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IOI SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Mar-04-2013 4:15 pm Case Number: CUD-13-644474 Filing Date: Mar-04-2013 4:12 Filed by: MARYANN E. MORAN Juke Box: 001 Image: 03965718 GENERIC CIVIL FILING (NO FEE) NASIR PATEL VS. MARK THOMAS EDWARDS 001003965718 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. yyF sulbc L. of E, County of San Francis} Mark Edwards MAR O4 2013 2048 Polk Street, #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 CLERK OF THE COURT For defendant in propria persona BY: feputy Clerk IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Nasir Patel, ) Case No. CUD-134A44%4 ) Plaintiff, ) TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE OF SUPPORTIVE ) RECORDS OF EDWARDS MOTION FOR v. ) CAUSE HEREOF ) Mark Edwards, ) ) Defendant. ) ) Plaintiff Mark Edwards’s (“Defendant”) motion to strike or, alternatively, demur herein came on regularly for hearing by the court on April 15, 2013, in the above-captioned court. Defendant “TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE OF SUPPORTIVE RECORDS” FOR ISSUANCE OF EDWARDS CAUSE FOR MOTION, in this matter is for given clarity of plaintiff's abuse of the process hereof. That for the sake of argumentative purpose demonstrating a clear showing, submitted hereof that “good cause” appearing therefore. oel-~dont is Becca te Suheth documehe di IT IS ORDERED that the motion be, and hereby is, granted and that the complaint be stricken. Dated: Signed: JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT nia be He ORDERa2 ity SRO ollaborative Peer Coun sever Quss elt Slash January 10" 2013 . _ 147 48 Turk St. * San Francisco, CA 9410 Mark Edwards — Cane we t-te ‘ Phone (415) 775-7110 # Fax (415) 775-717 wow.cesro.o1 2048 Polk street # 303 San Francisco, CA 94109 RE: San Francisco rent stabilization & Arbitration Board My Name is Russell Slayton }am writing this letter on be-half of MR. Mark Edwards. To give my testimony concerning that The Manager had told me he was the Owner. Mark moved in August 29" & the very next day he came in to the Central City S R O Collaborative Mark moved into a unit that was infested with bed bugs | told the Manager & he needed to have a license pest control operator to come out & Spay according to SOP Heath Dept procedures, he did none except gave MR Edwards a white powdery substance to spread poison around his living area. l advice Mark to inform his Manager that that was not the “legal procedures” so, | called on September 20" the Health dept. Mark came back to see me on October the 4" in witch The Heath dept found violations in his room & so did dept of DBI Department of Building inspectors .tracking number case still open 201272201 in witch shows pending re-inspections. I swear under the penalty of Perjury that the statements I have given are true & correct | have never seen such neglected responsibility on a tenant whom just moved in. Also | would like to point out that for 30 days Mr. Edwards’s suffered to get tenancy before he could take action. We also had agreed to a deposit arrangement they backed off & then they demanded an additional $500.00 that did not include the rent they demanded at the same time. They asked MR. Edwards for 1,660.00. MR Patel ask Mark Edwards to get the money from ST.Vincent DePaul deposit & not to tell them about the $1000, 00 deposit. Sincerely, QL. lp Lb Chee ee (fo — a RUSSELL SLAYTON LS 43d 01 Nye etgz I work another Job thank you. 2 = &Central City SRO Collaborative Intake Form Name: Jk. Ebciar & Dates*Z-£- ZS