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  • U.S. Bank National Association, As Trustee, For Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-Emx8, v. Constantina Brown A/K/A Tina Brown, Denny Brown, Bank Of America, N.A., United States Of America Internal Revenue Service, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • U.S. Bank National Association, As Trustee, For Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-Emx8, v. Constantina Brown A/K/A Tina Brown, Denny Brown, Bank Of America, N.A., United States Of America Internal Revenue Service, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 01/09/2020 10:37 AM INDEX NO. 603375/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 32 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/09/2020 At an IAS _. Temr of the Suprerne Court of the County of Suffolk, held in and for the State of New Yotk at the Courlhouse theleof in tho.€it+-cf Riverhead '77L of Januarv _,ffid on the day PRESENT: HON. JOHN H. ROUSE. AC'ilNG.t.S.C. STATEOFNEWYORK STJPREMECOURT COUNTY OIi SLTFFOLK U.S. BANKNATIONN I" ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEF,, FOR RESIDFNTIAL ASSET SECUzuTIES coRPoRATrON, HOME EQUTTY MORTG,,\GE ASSET.BACKED PASS.I'HROUGH CE,It'I'I I. tCAl'F]S. ORDERCAI\CELLING LIS SERIES 2OO6-BMX8, PENDENS AND DISCONTININNG TIIE ACTION Plaiutifl, Iudex No.: 60337512019 CONSTANTINA Mortgaged Premisesl BROWN A/K/A TINA BROWN, 35 Meadow Avenue DENNY BROWN, BANK OF AMF-]RICA, N.A., UNITED STATES AMERICA Medford, NY 11763 OF INTERNAL RIVENUF, StsRVICE, CI,ERK OF TIIE SI,TFFOI,I( COI,INTY TRAFFIC & I'ARKING SIIL.: 0200-842.00-l)3.00- VIOLA] ]ONS tlURIrAU, 07r.045 and JOHN DOE, De{i:ndants. On reading Plaintift's Afllrmation for Cancellation of Lis Pcndens dated Septembcr 23, 2019 and on Motion of Woods Oviatt Gil-mzur LLP, attomeys for Plaintiff, it is ORDI-1Rlrll, tl,at thc Lis I)endens, filed on February 19, 2019, be vacated from the record, canccllcd, and the instant action discontinued, without prejudice, and the Clerk is directcd to do so, and it is lurther \20190 ) 54 {7tA031t1:z 1 of 2 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 01/09/2020 10:37 AM INDEX NO. 603375/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 32 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/09/2020 ORDERED, that b}, ca;rce)ling the Notice of Pendelcy and discontinuing this action, Plaintiff hereby de-accolerates the Loiu.r that is the zubject of this action without firther notice, withdraws its prior demand for immediate payment in full of all sums secured, and reinstitutes the Loan as an Installment [,oan. JOHN H. ROUSE, G J.S.C Jtlstiee-6$$he-&rp"ee6€erii+ GRANTED JAN 07 2020 Judith A. pascalo CLERK OF SUFFOLK COT'I{TY {i6a0lz8:2 }20 t 90154 2 of 2