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  • Cach, LLC Plaintiff vs. Arnon A Labock Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Cach, LLC Plaintiff vs. Arnon A Labock Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Cach, LLC Plaintiff vs. Arnon A Labock Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview
  • Cach, LLC Plaintiff vs. Arnon A Labock Defendant Contract and Indebtedness document preview


Filing # 59487567 E-Filed 07/25/2017 03:12:14 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: CACE-14-015902 CACH, LLC, vs. Plaintiff, ARNON A LABOCK a/k/a LABOCK, ARNON, Defendant. / PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT COMES NOW Plaintiff, CACH, LLC, by and through its undersigned Counsel, and moves this Honorable Court pursuant to Rule 1.510, Fla. R. Civ. P., for the entry of a Summary Judgment in its favor and against Defendant, ARNON A LABOCK a/k/a LABOCK, ARNON, on the grounds that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact, and that Plaintiff is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. In support thereof, Plaintiff states the following: 1) There are no genuine issues as to any material fact and Plaintiff, CACH, LLC, is entitled to a Judgment as a matter of law based upon the pleadings, affidavits and discovery on file herein. 2) More specifically, Plaintiff, CACH, LLC, would show unto this Court that all of the factual allegations contained in Plaintiff's Complaint are undisputed as a result of the pleadings, affidavits and discovery on file herein. In addition, please see the Affidavit of the CACH, LLC, Authorized Agent in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Plaintiff, including the Bill of Sale, Redacted Loan Schedule, Cardmember Agreement and Charge-off Statement, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. 3) On or about October 02, 2007, Defendant entered into an agreement with the original creditor by accepting and using the account issued to Defendant, therefore being bound by any terms associated with the account. 4) Plaintiff purchased Defendant’s account from the original creditor and as such is entitled to all rights originally bestowed upon the original creditor. Please see Bill of Sale and Redacted Loan Schedule attached to Exhibit “A”. 5) Defendant has failed to repay either the full balance due or the minimum monthly payment, as promised, since November 10, 2011. 6) Plaintiff filed a Complaint against Defendant based upon the unpaid balance, which forms the basis of the instant suit. *** FILED: BROWARD COUNTY, FL BRENDA D. FORMAN, CLERK 7/25/2017 3:12:14 PM.****7) Defendant was duly served with process and Plaintiff's Complaint on or about August 29, 2014. 8) Defendant responded to Plaintiff's Complaint on or about September 16, 2014 and denied the debt. 9) However, a mere denial of allegations contained in the complaint, unsupported by evidence, does not create triable issues of fact. Edgewater Drugs, Inc. v. Jax Drugs, Inc., 138 So. 2d 525, 528 (Fla. 1st DCA 1962) (criticized on other grounds). 10) Defendant raised four (4) affirmative defenses, all of which were stricken by the Court on November 15, 2016. 11) To establish a prima facie case for a breach of contract action, a plaintiff must show (1) a valid contract, (2) a material breach, and (3) damages. J.J. Gumberg Co. v. Janis Services, Inc., 847 So.2d 1048, 1049 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003). 12) Exhibit “B” of Plaintiff's Complaint establishes that a valid and executed agreement existed between the parties, whereby Defendant was provided a loan and/or line of credit and required to re-pay all sums owed. 13) Based upon the pleadings, affidavits and discovery on file herein, Defendant has failed to provide evidence that they disputed the principal amount stated or made any payments toward said amount since November 10, 2011. 14) Defendant now owes Plaintiff $39,046.71, together with Court costs and attorney fees. 15) Pursuant to Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 1.510(c), a judge shall enter summary judgment in favor of the moving party if there is no genuine, triable issue of fact and if the party is guaranteed a judgment as a matter of law. Summary Judgment may be granted when the moving party has sustained its burden of showing the absence of a genuine issue as to any material fact with all evidence being viewed in the light most favorable to the non-moving party. Holl v. Talcott, 191 So. 2d 40 (Fla. 1966); see Lauck y. Publix Market, Inc., 335 So. 2d 589 (Fla. 3d DCA 1976); Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.510 (2002). 