Hotel: kvm Lasix hin ba Room #: POF Address: LOE Polk 8 esl) Telephone: YW B%O-OLSL Answering Machine: Y / N Are you current on your rent: GIN Length of Tenancy: Move In Date: Aig _ 27, 22/2 Sess than 32 days? Gender: aK tale O Female 0 Transgender Ethnicity (Optional): __ 27 Age: Ss Registered VoterCy) N Source of Income: 0 GA/CAAP Sst ‘erSSDI 0 Employment co Unemployment Benefits O None O Other 1. What issue can we help you with today? Conkvan (LeocesSr © 6 Chur Is this a common problem in your hotel? GDN 2. Is this the first time you are using our services? Y Key Kefacrek 3. How did you hear about our office? ‘a Please Add me to the “Activist Alert List” to get updates about Campaigns and Events Thank you! We will be with you shortly! Central City SRO Collaborative, 48 Turk Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 775-7110For Staff/Volunteer/Peer Counselor Use Only Issue: a Affordable Housing Request 0 Bedbugs a Case Management Services Needed G Complaint about Management/Staff 0 Criminal Complaint 0 Eviction — Non-Payment 6 Eviction — Nuisance tf Health Code Violation 0 Hording and Cluttering Co Hotel Conversion Ordinance Violation oc Housing Code Violation Notes on Issue: Phone Yack. T sec hse vs sues, Dee Sau Action Required: 0 Assist with Lifeline Service a Call Manager/Owner WFile a Complaint with DBI _ File a Complaint with DPH a File Decrease in Services Petition 0 File Grievance with Management 0 File Police Report O File Tenant Complaint with Management 0 Follow Up With Tenant 0 Mediate Tenant/Landlord Issue 0 Provide Laundry Service For Bedbugs 0 Refer to Access Center 0 Other Notes/Advice Given/Action Taken: © Illegal Room Entry O Lifeline Phone Assistance 0 Mail Delivery Problem G Musical Rooms/28 Days Q Neighbor Dispute © Reasonable Accommodation 0 Rental Assistance O Rent Board Issue O Tenant Meeting Request O Tenant Organizer Program O Visitor Policy Violation 6 Other fennant has Bel Bex$, M6 Ileat, No Werlany Ale Synte, Cera Please WK (1 SPeCt Oo Refer to Adult Protective Services oO Refer to Affordable Housing List c Refer to Case Management Services D Refer ta City Attorney O Refer to DV Resource 0 Refer to Eviction Defense c Refer to Legal Service, Non Eviction O Refer to Rental Assistance Program D0 Refer to Tenant Organizer 0 Schedule Hotel Meeting/ Visit 0 Write Letter to Manager/Owner a No Action Needed O Issue Abated Sars, Mack @huemrs Aus No Worlciny Chore sack. /\iseu Sat has SPrey hes Compan ss re has ned Been Name of the Staff / Volunteer / Peer Counselor Mr. Galas £ Pont lenge FF Cow, Planis, t Listed each Gre when © Cathe hk CWS Peas St these US Sue's Central City SRO Collaborative, 48 Turk Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 (4 15) 775-7110 been Sy toa Poers, WL, Caley s Can Shonlesee wethers Hens SLi so ide Dev Please lHere aug Mercles We Ha 2% [hor Notice Date Der fear Saw, Myr. ellen, + CER Yon Please YAr. Ce fos SPH eos% tr Corer Stes ifn AW 6 > Fore pe PA < No. ~ tun,Central City SRO Collaborative The Central City SRO Collaborative helps tenants organize. to stand up for their rights and improve hotel conditions e Tenant Rights 'e Bedbugs e Roaches and Mice e Heat a e Hot Water e Elevators e Affordable telephone service - Visitor Fees e Eviction e Do you have to move out every 28 or 30 days? TAKE ACTION TO IMPROVE CONDITIONS IN YOUR SRO HOTEL OR APARTMENT BUILDING! pol 48 Turk St. ff For more information contact us at (415) 775-7110, 48 Turk St., San Francisco ( Pl Closed 12-1) pm for lunch Closed on Fridays Tenant Counseling Hours Monday - Thursday 