAL, INC.) brakes, Plaintiff's exposure to asbestos and ashestos-containing products caused severe and permanent injury to the plaintiff, including, but not limited to breathing difficulties, asbestosis, and/or other lung damage, and increased risk and fear of developing mesothelioma, lung cancer and various other cancers. Plaintiff was diagnosed with asbestosis on or about July 2007. a EXHIBIT A Aphue 108 2 5 COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INIURY -ASHESTOSome YU DH & wD 10 EXHIBIT A (cont'd. Plaintiff is stili employed and therefore has suffered no disability due to his asbestos- related discasc as "disabifity” is defined in California Code of Civil Procedure § 340.2. KMbjured OBI Temps COMP! [AL ~ ASBESTO} EXHIBIT AEXHIBIT BoY mn Aw Rh wD 27 28 IDANTS ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC. DANA CORPORATION FOSTER WHEELER LLC GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLGUIES, LLC GENERAL BLECTRIC COMPANY OWENS-ILLINOIS, INC. PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION PLANT INSULATION COMPANY QUINTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. RAPID-AMERICAN CORPORATION BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC. FOSTER WHEELER LLC GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGINS, LEC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION it EXHIBIT B. UNIROYAL, HOLDING, INC. VIACOM, INC. WESTERN MacARTHUR COMPANY MacARTHUR COMPANY WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY MONEY WELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. FORD MOTOR COMPANY GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION FMC CORPORATION GARDNER DENVER, INC. INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY CUMMINS POWER GENERATION INC. DOES 1-800 ALTERNATE ENTITY BUCYRUS-ERIE MARION. POWER SHOVEL COMPANY, THE OSGOOD COMPANY GENERAL EXCAVATOR COMPANY MUNDET CORK COMPANY FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION GARLOCK, INC. COLTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. FAIRBANKS-MORSE PAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES BELMONT PACKING & RUBBER CO. GARLOCK PACKING CO. U.S. GASKET CO. GOODRICH CORPORATION ENPRO INDUSTRIES, INC. MATTERN X-RAY HOTPOINT ELECTRIC APPLIANCE COMPANY LIMITED TRUMBULL ELECTRIC MANUTACTURING COMPANY GE INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS CURTIS TURBINES PARSONS TURBINES GENERAL ELECTRIC JET ENGINES SACOMA-SIERRA, INC. SACOMA MANUFACTURING COMPANY E.LS, AUTOMOTIVE CORPORATION CONDREN CORPORATION, THE PARKER SEAL COMPANY EXHIBIT B KAtnjgrednORL Temp pip.wyd g COMPLAINT POR PERSONAL INJURY > ASBESTOS2 PF NAW eR YD Ke 10 UNIROYAL HOLDING, INC. VEACOM, INC. WESTERN MacARTHUR COMPANY HONEY WELI. INTERNATIONAL, INC. a Ue EXHIBIT B (cont'd, ALTERNATE ENTITY UNIROYAL, INC. CBS CORPGRATION WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION - WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY BE. STURTEVANT KPEX TELEVISION STATION PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WESTERN ASBESTOS CO. MAC ARTHUR COMPANY BAY CITIES ASBESTOS COMPANY F.K, PENNEY, INC, HONEYWELL, INC. HONEYWELL CONTROLS ALLIEDSIGNAL, INC, ALLID-SIGNAL, INC. “THE BENDIX CORPORATION . BENDIX PRODUCTS AUTOMOTIVE DIVISION BENDIX PRODUCTS DIVISION, BENDIX AVIATION CORP. BENDIX HOME SYSTEMS. ALLIBD CORPORATION ALLIED CHEMICAL CORPORATION GENERAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION FRAM . FRICTION MATERIALS OF LOS ANGELES NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES COMPANY. EM SECTOR HOLDINGS INC. UNIVERSAL OIL PRODUCTS COMPANY BOYLSTON CORPORATION EHRHART & ASSOCIATES, INC, EHRUART & ARTHUR, INC. GARRETT AIR RESEARCH CORP. STANLEY G, FLAGG & CO. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY ELTRA CORPORATION BUNKER RAMO-ELTRA CORPORATION UNION TEXAS NATURAL GAS CORPORATION UNION OIL AND GAS OF LOUISIANA UNION SULPHUR AND OIL CORPORATION UNION SULPHUR COMPANY, INC. THE MINNEAPOLIS-HONEY WELT. REGULATOR COMPANY SIGNAL COMPANIES, INC., THE HANCOCK OIL COMPANY BARRETT DIVISION, ALLIED CHEMICAL & DYE CORPORATION EXHIBIT B Slee popes . 9 MPT._A] IR PI INAL INJURY = ESTOS2 3 || FORD MOTOR COMPANY 4 . 5 6 j GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 8 9 10 . ll 12 13 |] FMC CORPORATION 14 is 16 17 18 19 GARDNER DENVER, ENC. 21) INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | XVajure OL Mon si IPLAINT FOR PERSON: EXHIBIT B (cont'd. ALTERNATE ENTITY BRITISH LEYLAND MOTORS; INC. BRITISH MOTOR CORPORATION JAGUAR CARS, INC, “‘PRIUMPH LINCOLN CONTINENTAL. AUSTIN HEALEY NEW DEPARTURE CHEVROLET AC. DELCO CO, BUICK AUTOMOTIVE CORPORATION CADILLAC PONTIAC LaSALLE OLDSMOBILE GM GOODWRENCH ROCHESTER PRODUCTS DIVISION EUCLID ROAD MACHINERY CO. FRIDGIDAIRE (for exposure pre 4/9/1979) FOOD MACHINERY AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION FOOD MACHINERY CORP, BARIUM PRODUCTS, LTD. FMC AUTO DIVISION LINK-BELT CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT COMPANY VAN BELT NORTHERN PUMP COMPANY (pre-1982) LINK-BELT SPEEDER LINK-BELT COMPANY TRUMP, INC. CHICAGO PUMP COMPANY PEERLESS PUMP COMPANY GARDNER DENVER MACHINERY INC JOY INDUSTRIAL COMPRESSOR GROUP INGERSOLL-DRESSER PUMP DRESSER-RAND CO. PACIFIC PUMP WORKS FLOWSERVE CORPORATION INGERSOLL ROCK DRILL COMPANY TERRY STEAM TURBINE CO. RAND DRILL COMPANY RAND & WARING DRILL AND COMPRESSOR COMPANY INGERSOLL-SERGEANT SCHLAGE LOCK COMPANY | VON DUPRIN ‘THE TORRINGTON COMPANY BLAW-KNOX COMPANY ALDRICH PUMPS EXHIBIT B 10San Dw hw Hw v= Ss BXHIBIT B (cont ALTERNATE ENTITY CUMMINS POWER GENERATION INC: ONAN CORPORATION EXHIBIT B KXlejuaRJ081Tsteme-pinawysd it COMPLAINE FOR PERSONAL INJURY - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT B-1SD eo WA HW Bw HN 10 DEFENDANTS, HOPEMAN BROTHERS, INC. J.T, THORPE & SON, INC. DOES [-800; DOES 1001-2000 IT. THORPL & SON, INC. eur 10817 iPLAINT FOR, EXHIBIT BL AL TY, THE THORPL COMPANY “THORPE PRODUCTS CO. LT. THORPE NORTHWEST 13 - ASBESTOS EXHIBIT B-{EXHIBIT CDEFENDANTS HOPEMAN BROTHERS, INC, LT. THORPE & SON, INC. PLANT INSULATION COMPANY WESTERN MacARTHUR COMPANY CONTRACTOR DEFENDANTS HOPEMAN BROTHERS, INC. J.T, THORPE & SON, INC. PLANT INSULATION COMPANY WESTERN MacARTHUR COMPANY/Ma: THUR COMPANY/WESTERN ASBESTOS: COMPANY Xxigjare 1081 7m pw BXHIBIT.C MacARTHUR COMPANY WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY DOES 1001-2000 LOCATION TIME PERIOD _ Various Various. Various Various Various Various Various: Various 15 £ FOR Pi iAL INJURY - ASBESTOS EXHIBIT CEXHIBIT HCm XY AW kh ww Hw No yon N Be aa EXHIBIT H ENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PNEUMO ABEX LLC BORGWARNER MORSE TUG, INC. HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. (successor. ‘ins interest to ALLIEDSIGNAL, INC) THE BUDD COMPANY DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORPORATION DANA CORPORATION FORD MOTOR COMPANY GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE. NORTH AMERICAN TIRE, LEG LEAR SIEGLAK DIVERSIFIED HOLDINGS CORP. MAREMONT CORPORATION MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC, PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION STANDARD MOTOR PRODUCTS, INC. GATKE CORPORATION GARLOCK SAILING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC BRASSBESTOS BRAKE LINING COMPANY H. KRASNE MANUPACTURING COMPANY STUART-WESTERN, (NC. RITESET MANUFACTURING COMPANY ASBESTOS MANUPACTURING COMPANY FIBRE & METAL, PRODUCTS COMPANY LASCO BRAKE PRODUCTS LJ. MILBY COMPANY ROSSENDALE-RUBOIL COMPANY SOUTHERN FRICTION MATERIALS COMPANY U.S, SPRING & BUMPER COMPANY AUTO FRICTION CORPORATION