16) Additionally, when a denial of a claim is not made specifically and with particularity, entry of summary judgment may be proper. See United Bonding Ins. Co. vs. Dura Stress, Inc., 243 So.2d 244 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1971). 17) Based on the aforementioned case law, Defendant’s Answer raises no genuine issues of fact, is not sufficient to sustain a defense and thus Summary Judgment should be granted against Defendant, ARNON A LABOCK a/k/a LABOCK, ARNON. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable Court enter Summary Judgment in its favor and against Defendant, ARNON A LABOCK a/k/a LABOCK, ARNON. (Certificate of Service appears on the next page)CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that, pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Adminstration 2.516, a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished via electronic mail to Stephen Butter, Esq. at that attorney's designated email address(es). Dated: July 25, 2017 Ashley L. Moore, E: Tina D. Gayle, Esq. -0636606 FEDERATED LAW GROUP, PLLC 887 Donald Ross Road Juno Beach, Florida 33408 Tel: (888) 362-7684 Fax: (800) 391-2178 Document service e-mail: bmanno@federatedlaw.comEXHIBIT A CACH, LLC vs. ARNON A LABOCK a/k/a LABOCK , ARNON File #: 19395928IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: CACE-14-015902 CACH. LLC Plaintift, Vs. ARNON A LABOCK a/k/a LABOCK . ARNON. Defendant(s). AFFIDAVIT OF CACH, LLC AUTHORIZED AGE) STATE OF COLORADO — § § COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared TOM VIG who, after first being duly sworn, upon his oath, deposed and stated as follows: My name is TOM VIGIL I am over eighteen years of age, of sound mind and fully competent to make this Affidavit, and have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein: 1 am a custodian of records of CACH, LLC and I am authorized to make this affidavit on its behalf. I am familiar with the process of CACH, LLC regarding its purchase of accounts. It is CACH, LLC regular practice to obtain, integrate, and rely upon the documents prepared by the issuer of the debt. Said documents are integrated into the records of CACH, LLC, kept in the regular course of CACH, LLC’s business, and CACH, LLC relies upon the accuracy of such documentation in its day to day business activities. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is known by CACH, LLC to be a reliable source of such information, as that entity is regulated by the United States and charged with keeping accurate records. Attached hereto are records of CACH, LLC, including the integrated records of WELLS FARGO BAN N.A., entitled Bill of Sale, Redacted Loan Schedule, Cardmember Agreement and Charge Off Statement. These records are kept by CACH, LLC in the regular course of business, and it was the regular course of business of CACH, LLC for an employee or representative of CACH. LLC with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion, or diagnosis recorded to make the record or to transmit information thereof to be included in such record, and the record was made at or near the time or reasonably soon thereafter. The records attached hereto are the original or exact duplicates of the nT +a 206038 MGA T= AFFIDAVIT -- Page 1 of 2 File #: 120019395928original. In preparation of this Affidavit, | have reviewed CACII, LLC’s electronic data file on ARNON A LABOCK a/k/a LABOCK . ARNON, along with the Exhibits attached hereto. Based on my familiarity with CACH, LLC's procedures regarding obtaining and integrating account documents upon purchase of charged off accounts, my review of CACII. LLC’s electronic data file and the attached Exhibits, and my general familiarity with this account, | have personal knowledge of the account and the matters stated herein are true. According to the electronic data file and attached records, it appears as follow Bill of Sale Redacted Loan Schedule Cardmember Agreement Charge Off Statement The Defendant, ARNON A LABOCK a/kia LABOCK ARNON, opened a credit account with the original creditor, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., and that Defendant, ARNON A LABOCK aka LABOCK . ARNON, defaulted in its payments to the original creditor on the aforementioned credit account which caused said debt to be charged off on April 4, 2012, Plaintiff, CACH, LLC