10am — 12pm 2pm — 4pm Or by appointment (418) 775-7110 48 Turk St. ollaborative Central City SRO Collaborative is a City-funded Contractor. Please Do Not Remove PastingN\ S80 Collabortion AGUOGY Tare, STREET Sr, CA GNIS? Mark Edwards Broadway Hotel 2048 Polk Street Rm # 303 San Francisco Ca_94109 RE: Ovays Patel This letter is to memorialize the agreement that MR. Edwards will pay his Monthly rent of 660.00 § & 100.00 $ toward his deposit. Mr. Edwards agrees that his total Payment for the next 5 Months will be a total. of 760.00 S Mr. Edwards is very grateful Thank you for working with Mark Edwards Sincerely, RUSSELL SLAYTON l caf PLTOPIC NO. 102 SECURITY DEPOSITS - GENERAL INFORMATION Security deposits are governed by state law, not the Rent Ordinance. Under Section 1950.5 of the California Civil Code, a landlord may generally collect up to the equivalent of two months rent for deposits on unfurnished apartments and up to three months rent for deposits on furnished apartments. State law requires the landlord to refund deposits within 21 days of the tenant vacating the unit. Before a tenant moves in, a landlord may ask for some type of deposit. No matter what it is called—a key deposit, a cleaning fee, a move-in fee, or last month’s rent—the law treats this initial payment as a security deposit subject to Section 1950.5 of the Civil Code. There is no such thing as a “non-refundable” security deposit—all money paid in addition to the first month's rent is refundable. There is nothing in the law that specifically allows the landlord to raise the security deposit amount over time, although some landlords believe that the deposit can be brought up to reflect two months of the current rental amount with proper notice. Since this is a matter of state law, the Rent Board does not handle such disputes. State law requires landlords to notify tenants that they have the right to an inspection of the unit within two weeks before they vacate, to determine what costs, if any, will be deducted from their security deposit. If the tenant does not request an inspection, no inspection before the move-out is required. If the tenant requests an inspection, but the parties cannot agree on a date and time for the inspection, the landlord must serve the tenant with at least a 48-hour notice of the time and date of the inspection. If the tenant requests an inspection, and both parties agree on a date and time, the landlord must Still serve the tenant with at least a 48-hour notice of the time and date of the inspection. However, the parties can agree in writing to waive a 48-hour notice. If the tenant objects or withdraws the request for inspection, the inspection will not take place and is not required until after the tenant has vacated. At the time of the inspection, the landlord must leave the tenant with an itemized statement specifying repairs or cleaning that could result in deductions from the security deposit if not corrected by the time of move-out. If the tenant is not present, the statement must be left inside the premises. The statement must also contain specific statutory language reminding the tenant of his or her rights and obligations regarding the security deposit. The law also allows the tenant to fix any identified deficiencies. State law allows the landlord to make deductions from a security deposit for certain reasons including: unpaid rent or bills; “reasonable” cleaning charges to bring the unit to the same level of cleanliness as at the inception of the tenancy; failure by the tenant to restore, replace, or return personal property or appurtenances; and/or damage to the unit caused by the tenant or the tenant's guest that exceeds normal wear and tear. What constitutes normal wear and tear is not clearly defined and we cannot help you determine that. The landlord may be liable for penalties of up to twice the amount of the deposit, in addition to actual damages, for bad faith retention of a security deposit. 