EMSCO ASBESTOS COMPANY FORCEE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION MOLDED INDUSTRIAL FRICTION CORPORATION NATIONAL TRANSPORT SUPPLY, INC. SILVER LINE PRODUCTS, INC. STANDCO, INC. UNIVERSAL FRICTION MATERIALS COMPANY WHEELING BRAKE BLOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY OWENS-ILLINOIS, INC. BELL ASBES'OS MINES Lib, AUTO SPECIALTIES MANUFACTURING COMPANY DOESS000-8000 KMpjured 10817 EXHIBIT H 17 TF FOR PI AL INJURY - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT IoS Om NIN DH BF HN mH NNN Yee Se we we we Oe ee WS = FS Ce BAKO BTS 27 28 SXHIBIT D ANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OWENS-iLLINOIS, INC. PNEUMO ABEX LLC GATKI CORPORATION GARI.OCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AMERICAN CONTERENCE OF GOVERNMENTAL INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS, INC, UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. DOESS000-7500 EXHIBIT ‘lect eens we 19 ‘OMPLAY RY - ASBESTOSBRAYTON®PURCELL LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 222, RUSH LANDING ROAD BO BOX 6199 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 898.1555, Ve NY AM Bw DN = 6s DAVID R. DONADIO, ESQ., S.B. #154436 BRAYTON® PURCELL Li ENDORSED Attorneys at Law how Bow Be 222 Rush Landing Road ‘San Francisco County Superior Coutt P.O. Box 6169 . Novato, California 94948-6169 MAR 4 8 2008 (415) 898-1555 GORDON PARKGL, Clark Attorneys for Plaintiff 1 _... PARAM neve SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO BENNY fANNUZZELLL Plaine CGC-08-274570 vs. PRELIMINARY FACT SHEET/NEW FILING/ASBESTOS LITIGATION ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP) ASBESTOS No. (See General Order No. 129, In Re: Complex Asbestos Litigation) NOTICE TO NEW DEFENDANTS SERVED IN COMPLEX ASBESTOS LITIGATION IN THE SOeRIOR COURT IN AND FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY AND COUNTY OF: SAN FI You have been served with process in an action which has been designated by the Court as complex litigation pursuant to Standard 19 of the Standards of Judicial Administration. This litigation bears the caption “In Re: Complex Asbestos Litigation", [San Francisco Superior Court No. 828684]. This litigation is governed by various Beneral orders, some of which affect the judicial management and/or discovery obligations, including the responsibility to answer interrogatories deemed propounded in the case. You ma contact the Court or Designated Defense Counsel, Berty & Berry, P.O. Box 16076, 2930 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610; Telephone: (510) 835-8330; FAX: (510) 835-5117, for further information and/or copies of these orders, at your expense. 1. State the complete name and address of each person whose claimed exposure to asbestos is the basis of this lawsuit ("exposed person"): Benny Jannuzzelli, 355 Piano Lan venport, Florida 33896. KAlalure 198) thr fae I SH iW FILINGIASBESTOS LITIGATIONA wR BN Oo wm x 2. Does plaintiff anticipate fiting a motion for a preferential trial date within dhe next four months? Yes __X_ No [If yes, the action wil! be governed by General Order No. 140; if no, the action will be governed by General Ozdcr No. 129,] 3. Date of birth of each exposed person in item one and, if applicablo, date of death: Date of Birth: 11/25/53 Date of Death: N/A Social Security Number of each exposed person: 131-402-4187 4. Specify the nature or type of asbestos-related disease alleged by cach exposed porson. X__ Asbestosis Mesothelioma ____. Pleural Thickening/Plaques ____ Other Cancer: Specify: ____ Lung Cancer Other Than Mesothelioma ___ Other: Specify: 5. For purposes of identifying the natuce of exposure allegations involved in this action, picase check one or more: _ Shipyard _. Construction X__ Friction-Automotive Premises _ Aerospace X__ Military Other: Specify all that apply: Tf applicable, indicate which exposure allegations apply to which exposed person. 