purchased Defendant's ARNON A LABOCK a/k’a LABOCK . ARNON, account from the original creditor WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A, and therefore Plaintiff, CACH. LLC is thus the current creditor in this action. There is now, due and payable from the Defendant, ARNON A LABOCK a‘ka LABOCK . ARNON, the sum of $39,046.71 . and interest of $0.00 for a total sum of $39,046.71, plus costs as permitied by law. Signed this day of _ Sa {Signature of Affiant] Arapahoe BSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME in the County of State of ZO] OR Ai, on the day of 2 My commission expires: ~ VICI || : AFFIDAVIT -- Page 2 of 2 File #: 120019395928 GaMaxbibitt BILL OF SALE This Bill of Sate ts erered into this 21st day of Mareh, 2013 purmuent to thet certaln Agreement for the Purchass end Sals of Chasged-OfF Accounts (“Agreemem”) effective aa of March 21, 2013 by and beween CACH, LLC, as buyer (“Buyer”), and. ‘Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.,.ap eciler ("Wells Fargo"), For good and valuable consideration as more particularty set forth in the Agreement, Wells Fargo hereby ussigns, sclls, wansfers and conveys to Buyer, and Buyer hereby accepts fiom Wells Fargo, withoui ccoourse exoept az specifically provided in-Sectton 4 of tho Agreement; the Accounts descrited la the Account Schedule attached hereto es Scheduled . Seller: Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Buyer: CACH, LLC Numte of accom: Qi Lin of Accounts: Attached héreto as Schedule A Unpaid Balance of Accounts: QED Cot-Off Doin: GD Choring Date ED CACH, LLC: . . WELLS PARGO BANK, NA. By: bt Le =e By: Name: Fede. Name: Th: Sue Tite: yal te Datesvn 44,2013 WW:0Dem WELLS FARGO WO. 1660 P. 23/30 Exhibit 1 ‘This BM of Salo in extosed into this 21st day of Masch, 2019-pursuant to hit certain Agreement for ths Purchase and Sele of Cherged-Of Accounts (“Agreement”) effective es of Merch 21, 2013 by atid between CACH, LLC, ap buys (“Buyer”), and ‘Wells Pergo Bank, NAL, ef seller (“Wells Fargo”), For good and valuble-consideration a3 more particularly set forth io the Agreement, ‘Wells Fargo hereby assigns, sols, tuunzfors.and conveys to Buyes, and Buyer berety accepts from. Wells Fargo, without recourse exocpt an specifically provided in Section 4 of the Agroumett, tho Accounts daocrlbod tn the Account Schedule attahod hereto az Geller: Wells Fargo Beak, N.A. Number of Acooums: Uist of Accounts Attached hereto as Schedule A: ‘Unpaid Balizwo of Accounts: QD Co-Of Date: Closing Dateenarco0ge “4 Hovaa s/ONVTWH 06 .1dv BAITIST Oor —99THz6S9 INI SSID CAUNV.OANGa sun ssuENE og ZeSTbLLEL E TRS6LSHOBBNOH LHS teroEtez azsns Oss =D SNe @Waay'sns woay’sna NLT nSS™Srra WNTANTS8 wsad agus GF GOW OroOv aiags = KANO. =a as"saND00: oos'ze t0r't wv 00'00:ZT E102 ‘Or AON ODT SbOEE TLaH'EE Mv oorooizr Zeaz"yz sey WY 00°00°2T £00 20 AG UNG'RSIONVINEWTES] «BATT LWW Lids) Lowes) RLVUTURT «WE AH HOTEUHD 4070" A07NdO TOWNNTHA"SNa CT WNNTHd™sn06z-600EE 1 howae TivaNvTWH O16 Adv YOITISTI OD —TEEHOGOR —“Y’NONRIY'NDOGVI OSL Hv 0000-2 oro 'z2095 0 THM ZI ous ADT eeoav1D Teaavto NLL NSS“1D- WN" LATD, AWAY HSUS) AGTADV HST IST TENE ASIONVEDA ISTQTY GM EY GENO THAN HED TANTO dIZVD GUS ALD TMAQVTD Mya NLONSS YD WNTUNT YD ZWRNTHAID:01 faresanau a uoedo nok wi ie emveuaaiSe UCDO oie axa oe stares Bu ‘pup seouey ee ae eee eneuea seme Aue ckzints rok 3) Tigdisasty 0) inal ous a Wawnedy san 1) BUR OH 0 sami 01g js0UR> 02 Fevo\e eunreUt}s Joy JO sry UO ematog JiR0 fuw suze Wpey ‘samaucg due 0 opew saueApy Gupnpuy “weueaBy sin spun enp munou ge hed 0) remcuog Ave eins ceD nok sumo SPL “UEUIEEY ‘SIG ZeBUA OND aUNGWS [WEY Bia 10) GxsA ATALsAGS pus mci eon | oy aa oes -pououdy sa Basen ens en Kg 19 vowed hem ‘vormposy RnDAN oR Se Se eerie iad man sea Aa oats on Biss oe oc iran) Careboaiiy) aunty BOD fe win ES AL 6 SS COREE 8 INT IORI ULCER Te uo w0esdy jo 8120 qweusaiBiy ypeud Jo sur) ssoulsng UOREPOSSY [EUOREN ‘HULA EACUIEMA ‘SctRetoctogsaety OqUNN wNCIIYmay exiasih ctner means of ctalring Advances fern my Ancourt. a8 permed by is Agreement consitutes my requesi to reonive such now services. may reject (of refuse Such now services at the Ume Wey are offered. ee ‘Be governsd by the terns of this Agrecmerd. 1 assetne retponsitiity for EaINY ot ol cocoa sees Gee and ae nny pa a to ei ene eer oe ene acdnN eran oe ho you poss tak bekon ts ‘authattend to conduct such tensactions. 