102 ITG Security Deposits-Gent Info 12/8/05Broadway Hotel - San Francisco Homeless Resource Page 1 of 1 Broadway Hotel [_| The Broadway Hotel a mecurteafesnsercanceeees “Broadway Hotel. sectensnnneeeme 2048 Polk Street (@Broadway, 20 Blocks North of Market Street) Polk near Broadway and close to Fisherman's Wharf, Aquatic Park Manager/Owner: Nasir Patel (415)885-0773 Units: 81 Weekly Rent is about $150-$200. 2048 Polk Street (@Broadway, 20 Blocks North of Market Street) Address Phone (415)441-9250 Email Website Contact(s) Nasir Patel “Hours Language (s) | Summary See article Ll Small to med. Bedr. $150; large b/r $175-$200; community bath and kitchen. Sfoaysurf 22:37, 8 April 2009 (UTC) Categories: SRO Hotels | Housing-Privately Administered Resid Hotel , Neighborhood-Marina Facts about Broadway HotelRDF feed Address Contact(s) Phone Number SummaryText | / 1 { Sfbaysurf 22:37, 8 April 2009 (UTC) 2048 Polk Street (@Broadway, 20 Blocks North of Market Street) Nasir Patel + (415)441-9250 + . Units: 84 Weekly Rent is about $150-$200. Small to med. Bedr. $150; large b/r $175-$200; community bath and kitchen.Broadway Hotel 2048 Polk Street San Francisco CA 94109 Thursday, November 20, 2011 To: Whom it may concern Mark Thomas Edwards wants to become a resident at the Broadway Hotel in unit 303. He has qualified and now a deposit of $ 1000 is due. Please assist him with any aid possible. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 415 424-5339. Ovays Patel Manager (415) 424-5339Broadway Hotel 2048 Polk Street San Francisco CA 94109 Thursday, November 20, 2011 : To: Whom it may concern Mark Thomas Edwards wants to become a resident at the Broadway Hotel in unit 303. He has qualified and now a deposit of $ 1000 is due. Please assist him with any aid possible. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 415 424-5339. ' PURCHASER’S COPY to Gs RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS 72 — 3< — C——_— C— ig — SB p= 3 . 2/8 cS i, — say e 2a, iN — o = eB bee s j= S zz — = SES B nn — a 2 EES 7 Fb —_— 3 nD S== 5 Ovays Patel Ph g\IN Manager lt —— a (415) 424-5339 9SOLVSTO-SE LSOLVS7O-SE yLS-3N0LSNe LEVRL Gala Cra Jona SoA REKKKE eld i a SH 93802547 657 “O9/22 112 ol 4 Pots Peon HERETED O58 bees Os ial og rile ne Adah tie se e > 38k seh Ozk ef Hehe eerie we eet 2 7 Daksa 1094 203586: 350254765 700 THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT IS PRI TT 35-02547657 Bp 0264 5, fee/ig 1:30PM AGENT-77 TORE -57 ze 5g hp 99622 $y he3 GE 35 STORE-574 ICA ee | Pay 10S erate ; Teverse Side For PURCBASE AGREEMENT and Refund information (veo Ai borse Pare £1 Beuerde Del Gomparedory Para inlormacion Heceres Del Reembolso) 1094203586 3502547656 a" THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT IS PRINTE 35-02547656 e 3502547656 09/22/12 01:30PM AGENT-7735 STORE-574 a (00-0088) SuYTIOG GaBONNH SAL NVHL MOND @AHd NHLDATE 6 Ste FROMET AL Pr ote EB Dw) Five ttundved 4 piye Cron RNG ao% Bro DOLLARS zd Way + ote! CASH Acct. £8 9-5 pan | OK DUE os VA wont crags f "ROM 221 To BAD fe | @oreorcan Jay. eae Nundved — { 9° °o FOF G. Telephone Ni umber: Af3_3f26 15 [ Garbage Storage facility Address Facility Number Inspect ate 