6. Identify each location alleged to be a source of an asbestos exposure, and to the extent known, provide the beginning and ending year(s) of each such exposure. Also specify each exposed Person's employer and job title or joh description during cach period of exposure. (For example: "San Francisco Naval Shipyard - Pipefitter - 1939-1948"). Examples of locations of exposure might be a specific shipyard, a specific railroad maintenance yard, or perhaps more generalized descriptions such as "merchant marine” or “construction”. [fan exposed person claims exposure during only a pottion of a year, the answer should indicate that year as the beginning and ending year (¢.g., 1947-1947). WW wesR1081 7Beimy Fees AR 2 CE FILING ATIONSWAY A A A wD Location of Exposure Employer Exposure Job Titl Dates US Navy Nava! Training Station, Trainee 10/16/1971 ~ Great Lakes, IL 42/30/1971 US Navy Marine January - April, Mechanic ° 1972 (Trainee) U.S. Navy LOS ALAMOS (AFDB -7) Mechanic April, 1972 - Holy Loch Naval Base, (Marine 10/15/75 Holy Loch, Scotland engines) NON-OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE: Piaintiff performed brake jobs and engine work on various personal vehicles. When performing brake jobs, plaintiff used the same routine on each occasion. Plaintiff removed old drum brakes, cleaning the brake assemblies and drums with a brush, a rag and his own breath and installing new drum brakes. Plaintiff bought the replacement brakes, gaskets and other paris from ARTIB’ AUTO SUPPLY, Staten Island, New York. Plaintiff performed repair to following vehicles: In 1975 plaintiff removed the brakes on his 1965 FORD (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) Galaxy, replacing them wiih BENDIX (HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC.) brakes purchased from ARTIE’S AUTO SUPPLY, Staten Island, New York. Plaintiff replaced the intake manifold removing the old gaskets by sanding and scraping with a wire brush and instailing new FEL-PRO| INCORPORATED gaskets. ‘Altach Additional Pages, If Necessary) SEE ATTACHED CONTINUATION 7. For cach exposed person who: a. worked in the United States or for a U.S. agency outside the territorial United States, attach to the copy of this fact shect provided to Designated Defense Counsel a fully executed Social Security Bamings authorization (Exhibit N-4 to General Order No. 129); b. may have had a Social Security disability award or is no longer employed and whose last employment was nol with a United States government agency, attach to the copy of this fact sheet provided to Designated Defense Counsel a fully executed Social Security Disability authorization (Exhibit N-S to General Order No.-129); . served at any time in the United States military, attach to the copy of this fact sheet provided fo Designated Défense Counsel two fully executed originals of the stipulation (Exhibit N-3 to General Order No, 129); , if Sapte tee tates 3 FAS y FIC BES’ ATIGATE2 me YAH wa wD Ww d. was employed by the United Statcs government in a civilian capacity, attach to the copy of this fact sheet provided to Designated Defense Counsel two fully executed originals of the stipulation (Exhibit N-3 to General Order No. 129). 8. if there is a wrongful death claim, attach to the copy of this fact sheet provided to Designated Defense Counsel 2 copy of the death certificate, if available. [fan autopsy report was done, also attach acopy of it to the copy of this fact sheet provided to Designated Defense Counsel. 