7 Uthare amor the oe prion echo toca the hex we gency oy you sxc inscens, wich as one cf us teling you not to honor Advances requested by enc! and must be retumed immediately’ an gaah os Arora my er amy a re ree mam es Seneca seas naasb les ( enderitand that you reserve the right not to hanay requests for Advances [nthe folowing crmimstances: Creda Limt Vieistion. Payment of the Advences.woutd cause me to excead my Maximum Creda Limt er | have ‘excended my Mgxtmum Credit Um2 cf the time of the request; (@) Post Dated Checks, if you pay « Pte kn 608 wa yor chk eed yo G7 nat responaitte for eny losses or damages I may incur; {C) Stolan Aceass Devices. My Azcess Chocks ara reperied test or stolen; © Temata Baer. Try Aaa has Bee Can ar nineted or euspunied as prided tn is @ trnunadieg ioe ah the request; or Use. My access device is ised by someone other tian a Borrower, {yes pay any Adeanes requested undies Unese condos. | to repay you, subject to appliosbts tews, for.the emourl ‘The Advance Raed! wil be evidence of to you together win this Agreement. Your lbiy, any, i wt dite of $n Advance ( Orted to ae ry a os ere he heremant, Your Len. oy tepraceney coer niioes as Chicks or saeemee é you loons krnediaoly, The fasts! wey toot yous by caling eit. ATM ACCESS LIMITATIONS. OAS, Transactions concocted ATMA erp. governed by the brittons of Une incised ATM ‘ouriars and rhéy be subject to ATM fees erid transaction tmtations Imposed by the ATM owner. Sot ee dats ee ot ng, bt nt te fo, the tations on Anca wt . tat Loge TNs boa cles paket TERMINATION GF AUTHORIZATION TO DRAFT: i tus box is checked, my Interest Rate is 63530 on essimption that | will mainiain en Authorizzton to Draft Agresment ln piece, which agreement attows you to eviomatically INTEREST ali FEE(S): COAPUTATION,-liarest shat’ colaceted tor sacpomeg ct ruc ee Pe abe lt pended hn Seer brie sere dy = ‘The “ayerage Galt balance” (earTa meray: 1PAVIKENTS; DEMAND. tt thare ts an Cutstanding Balance, | agrve to maka a minimum morthy payment equa to the greeter of (a) Interest on the outstanding Advences pius-unpadd fees socusd during the currem” bing period, (o) the ‘Overtime Amoumi (es Gsfined , of (€) $10.00. *Overim Amount means the amount by which () the Outstanding boginntig of the ius Aavanbes, nares. oh he Gearing Avaric end inpe foes i pete, APPLICATION OP PAYMENTS. Uniets olherwise protit leahie tw, payments will be applied In thie following tr Pah and te Vt ean yes have bv cd ascrson Wh terms of this Agreement. The cemnindier of any paymant wil be appiled to any unpaid Advances, | understand that maiing wore than ite minimum payment may aot edvance my next payment due date. 1 OF PA | wt inka ey sisinents ln 4.9, fits pays to Ya ot the actress jou provide to ms er at ERT OE PAINTS. ce ihe sien iis panto Fae tn edigress you, | i tsnetaant foe eatnees hovm On my pestodic siatemert net sere wrpaid wi b ji a {Umi exceeds $25,000.00. The annual fee will sutaristicety be cherged to try Accourt anniversary of this Agreement, end reflected in my account siatemert, RETURN PAYMENT CHECK FEE: triste # paymsin 16 ény Account by check ar draft and tho check or araftIs retuned Unpaid for afy resson, | sree to flay 8 of $25.00 for each retumed check or draf. |.egree (nat sry Retumad Payment Cteck Fes imposed by you usipaid wii Be edded t the Cirtstanding Batence of my Account es of Ueceeely Dora ame Unt ’ cond ocstes ‘Westy ma amp obi wy ur kon | sean !ypnied astne Aue 01 WeUinesby |Rn 20 wnoooy Aw ufkese 20 237rUn 33 PASO ALANSEANOIESY shy gue ea Span wd stnga et aniea onan By) puervopun | Bm uaa 6d sap ope sabre fi po yuway Rap RE Ke e wrocoy ‘us aouso nod orig Bupsorba) sags] BAUOS @ NOK CupuNs Aq OUE EnCOY Awl YM UOTOUTOD U} penss).uoe eARy Aew sg rca soe Sorte {D8 DIY Ka oan fad oxy fa SWE ROUVNIRYAL ANYANTTIOA wsaneity x (0 GUNS) O10 Aa SPIRO) ENAUDS yeAUI | LORFUTULIG JO -VEmURdeRD LONE Aue Jo OWN oWg GuND IN PURMDCUN t Se a ae ea iden tu seaciresunes ued 6) seenbel Aue ten Ode 20 ‘di005 ‘oreo | wousady oni tua): “Samuachee Oo 2ey0 puB ss09 LOD ‘aotoraun paves maf ins ova Kowons um 09 So stun ypsuosres Ines '0) SuTuR) 160 arm Ing ‘EDN seTTED ‘my fey DATRUZOR WEA GeO ‘CASTE CORD 6a. 