2A¥P Poe Sy . Sey [Be Ip3 Business Name x Phone Number Re-Injpectién Date BRABUS Here &I-K713 fest ‘Owner Name 7 Program Element Health Program ID MASH + Pybg Pere Lessee Name " r Lessee Phone Number. Complaint Number $804. paren. “FIT OSL, RAZ2p~ Facility: () Add to Inventory C Remove from Inventory CJ Update Program Violations ‘Service Code ‘Action Code Results Code ‘Number of Floors (Mark each one that applies) Structural _ Operational | 301 Routine Initial Insp. SA Close Until Abated 01 Good Number of Rooms iCommaniaven SSA] 302 _Re-Inspection 02) To Be Re-Inspected 02 Fair 6101 | Lobby 6102 { 303} Complaint Inspection 03 No Violation 03 Poor 6103 | Stair Cases 6104 Compiaint Re-Inspection | 04 Abated License Permit 6105 | Hallways 6106 | 305 Construction 06 Citation Issued Posted Not Posted Posted 6107 | Lightwell 6108 | 306 Consultation 6109 | Alleyways 6110 | 402 Survey Valid Not Valid Not Posted 6111 | Roof 6112 | The Following Items Represent Health Code Violations and Must Be Corrected 6113 | Basement 6114 | By The Indicated Dates: Date 6201 | Toilet Room 6202 ri MON LS Ree 243 6203 | Bath/Shower Room 6204 @205_[ Lavatory 62061 TOMO GMS, MED UN Ws Wore p70 het, t Kar apens «| 6207 | Community Kitchen 6208 6209 | Storage Facility 0 | KAS Aw phy KAT! Sisk Co chien robe S fel Yeas 6211_| Janitorial Facility 6212 , r “3_| Laundry Facility 0214] Dyews - 6216 | LAP Gebaruse | 6303 | Bed/Frame Provided 6305 | Linen Provided PeBr cantiegt SOULE codadilly (a) FR LL fn3 Ser 6307 | Window Coverings BE) Bug TetrHter ky kiting 34? — 6309 | Window/Ventilation 6403 | Insects Other Animals Sewage 6502 Noise 6504 Miscellaneous 6506 ir Code Violation tman| A- Ata) ns S Abn! Arr) ener Overs ts) 240! 6601 | Building 6602 6603 | Fire 6a | ME Ac qin! : 6605 | Plumbing 6606 6607 | Electrica Coo DY Home Matt Coie! Ud tes Pee BH 3RO 7 Fusrmé Svea Ain WS Pet ca yea (Bev cs IN FS KAP Tea! Fill CCE RR CALLS yp PRA FZ. PINUS IS Hl aj~ + ¥ ’ [5 Time Out: {~ fc Total Time: Meee key BB lesR on. feed, ba f L ofi> Inspector Received By Additional Health Code Violations and Corrective Actions Described on Attached Page(s) Page f of. jebS/98San Francisco Department of Public Health - Environmental Health Section District Number: Address: 4p fe. General Info. # 252-3800 é.& + Housing Inspection Report Telephone Number:2J°2- 3724, Inspector Number:_ GT 2— Facility Address Facility Number rm pt) DV poll Cr Kem, 308 SP227 PEL for Business Name ° Phone Number fh lle Date Bh btowey HIT PPS ~6T73 {2- Me} py ‘Owner Name Program Element Health Program ID NAC # Og C (Are Lessee Name Lessee Phone Number Complaint Number GASES Facility: (J Add to Inventory (© Remove from Inventory CO Update Program Violations Service Code ‘Action Code Results Code ‘Number of Floors (Mark each one that applies) Structural Operational | 301 Routine Initial Insp. 01 Close Until Abated 01 Good Number of Rooms Ci 302 Re-Inspection 02 To Be Re-Inspected 02 Fair 6101 | Lobby 6102 [ 303 }Complaint Inspection 03 No Violation 03 Poor 6103 | Stair Cases 6104 | 304 Complaint Re-Inspection | 04 Abated License Permit 6105 | Hallways 6106 | 305 Construction 06 Citation Issued Posted Not Posted Posted 6107 | Lightwell 6108 | 306 Consultation 6109 | Alleyways 6110 | 402 Survey Valid Not Valid Not Posted 6111 | Roof 6112 | The Following Items Represent Health Code Violations and Must Be Corrected 6113 | Basement 6114 | By The Indicated Dates: Date 6201 | Toilet Room 6202 | Mog ita 2 BCObULS hd bt 22 . Wo worn 6203 | Bath/Shower Room 6204 6205 | Lavatory 6206 | € LTE 2 i | 6207 | Community Kitchen 6208 6209 | Storage Facility 6210 Alelem Baw 2AY 7(SD Revonmen BeVEube 6211 | Janitorial Facility 6212 6213 | Laundry Facility 6214 AOTACEIT. EAOWH AT fAsS¥ Plz 6215 | Garbage Storage 6216 . 