9. State the date of the filing of the initial complaint in this matter: Zaps Attomey for Plaintiff ‘ 4 Ei EBT/NEW PILING/ASBESTOS LITIGATIONTn 1977 plaintiff removed the brakes on his 1969 CADILLAC (GENERAL MOTORS. CORPORATION} Coupe deVille. placing them with BENDIX (HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, »} brakes. Plaintiff also replaced the exhaust manifold, removing old gaskets by sanding and scraping with a wire brush and installing new gaskets from VICTOR . MANUFACTURING AND GASKET (DANA CORPORATION). Tn 1976 or 1977 plaintiff helped his brother-in-law Richie Cappola remove the brakes on his 1969 CHEVROLET (6! &, MOTORS CORPORATION) Supersport and replace theny with BENDIX (ALLIBDSIGNAL, INC.) brakes. Kalnjasesh1O81TiRemg fect 5 PRELIMINARY FACT SHi ILING/ASBESTOS LITICiv-050 — DO NOT FILE WITH THE COURT — — UNLESS YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A DEFAULT JUDGMENT UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE § 585 — Novato, California 94948-6169 ATTORNEY FOR (mame): Plaintifi(s) ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY {Name and Address}: ‘TELEPHONE NO. DAVID R. DONADIO, FSO, (Bar # 154436) (415) 898-1555 BRAYTON®PURCELL LLP FAX NO. 222 Rush Landing Road (415) 898-1247 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO streeraporess: 400 McAllister Street MAILING ADDRESS: cirvanpzecops, San Francisco 94102 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: BENNY IANNUZZELLI DEFENDANT: ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP) STATEMENT OF DAMAGES CASE NUMBER: (Parsonal injury or Wrongful Death) 274570 * To (name of one defendant only): GARDNER DENVER, INC. Plaintiff (name of one plaintiff only): BENNY IANNUZZELLI seeks damages in tha above-entitlad action, as follows: 1. General damages AMOUNT a & Pain, suffering, and inconvenience $ __250,000.00 b. Bl emotional distress - $__ 50,006.00 c. OD oss of consortium ooo. e ee eeceeesseceveceeeeeeeeeeet ecco ecbeeveeeeeeeees $ d. oO Loss of society and companionship(wrongful death actions only) ©... 2... .$ e O Other (specify) S$ 7 O Other (specify) $ g QO Continued on Attachment 4.9. 2. Special damages a. & Medical expenses {to date) $ 10,000.00 v. BW future medicat expenses (present vaive) . $____ 50,000.00 c oO Loss of aamings (to data)... eee $ a. 1 toss or future earning capacity (present value)... $ e O Propertydamage .............. . § t. 1 Funeral expenses (wrongful death actions onty) -$ g. oO Future contributions (present valve) {wrongful death actions only) 2.0.2... 0c cece ee eee $ h. oO Value of personal service, advica, or training (wronghd death actions only) $ i & Other (specify) LOSS OF HOUSEHOLD SERVICES i oO Other (specify) 2... ce cence eee e nee e eels kK. Oo Continued on Attachmont 2.k. 3. Punitive damages: Plaintiff reserves the right to seak punitive damages in the amount of (specify) ...... $ _2,500,000.00 when pursuing 2 judgment in the suit filed against you. Dae: Algjoz, David R. Dood David R. Donadio » {TYPE OR PRINT NAME} (SIGNATURE OF PLAINTIFF OR ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF} . (Proof of sarvice on reverse) Foam Adopted for Mondotory Use STATEMENT OF DAMAGES Code of Gil Procedure, $8425.19, 425.118 Giv-050 [Rew lanoary 1 2007] {Personal injury or Wrongful Daath) LexisNexis® Automated California duticial Council FormsEXHIBIT “B”” BRAYTON@PURCELL ALAN R. BRAYTON, ESQ., S.B. #73685 ERIN A. ORZEL, ESQ., §.B. #252965 BRAYTON*PURCELL LLP Attorneys at Law - 222 Rush Landing Road P.O. Box 6169 Novato, California’ 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 Attorneys for Plaintiff © SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO oo YN A MW & ww Pw moe - Oo BENNY IANNUZZELLI, } ASBESTOS | 0. Plaintiff, | ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES _ be 4s we vs. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP) ; _ POBOX 6169 (415) 998-1555 a NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD = an PROPOUNDING PARTY: STANDARD ASBESTOS CASE INTERROGATORIES RESPONDING PARTY: Plaintiff BENNY IANNUZZELLI : SET NO: ONE ee Oo wo ANSWERS BENNY NICHOLAS LANNUZZELLI. November 25, 1953. won wR wv Ss 5 8 © s o eo 8 & P 54 years, Staten Island, New York. 355 Piano Lane, Davenport, Florida 33896. Height: 5° 8", weight: 240 pounds. 13142-4187. Not applicable. yoy YN oe Ua a Pog om. 8 Kjlejured OST TEAL sacs. wpd 1Do mo WA A eB WN Ye Be Be ee ee ee oC wm WAAR RY NE Ss 21 29 Davenport, Florida. La. oP % KAlnjured\i08t78\Ab-sacsf wp Not applicable. D121795. Florida, 1524074534250. ~ Benny Nicholas lannuzzelli. 12® grade. Jean Anderson Tannuzzelli, August 13, 1952. December 16, 1972. Same as 1.c., above. Medical Assistant, Assistant Administrator, Florida Cardiology, None. Not applicable. Mark Allan Tannuzzelli. April 28, 1970. Legally adopted. 45 Tudor Street, Staten Island, New York 10308, School bus driver. Living. Clara Marie Harrington. May 22, 1973. Natural. . 424 Birch Bark Drive, Brick, New Jersey 08723. Housewife. Living. Nicole Janet g. May 17, 1977. Natural. 146 South Longboat Drive, Tuckerton, New Jersey 08087. Housewife, Medical Biller. Living. . Clara Jannuzzelli. 75 years. None. Retired (Nurses Aide) Christina lannuzzelli. Grandmother. 81 years. “November 1978. Staten Island, New York. Kidney cancer. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Nicholas Joseph Iannuzzelli. Father. 75 years. October 28, 2006. Manahawkin, Stafford County, New J ersey. Urethral cancer (bladder). Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing, 5. Plaintiff is currently-able to recall the following addresses: 18 years: 442 Broadway, Staten Island, New York 10310; KAnfured\i0817S\Al-sacsfl.wpdDP oN HH FF WD pee or anawer |W NY & Oo 3.5 years: USS LOS ALAMOS (SFDB-7), Holy Loch, Scotland; 16 years: 183 Myrtle Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10310; 9 years: - 171 Pulasri Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10303; 13 years: 68 Ronald Road, Lakewood, New York 08701. 6. Plaintiff graduated from McKee Vocational High School in 1971. Plaintiff completed a course in Auto Mechanics, Actual Engine and Auto Repairs from 1971 to 1972; and ; Engineman Class A School for the United States Navy. 7. April 11, 2008: 8. No. 9. Plaintiff was a member of the United States Navy from 1971 to 1975, and inactive! reserve from 1975 to 1977. Plaintiff's service number is D121795. Please see response to Interrogatory No. 26, below. 10. Excluding plaintiff's expert consultants, plaintiff recalls the following physicians: a b.- c. d. mf eB e KNinjured\108178\As-sacafl.wpd Dr. Radu E, Ariton. - 11 Ralph Place, Suite 201, Staten Island New York 10304. Plaintiff. received treatment after suffering a heart attack. July 14, 1995 to September 2001, ° : Cardiology care. . Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Dr.-Clavido Manubens. 2239 North Boulevard, West Davenport, Florida 33837. Routine health care exams, including stress tests and echo-cardiograms. 2003 to the present, specific dates unknown. General health maintenance, shortness of breath. Plaintiffs investigation and discovery are continuing. Dr. James G. Matrisciano,OC oe YU Dw RF YW NY PM ey NY NN NR RD SF ee eee oe. os P eB v P Ss KAlnjured\108178\Al-saesfT.wpd ‘Unknown address in Louisiana. General health maintenance. 2002 to 2004, General health maintenance. | Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Dr. Mandel @, Jain. 105 South Dixie Drive, Haines City, Florida 33844. General health maintenance. 2004 to the present. General health maintenance. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Linda F. Healy, MSN ARNFC 5. Veterans Administration, Health Care Center, 5201 Raymond Street, Orlando, Florida 32803. Routine health care, including heart exams, thyroid monitoring, asbestos lung disease and sleep disorder. 