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Auoivaian Aa. 0 URE. $1 ot. g00, (FAA, Judes! upon any arblivason swear rmay be ertared in ny emit Roving Jutsdiction. ‘The arbitrator shall follow extsting substantive law'to the extent consisiént with the FAA end appicatte ‘ty law. Any nding shail be finat ahd binding on lef ogainst Peng, cn Pay ta eget m ; aeareten — a fs anew Sesame re ca terete Bi Sey aching or cMehing prove! omadiea feta car. 2 Sins wll ve atte op on Individual bas's. No Party. wi cen, Nan RRA aibe te & the oa aaa “pana th ion 0 othe the toa iecsacbg can Be ee econ wok ny that Cy 0 nee . ’ (90g Mss-fams BLOC Arena of dy such ot eaniT ADVICE SIGNING THS: rg a dy OR DIBADVANTAGES OF ARBITRATION. By SONING THIS AGREEMENT | ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ! HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS CF THIS ARBITRATION SECTION, OR EXEMPLARY DSPREBRLY WANER AVY RST OR CLAM PUNTIVE WHICH MAY ARIGE IN THE FUTURE (N CONNECTION WITH Rav. WHETHER THE GAME 1S REBCLVED BY ARCITRATION Nepaon, A AY CON OR DOCUMENT mK THe aoe AGREEMENT OF erie eae Raaremiee OR BE LIABLE TO-THE Ne gr {uncing of taratan tnd poner nderng acti, Fedral iw ruven very, So record wfornatoe tat Werties ‘each person who opens an account. For ofthis secon, eecourt shat be understood to Indus lean cena. Rants TO. TO NomIGe OF AND HEARING REMEDIES: HAPTER GOGA OF THE ‘STATUTES OR OTHER STATUTES AFFECTING HMEDIES, AND AUTHORIZES ATTORNEY TO ISSUE A WRIT FOR A PREJJOGMENT REMEDY WITHOUT COURT ‘YOUR PROVIDED THE COMPLAINT SHALL SET FORTH A COPY OF THIS WAIVER. sree en . . Glen een OC omeSIGNATURES. Prior to signing this Agreement, | reed and understood ail of tis termts, Inchiding the arbitration provision. By.signing, | agree to the Lerms of this Agreement and ecknowtedge receipt of a compieted copy of this Agreement: = 1 At f. 00) ‘SGN ——$$_$_—$—— SEAL) , Soxpwer (SEAL) oem Lie <_ (SEAL) Borrower PERFECT AUTO GLASS INC (EAL) Corower [FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Endorsement, Pay to the Onder of ‘Without Resourses Name : 1 re a. arene . , ene ae veo |oncpesserece teen rman end errant peng ‘eomw ome 7 ping J0 unsal @ 070 srwoiEnD fo SuOREBIRD OV) B ‘eOROU prBT Jo NUDG AQ rjcoaL op wONdeERNE OuNNLD 20 Buyer LOIN HE sy era steam hq popesans tu jo pap Ayn pp aires alana idepa arena t ary anges powseize vo ees licoepnnent: 40 (oiloaied Aq pasibos & Awareng pruoppucouy enn ‘arsy penpelp fC] fu Sencar im ivy cuneoe wp ueunens 6 popu Anes RUA tna ‘papa! oxen tees Our tmeue ve Sonjpess ke 6 Ayres fouonipundun san fh ‘porriaun oq Ime fepunaidy SOTUBVEN Socthuepan yo KEneeD ROONOD GON tpl xh PODAEAD Socge Loar eh Or Paseo a TOY oe sre ey tea meen es eee edt onan ote uae en (aeeua "sunasoR ‘PUNO 16. pam PLSD of “seuOND o1 Ausdord poxqul opus pati aan Sagevag "EGU fie nea Semei TO oan Poa ot ea sg 70 Agerued oq Gonna iowa) “uaWEIND Gy StuROgRE PENRO ENOVRA OR.JaTN) DUB CUOTTSTAR SSUIEN Ul] cade 6) ope «) (gees maga 20. 2.) eps usp org 0 pao. 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JBOD BRATS ts BY 4aHen an GH (| a el Ti ile jul Het Hid rae ua i al i fit L a He ia eat : I i Nie stellar beat s He ih u 2 tl i neat 23 | ges Ee SE. ay aid in fli al ia Hea aa as! genase: eee ttt : ea raul i ; silt! Ei ji nil ai HI HME He Heliowed Unconditional Guarenty , eo ret to Guarantor, 1 8 refund oa a owe unde tis Uncentons Guar oO ete ces to ny Bark cf eny vlaton Usury law within 60 days of hs occurrence, and Bank will have 00 days to correct! . me Atha os tipon and fr Helormation for such ‘appraisal Gr other Smt of review end, furtier, Wil.00t. Ricca cae ‘now or heroafter be eee eet a eee ia anes coma ‘Guarantors obtigstions (0 | SS ere anafictec by ty cain easerted by Customer against Gash, and (| (8) Guarentor’s cbtigations ‘ere nt eteved or impaired by any changes in Gusrantor's relationship wih 19, $1 Bains Ia requir ia tet ner ponding of wtreaat gy enna yw t jon tan wth Soeteoe te fry potion of the payments asia Oyster obs pan ow 3a SeCUMTY AGREEMENT. Asm ‘As scat fo. vende ites ef Guaenn brarace, fw existing or hares ating, oF seein Cut tre gus Orth «ary HO a cel Se A tena vay ony eocessaties, eqliprien er eeblacemart pits Hale there, us eects, r and ees ‘(Goliaterar). The Cofiztorel wid secure any cer cpigatons of Guarartay wh Bank, ace ott Ba re utes Do stored Bondo Gra ch eat of a aN financing statement (other then exy fied or spproved by poplenane petdrorminbpniphiinid erste. gas covers: tasurence premiums and other similar (&) procends cf any Insurence pn econ sacar nei (poten ones oes cn ho het et Gaara wih ‘bun household goods or @) Genk shat! have no castodia! or mintstoviat duties to parton with respect to the Colstorl except cs sot fsth here Serocmaneemerpehetentm are zowerenmert of leeatton, Guarantor wa bear ino cost ef preparing and me ny Sar cee to be abe, Gucratiar trey atigiayy, \ power ef subainaion to taae end th eppropie eae trip ah racteseas Certiote o Sanyo onto 7 Semieannemed aeceetamees Unconditional Guaranty have been peid la ful Netthe he ic be peoeheuiyntaap hy etme en ie crise a noes ne ec eps) omer Guarantor ratifies ail acts Of Bank Gs ettorneyti-fact, (6) {T Guaranior pledges secu/ties, cash sccourty, daposh accounts, certificates of deposi or-other Uayid Colstera! 