7 WAST 6 Asad) 6301 | General Condition 6302 * 6303_| Bed Frame Provided oor] Rowe Mopar Mmuoucred uw) Dip — Rec bar | 6305 | Linen Provided 6306 * 6307 | Window Coverings 6308 dealt My TA Keo ATs This 6309 | Window/Ventilation 6310 © * ° “ | F ta Rodents oS < ‘ a5 | sees Pot S KE B2OBMES OS Glue pRhp Pert Gh Tipe | 6405 | Other Animals 7 ° ome bee - 6501 | Sewage 6502 [ 6503_| Noise oe | Mera TRebmeeT SHROKLRD A Minety tle Qe 6505 | Miscellaneous 6506 7 aan Code TION ee) Apc [8 Cuero TD C2970 RF ys Kava g 208. 6601 | Buildin; 6602 eas | Fie 6604 | Kerge? Aemtant > 6605 | Plumbing 6606 aN 6607 | Electrical eao8t| / \ Hepa CAT tvs AnoirenIT eye Boy, 36.,, aes ; al : 20k 262 KSeazpen Foe beatue Aerie £4 fery~ Went rO SUBMIT xp y Sp Serie 8 PIES — Kipok rr. LOYWidd WAM Btets t FOU Ad AD tHe EAT ROM, SHAE Miley obtexg PRAT MUS BE PPP UR Time In: 3: * ¥ ° Time Out: Total Time: hf f br Leh. Inspector . oo fr/h Reséived By £7 Additional Health Code Violations and Corrective Actions Described on Attached Page(s) of jeb5/98 Page__/ |San Francisco Department of Public Health - Environmental Health Section District wns PTA beat Housing Inspection Report Address: Inspector Number: _ OF Telephone Number: 2g. —-7§ 2¢ Facility Address - Facility Number Inspection Date Zour pd Sr Rowe 393 SEY 2 1) 2h3 Business Name ’ Phone Number Res fo ction Date BRAM DIS OTE S8T-47793 fh . Owner Name NEDR £ DVAus POF Program Element Health Program ID Lessee Name PROMS Pagel — FRAT OS le Lessee Phone Number Complaint Number YGER3 Facility: () Add to Inventory ‘D) Remove from Inventory General Info. # 252-3800 O Update Program Toilet Room Violations Service Code ‘Ketion Code Results Code Number of Floors (Mark each one that applies) Structural Operational [301 Routine Initial Insp. BI Close Until Abated 1 Good Number of Rooms [EROS Re CommoniAreasiter fig] 302_Re-Inspection 02) To Be Re-Inspected 02 Fair 6101 | Lobby 303 Complaint Inspection __[ 03” No Violation 03 Poor 6103 | Stair Cases 6104 | 864} Complaint Re-Inspection | 04 Abated License Permit 6105 _| Haliways 6106 | 305 Construction 06 Citation Issued Posted Not Posted Posted 6107 | Lightwell 6108 | 306 Consultation een ena i 6109 | Alleyways 6110 | 402 Survey Nee Valid __Not Valid Not Posted 6111 | Roof 6112 | The Following Items Represent Health Code Violations and Must Be Corrected 6113 | Basement 6114 | By The Indicated Dates: LIT Carag thusr Reiser) CDMA Ins A Bath/Shower Room 6204 Lavatory 02061 203 utp Aeon Mahle he Me MALS D Community Kitchen 6208 ‘Storage Facility 6210 | AS wwe. Janitorial Facility 6212 Laundry Facility 6214 | FORRES Garbage Storage Assoerreg / Gtx bene Marken lhe fro} AD tax 6301 | General Condition 6302 6303 | Bed/Frame Provided 6304 | BEN Bus, CA g pte prt A 6305 | Linen Provided 6306 * 6307 _| Window Coverings 6308 | (Serre) MA sry + Ty) OF PE Shere AD OV DLT 6309 | Window/Ventilation 6310 ‘ a A va OF Be But, ACTULITY Fonte > Cabo 6401 | Rodents 6402 7 € 6403 | Insects 6404] noe Le Aepoerey Daw Asit Gb/s na er. Oa 6405 | Other Animals 6406 | 7 ; sae i Ol Phun tts Illia ge pet sud, PATH ark! Rome 6501 | Sewage 6502 , 7 6503 | Noise 6504} SOR, 6505 | Miscellaneous 6506 a | Neereo toro | 6601 | Building 6602 sons | Fire sonal 7 PR Lorn Mer Mair SUR ME Onlare 0 PET Card 605 | Plumbing 6606 6607 _| Electrical 6608 Rese atic we LRT RS FC, BOO Buc, TAMA TO Ah Rearing 262 fam Wer