2003 to the present. : ” General health maintenance, Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Dr. Rohderick C. Nazario, Pulmonary Disease Specialist PA. 40124 US Highway 27, Suite 202, Davenport, Florida 33837. Treatment for sleep disorder, and lung disease. 2006 to present. Sleep disorder, lung disease. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing.1 Dr. Faiyaz M. Jhaveri. 2 b. Urology Healthcare of Central Florida, 2217 North Boulevard West, 3 Davenport, Florida 33873. 4 c. Urethral structure surgery, 2 times. 5 d. 2006 to present. 6 ©. Urethral structure surgeries. 7 f. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. 3 . 9 a Dr, Jeffrey N. Bott. 10 b, 217 Hillorest Street, Orlando, Florida 32801. 11 | <. Plaintiff had open heart bypass surgery. 12 4. June 24, 2005. 13 s. .. Heart surgery. 14 f. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. 15 16 a. Dr. El Shalarany. 17 b. Unknown at present. is| . e Plaintiff recalls receiving a pace maker and defibulator. 19 . a, Gctober 16, 2005. 20 e.’ Heart care, 21 f. Plaintifs investigation and discovery are continuing. 22 lL. Exchiding those used by plaintiff's expert consultants, plaintiff currently recalls 23 || the following hospitals: 24 a, 25 b. 26 o 27 d. 28 & KAinjured\08178\AL saosft wwpd St. Vincent's Hospital. Bard Avenue, Staten Island, New York. Exams, treatment and testing after suffering a heart attack. July 14 to 21, 1995, : Heart attack.0 Om NY A HW RW NHN Soe oe oe Ser AA Re HSE DS fe s o> F Pp pe &, f. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing, ORMC. 1414 Kuhi Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32806. - Open heart bypass surgery. June 24, 2005. Heart surgery and catheterization. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Heart of Florida Regional Medical Center. US Highway 27, Davenport, Florida 33837. CT scans of chest found blood clots in lungs, and nodules. February 2006: : Breathing problems. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Heart of Florida Regional Medical Center. US Highway 27, Davenport, Florida 33837. Plaintiff had urethral structure surgeries. January 9, 2007, and July 18, 2007. Urethral structure surgery. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. 12, Exeluding any taken by plaintiff's expert consultants, plaintiff recalls the following x-rays: a KAlnjured10B178\AL-secafi.wod Heart of Florida Regional Medical Center, US Highway 27, Davenport, Florida 33837. February 15, 2006. Chest.Oo Oo WD HH B WN bw oN NW NM YN BN NY fF Se Be Se me om Ee Be Se ou a AR oONHN |= SF Gwe A AWE BY Hw =| c, d. e, Unknown. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. ., Radiology, 2335 North Boulevard West, Davenport, florida 33837. May 12, 2006; May 19, 2006. Chest. Unknown. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. Veterans Administration Health Care Center, $201 Raymond Street, Orlando, Florida 33803, July 25, 2007; January 9, 2008. CT of thorax. Unknown. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. 13. Excluding any taken by plaintiff's expert consultants, plaintiff recalls the following pulmonary function tests: a r op Mm o Kilnjured 081 78AL sacs ft wp Heart of Florida Regional Medical Center, US Highway 27, Davenport, Florida 33837. March 9, 2006. Dr. Thomas O’Brien. Breathing trouble. Unknown. Yes. Dr. Rohderick Nazartio. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing, Veicrans Administration Hospital, Tampa, Florida.1 b. December 21, 2006.” 2 e. Plaintiff does aot recall. 3 d. Disability compensation testing. 4 Unknown, 5 £ Yes. 6 gz Unknown physician. 7 h. Plaintiff's investigation and discovery are continuing. 8 14. Please s