6s (Colletere! for this Uaconttonal Gus y, than Gusrentor grants to Bank @.securtty interest in such Colstera) and af Srenge neater) pense is sae, ete uncamn cue, Tera ioase aes that th makes bn this xO Few ehGuaranise may alsorbe required fo méko Lmmedists poyrent i fl of amputee R owes unit this Undbinciignal ‘Guaranty. (hase conditions. ‘i0gK 2981 or Rght to subscribe. {2 me tnd Conster! nchcdes@ soci ancout ‘Guarartgr agrees to sign end deliver, and to:nuthortze Gutrartor maintains the pledged securties accourt to sign and desiver, © conte! agreement Coverage required by Rs. a get walt ores nb caer. grantor 9 me ra, tor directs ary : lang as sais obfgations are ungas, to fe proaf of ngs andlor any ber forms recovery, te decree peveng) el aean eyo peasant ptt exponen age ay roa tral to Cader any seternent check or eh, Ganetar ogres notte axerce sry of tie tregotns powers ented Bank wtnout Ben's prtor writen conser, * 3%, Gugrantor shal be bn defautt under this Unponditions! Guaranty upon the neppening of any of the folowing events, clroemstances or conditions, namely: Octoutt in the of of any of the @ oe payment performance a seient ct Gases or aie oy Bean ta NTE ier i y, Meier rest of inet, absblite ot copthigent, whether now cde or fused to Berk by or on baal of Customer or Guarani, f tes J Guaraniyortatnuco Gah to eden roe os otarean dae! wth edhe Casa Guarenter, potng ets In any materi! respec when mace or fumished er becoming mately fase, U guch warrenty or rpeceaaon ongoing ln nature; or 7 7 ‘Beat, gsi. erunatin of esinee, caverns, bates feu eppainapans of a ore of 5 Raocivs of any a of | bankruptcy or insolvency (aws by or agains! Guarantor or Gustomer, or (Fete of tciness ey Customer er Guarani, other than @ sole proprietorship, to maintain tt existence in (9 me ert Of ito ay ste, wet of bebo euthesty of any gavetnsrient by wich the see si | Gisplace Gs indy Guindy 1 a of Kes) © Upon the ny ranetary judgment or the assessment and/or fiing of eny (ax lien against ether Customer or har of cp exe oy oe ‘gtiachment against any rei ts tees on Cols ot (Customer of Guarantor, 19 Irezugo ta corenencoment of ary action or prbesedngt cal Oy faneys of etter Cusemer ar on depest it any account wilh Banik or 9, Sn Caters i used In Miation of ny law or regulation, G7 Ui the Collateral Is tnpotred, damaged, fst or wten, ) Thy osu ef hestny sh cf conor n the custody of Bank, orly ths codaierai ts sald or lessed; or ‘ecquisition or Guaranter’s business e7 assets, or 8. bunoss or assets puch sale cab ay css ers err en Ho ‘outstanding stock * voting power ins single transaction’or series of transactions, or the acquisiion of substantially el of the businaxs or ‘assets of more than S0%-of ths | is arn er weg oy ey Coro Goer ter rt any transaction of merger or consolation wiht por wrten consent 2 ‘Gyarantor shai be s debior, ether voluntary or tnvoluntertly,. under ler (ed the i dit aiid ioe Code, or snovid the Customer or Guarantor be general not Saying ts debts as such debit become Slat er tv ni nce ne tt ee (Hf Bani should othorwise deem ‘Speutly Interests, He, coDsterel or property or the Obigstions of Customer QuBrentoed hereby and, ‘and hereunder angie Wo Wares a Soe ser urpafe or itsscures or should Bank Py (G00d faith, believe the? the prospect of payment or other parfarmance by Customer and/or Gusrantor is impaired. 22 Upan te exsarenen of any of he foregurg events, cramstances a condor of tet, Bk my By opdon ty «Sram Raven Panedt enNothing in ts Arttetion. section shall be opmstiued to prevent the use of . repossassion, cepleyin, arya cai eto. ar a aves eels 5 oy a en pop boaapei pelperund guamienerereli amin See eee ee a es ie aoe eed en teeaan or ‘unenforcesbiity. 