poal Rome rr Me Roel 2AY. 702) 368, #22. ks ispEzea) oe thee Time In:_2 2 Baty ono Migua opltrn Zo Inspectdr Received By Additional Health Code Violations and Corrective Actions Described on Attached Page(s) Total Time: 24 Rodents (4 Other: Oo the infestation still peg Rin | my Rody iS patladea TS OCCasei w while Sleeping Wwidh 3h, Vishee cll a D Location where observed: \ Copy given to tenant ch Tenant Complaint Report Form 2 ' SCA Floow, (oon, SE BY 2 Apartment/ Hotel: Tenant Name: Rroa day Mares Sd vannds Date 'Repérted: 1o/u fh Date of Occurrence: Steere S| 2% Phone Number: Unit Number: “ (Te AYO - S44 263 Detailed description of the incident/problem: Bed Bugs Cockroaches Rodents Other: OOS Vralo: | \iby, (Sscecy Sawere, INhEStetion js bow Tsu, cqusin gn Swellow: v7 yen tae bitw av ck. Location Where Observed: AM eyvec Baesw)SMITH KIRK - BROADWAY HOTEL, INC. 2048 Polk Street San Francisco, CA 94109 415.885-0773 “Tenant Incident Report” Tenant: Edwards, Mark T. Date: 1/3/13 Time: 12:35am Location 4° Floor #303 Description of incident: I tenant Mark Edwards in room #303, and this is the going on 5‘" month series of “bed bug” assaults while sleeping. Early this morning between the hours of 12:35 am I experience the Familiar crawling on skin and next the attacks of bites swelled down my left leg thigh area. When turning on the light approximate 8 “bed bugs” were running in different direction attempting to flea the chemical spray I used on them. Again my tenant right to “peaceful enjoyment” was stripped, which additional “bed bugs” were discovered around 6:20 am after attempting to harvest what limited sleep I was able, for find additional 5 more fleeing from used chemical spray. Since precaution of on going “protocol” pest infestation continue to be non-priority, the infestation again premise it location to the forth floor of building due to lack of “protocol” precaution. Again I am force to rely on medication, skin creams protection and more purchase of chemical treatment sprays creating financial burn. Both residents on either side of me have been declared infestation prom due to non-sanitary kept force. The all landlords and trusties are aware of the growing problem existence as being critical in nature and therefore another slip is attached to confirm that immediate treatment is necessary. Awaz SE Mark Edwards Tenant/ VicitimTenant Complaint Report Form Apartment Hotel: Kvateae*“Fenant Name: pr EL“ SLL ae vce A. _ Jo2| Bed Bugs ‘Date Reported: Date of Occurrence: Cockroaches npr SD Rodents Phone Number: 4/5272: O/Y Unit Number: Other: oga8 Detailed description of the incident/problem: Con river Led? Bigg Ba Location where observed: OW Lees, pel Lhe y i Cheer Copy given to tenant O Tenant Complaint Report Form | | Apartment/ Hotel: Tenant Name: Bed Bugs Oo | Date Reported: Date of Occurrence: Cockroaches o Rodents o Phone Number: Unit Number: Other: o Detailed description of the incident/problem: “ ocation where observed: to tenant O+ pie put sb 10}21ad9 Aq (N/A) pauuyucD popuodsey # WOO" yueusl # uayes uonoy aed sBng peg seBeuew 380 Aq papyoday jeg | ese ayeq juaUIjeas | [OIJUOD 3S9q TSSaIppy *(vaq) 1930H 6o7 esuodsay julejdwiog Bng pegBroadway Hotel Brand bo Wow 2048 Polk Street San Francisco CA 94109 onl Date: Notice We te To: p4allc TF DWARDS Room number: 3203 The Pest Control Services want to inspect/service your room for bedbugs. They will be here on fi-13-'< between We to_¢ Psy Room Preparation for Bedbug treatment 1. Please vacuum your room. 2. Wash all clothes and bed linens at high temperatures settings Dry at high temperatures for 20-30 minutes Keep all newly washed clothes in new plastic bags, Please read directions on back of fabric to ensure they don’t get damaged. 