1 ee Cas Yuva provision i focnd wo be Unestoronabt cr iva, ts nike Arbtraien socton stat bo unenforaatlo art ‘This artvation provision tits the Partes fg, Inasing the ct to go to coun orto have ata by dg or fy. THE PARTIES VOLSACARILY Alc ROWRNGLY WAVE AUT LENT THEY WAVE TO A THA BY JURY oR JUNO, GUARANTOR SHOULD SEEK INDEPENDENT ADVICE BEFORE SIGNING THIS GUARANTY UNDERSTAND ANY TERNS GF THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION OR THE costs, ADVANTAGES, OR CIBAOVANTADES OF ARBITRATION. BY SIGNING THIS: UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTY, QUARANTCR ACKNOWLEDGES THAT uaRanTon Was HAS READ, UNDERSTANDS, AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS ARGITRATION Pia ‘The invadaly eforeenblity of sentences, or sections 9 ie Unease CGaraty wna nok ee the way ets eb retin er a oor ia AGREGENY BETWEEN THE. PARTIES. AND MAY NOT. GE CONTRADICTED BY tne OR SUBSEQUENT GRAL AGREEMENTS OF THE-PARTIES, THERE ARENO UNWRITTEN ORAL TIONS EXEMPLARY | ANY oR SXEMPLARY OMMAGES THEY MAY HAVE OR WHICH MAY ARISE IN THE FUTURE IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH : Paget? (C7) MSs RET) aca Gaesy |PROCEEDING, CLAIM OR CONTROVERSY, WHETHER THE GAME 16 RESOLVED BY ARBITRATION, fEDIATION, SUDIGIALLY OR OTHERWISE. 77. ts ape teeta ieearer ey tn each and every Instance, all dghts shat be Gmted ee re be econ ac te 8 ty ee A can a tie eee, fix ary Saye ney een sn coer, ex ary Spe eee meta so hea me E st en crow Te the extort permitted for purposes of determining Guink's Comolaice with lew, Bart serail runes heoerioeet tprwading any euch charges, 6 8 of Tei rinse ‘Code shall net apply, 28. FILING INFORMATION. “Ht a Business Entity, other than a Sole Propdetorsnip: . Exot Lagat Namie Perec Gass ine efi eon ae ork Gusreter tas canoe Gis Uncen cane executed under ‘corporation, the adoption ‘Seal printed hereon ‘Spectal occasion and is Us es pony caren pen oa tears cath oan ma BUSINESS ENTITY GUARANTOR(S) Te Wo! | GUARANTOR(S) Paths toc? : or. —_—$—____6 Wis, EE ‘Name of Cixinens Cathy —$—$— rr) Be. naan Eriiomwcn 5 Petarpt ; (ep ames wocsce “Yopue" ores Lap sdjestnaiaypenunestuee jo eputy pus JOUVEW Ee gw J9SUp 0 4/6UR BUM (pos asnyeu (ja 70 suopdeeuAg seouyeng 4) efisoue oj ‘1epUT) ‘qyemeuisp weep srspEUNiOnEsOd Jo SiecEO LenS 6B ENCIL | ty "Ceopuan, 017 pounie] soyeuresou) : son ‘uopised 10 coo L suoseeoInS sta BLD ZBUNOFEND sno 5 euoTTod sa/pUB Sexyso_ CuyMOTIA) ONT so SIOPION afard oun Jo MOVA “esMUTED + ONL ANY RED GOIN 4 ATO C) ua ‘OaATORY ‘t ‘dusmang Ame peru ‘cummed peur “dyed C] seus] oreoreide ein BUD swueWUNOOR feUORETTEEUO Gln fo SUES ARI. OW WoRRIoTaY Biynonn) Gun ered o (ihaSeveyy £0 (s}roqumaNy O19 josomed ox 30 Sia] Oin 20 SqusiuMDeD pUCTIZUELIO Joyjo 10 wolUaRby CupedD ? SREY; ON) Uy UO}SAONd a See a Pes “papurens ee ae tee we 8 mu ieee ie [: 52. 20. iy UoSvaud OU S} OuBIA TEU) pare ‘ pOpULE JOU BEY PUR UO HUB-COay Fy OF Sant aid ceunae meomnorias ae eevee Oy wag sap ORT Ons, l aun “mowe pomogne kop sy ybnaig open ATTN “paUERNEUN el wapmiedio5 pmuojesayoid 20 uoTBOdICD fy 5 i 43 108k, Aug aR Mapiiiog 61 NOLLITo#ay 40 aavoHinia WORE SOSSY [SUOREN ‘SASSO VIAOHOM™.REROLYED FURTHER, thit gry officir or poaiticn-tniger of this Sector 2 cieages i to niente! cf eat! fon, pestis ployens of this-Customer named or Gescribed in the foregoing R this Customer, and. any officers, representatives; employees or agents cf | the Lender prist to deSvery of 8 certified copy of the ratiied, oontimed and: ‘The folowing two resolutions apply lf tls Customer ts s partnership or [imited Eabiity company: 10, RESOLVED FURTHER, thit the heléer(s) of the cbove-dentiied cfice(s) or pastianis) ee Sutiorlzed, on behiai! of Custom, to enter lito binding artzvetion with regard to eny dispute, dain or Spveveesr fang gut cl, cormacted wan or elting (0 aay of Landa‘ Want) to, of Guaresiaed by, sae Stas seh nto Resolution (whether bY eoceteretion, dectaration, exterision or otherwise), any aitemey designated by SR Ser Gat te att cnn ot redid hfeoy eterno eppeer lor Gusomel any coun a pomtty dnfess Judginers egaiist Custimet wihou piier hearing, a8 provided in eny cocuments exptuted on ,a seman Suge ee ee ge meson # the Custoowr ts a purtnership, ALL, | { partnere must sign, and if the Customer is @ Masyland or Pennsylvania LLC, ALL | enanagers crmanaging members must sign, (AFFIX SEAL HERE) (R807) Conciente of Raschaton' Barcw *“a ptae StOBL-H Senne er eraiseeenane for Boceaga 0600) 90 hap Kew ware “may Ba PB ed OG tanedde fees pap on POD nade bad Lun p aoe mg UIC bao ph sep eam iy OY ay Che) Festa perme ea ps (cmos buen oa [Daur wags pata Sey ee BSI mK Ep oo POS PP GRE OA fo TAR Ol) LEIETIUDY GIL BMBCERAOD GA {wang pun eae RD 1 cape UmD OA TED EDAD PARA OIE FAL “Ra IRLOG ALOIS GLEN OM ERROR OG OS) ‘Cruy,) ouxpan ye) parunyD 12 2 vosTy ecuoUY © ye Ra) cUrSSLING (Prend apr pause a brows oy neg fad @ ae UAT WA (99 Cupnasad Aq jncooy ue tng peCURATe oq AR USED SROURAPY RD (gpd ag C20 oy BAL IRAN Af 20L0 4 CesooRN ROLE peckore on spe ED LADEN anaoy bd picasa SOP OE Ug juncoy su) o} pane LORRY BRU teoyurs 20 $7008 senand o1 posh oq daw pay SUTSOUSNG y *FeREpNg ates cou Ban Am p 4g ian ma Lewannen aa a Qe "aan portogren args py Beep ZeLEGTO Aq pehoRhu 2 tp PREDOTE Ud rilsar Lol sdecgsede lelethuisonphechgivalovanite Sencad ebiaR Ob 9 RES IAG BLOND "BUN ALB RE RIKOOY OB OH) Gh MUTT) Jad Sn OLrPTOUEIN Sy 1 PATES OQ A SUCH SEMAUES CYS ‘eq pang und @ AG Sop SCHOEN 2 DPD OUT YE © PON) ‘nm Aa pramtioy & Gono OY BUTE OR UF ID {ESB ¥) peo) ‘eok 0 copy Few Huy BpeK oA soNpa! pL PrAUNRRY mg PAN TIED ‘WES 1G Od osRBeAN prey OLieY faNK 9 ERD SKEROLNS Do um aspuRr "Enoeay OY esp Tay BURG oR ssetee UnpD 8 AR Rey! 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Poe rere sop corespencere tan Te Bark poed a se Fook a et ou fort sh Nera, Bakooy ses acy Fas fe ih yar Pa Aout acy or abe sabi Hk, Pence rt par cmap aa ‘avid Foes en incty ems wi rt be sk i wade on pt shar Semen ete est att acoder brn aon rere Ary ttey Fn tae inc ora bares reread P Mog. ert nce ey tio rt 18 Trane Fiance Charge The racacion Frarca Chzye bs 9 rocre ‘Garp ace each ne cana ype aarea wn posed fe Aco. 1 Tee cherpe boca aderoe arta at an As Mcgee ty (For ecences ac er ICO, te chaps te each rac Priecion degree b Kolm anaut fte ahence spt a $0 mph ard 8 51S rain) 2 Tae ge f oach ede eco, cer wag tay tat Dasa cr asarceva we bute s hole avast ect ach ersten an eo Acar when han 8) a ey be a ach ‘cart Tha aren ich check am was et ny pes taper ad frbe debe ten. Sop Pere F Catan pt ft Sk sen ap Paya 8 ‘SPRACHE Gt tm Buk ry asses a cere N15 x each Sap Port Catan Bark trvenn era conan te Act 18M as 60ers —— m0 sheen — 5 «a = [DERAULE Tha lod ccna nde Agena 1} ¢ pment et eterno wr fi Ager en md oy (Ctr ebm tre ta ly cer lg Bk (ary st Rd by er ager Oe of ary Gua d Ox ey egerart, court Semin hapansaicboto outa igperse coon sey etn! green comers o ese te Docu o Dacre? (2 pe peart rh a esd cc roe, renee dat om ‘ped accoums, ate cope bos, eteqpng agreener. (Games es of cmd. ghd of wears. cer Fascia, cou Sgomers of ay Hd woe, ay it, poset or Kase be,‘spoum dey ey man ene YALE © MEET orm pracy asa iou4ng ms HR une Sep DAD ‘tamer uae 9 apo may vena Bary phe od eA a UO 5 HE Baro Bm seep ERR Op PRS oa RAPA sre va Pane I oe rr a so Kami wa amano «sat fe 99 MEO SRPPADED 94 FREED FONT WB ea ag mA a 1 Gp A ES Srarpeca ps ore same ret ay fs hse en We pm RSD JEP wo Aa es remus Canara ag ora tospid H econ na Poon peepee rs ‘iene Yeu peru emu png ta oe et ‘a.m mreinbs dg | mene map ous © Lew, 2) oY ‘Sake vowmay 00 fa poser toms BET A pace SPE RA O peaurE soped ap uaemeg Sande my spy BRNO fe) nen wpe ge percep 0 fe SOG apn ka poo Fa mea sag a POPC way np eae aeFor 2¢-Hour Customer Service Call: 1-600-225-6935 BUSINESSLINE® Send Inquiries To: \WF BUSINESS DIRECT P.0. BOX 348750 SACRAMENTO, CA 95634 Credit Line Send Payments To: PAYMENT REMITTANCE CENTER PO BOX 6126 CAROL STREAM, IL 60107-0426 For your records: “Amount Paid: $ =e Check Number: Payment Due 7 Overtimit Amount, $1,548.71 Date Pale: ‘Your Pest Que Amount of $1 267-00 i due ‘Your Current Paymant of $287.00 x due 05/18/12 Rate Information IF YOU WISH TO PAYOFF YOUR BALANCE IN FULL: ‘THE BALANCE NOTED ON YOUR STATEMENT IS NOT THE PAY OFF AMOUNT. PLEASE CALL 800-225-5035 FOR PAYOFF INFORMATION. ‘YOUR RATE MAY VARY ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF YOUR AGREEMENT ‘ANNUAL DAILY AVERAGE PERIODIC TRANSACTION TOTAL INTEREST FINANCE: DAILY FINANCE FINANCE =— FINANCE ‘Type of Balance RATE CHARGERATE BALANCE CHARGES =~ CHARGES CHARGES PURCHASES 6.000% 01643% 392043 $1.63 ‘$0.00 ‘$1.63 CASH ADVANCES 6.000% 01643% $38,535.04 $196.27 $0.00 $196.27 TOTAL $197.90 $0.00 $197.90 [Days in Biting Cycle 31 Important Information YOUR ACCOUNT IS SERIOUSLY PAST DUE. IT 1S IMPERATIVE YOU ‘CONTACT WELLS FARGO BANK AT 1-888-715-4315 AN OVERLIMIT FEE WAS ASSESSED WHEN YOUR ACCOUNT BALANCE EXCEEDED THE ESTABLISHED CREDIT LIMIT ON 04/23/12, ‘THE OVERLIMIT AMOUNT IS DUE AND PAYABLE IMMEDIATELY. PLEASE SEND A PAYMENT TO: PAYMENT REMITTANCE CENTER PO BOX 6428 CAROL STREAM It 60107-6426. YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO OVERLIMIT FEES IN EACH STATEMENT PERIOD YOUR ACCOUNT IS OVERLIMIT. ‘This Account is closed to future transactions. 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