3. Bag all other personal belongings picture frames, CDs, Radio, Ect. 4. Move all furniture in the middle of the room 5. Make Bed mattress and box spring stand on its side 6. Take pet outside of room 7. Empty the drawers- Clean Clothes. Put into dryer at high temperatures for 20- 30 minutes. 8. Bag/secure your food. If of some reason you are not available please leave a written letter with the front desk. Thank you, ManagementBroadway Hotel 2048 Polk Street San Francisco CA 94109 Date: l. g /3 To: MA a Kc THomas Bung otice Room number: 803 The Pest Control Services want to inspect/service your room for bedbugs. They Fridey will be hereon __/-/$ 78 between !2 to upm Room Preparation for Bedbug treatment 1. Please vacuum your room. 2. Wash all clothes and bed linens at high temperatures settings Dry at high temperatures for 20-30 minutes Keep all newly washed clothes in new plastic bags. Please read directions on back of fabric to ensure they don’t get damaged. 3. Bag all other personal belongings picture frames, CDs, Radio, Ect. 4. Move all furniture in the middle of the room 5. Make Bed mattress and box spring stand on its side 6. Take pet outside of room 7. Empty the drawers- Clean Clothes. Put into dryer at high temperatures for 20- 30 minutes. 8. Bag/secure your food. If or some reason you are not available please leave a written letter with the front desk. Thank you, Managementbitin)” The Best of Walden House and Haight Ashbury Free Clinics HAIGHT ASHBURY FREE CLINICS - WALDEN HOUSE Giving Hope — Building Health — Changing Lives San Francisco, December 4, 2012 PROGR) EPORT To whom it may concern Mr. Mark Edwards DOB: 03-07-1955 has authorized this clinic to inform you of the following: The above client is enrolled in the HAFC-WH Drug Detoxification, Rehabilitation, and Aftercare Program and has been attending since October 12, 2012 and attends our intensive day program, which consists of 20 hours per week, Monday through Friday. Mr. Edwards has been attending daily since his intake and is in full compliance. Please feel free to contact our front desk at 1735 Mission Street if you have any questions regarding our program. If further information is needed regarding the above client, please contact me at (415) 226-1775 x2239. Our ability to disclose any further information will be limited, however, to that specified in the ‘Client’s Consent to Release of Confidential Information’ form. Sincerely, y Free Clinics - Walden House, Inc. Haight Ashbury Free Clinics - Walden House Administrative Offices 1735 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 415-226-1775 www.hafce-wh.orgbaat) “The bose of Walden House and Haight Ashbury Free Ciinies January 7, 2013 To whom it may concern, Mr. Edwards is enrolled in the HealthRight360 Drug Detoxification, Rehabilitation, and Aftercare Program and has been attending since October 12, 2012 he is enrolled in our intensive outpatient program, which consists of 20 hours of participation per week, Monday through Friday. Mr. Edwards has been attending consistently since his intake and is in compliance. Please feel free to contact our front desk at 1735 Mission Street if you have any questions regarding our program. If further information is needed regarding the above client, please contact me at (415) 226-1775 x2226. Our ability to disclose any further information will be limited, however, to that specified in the ‘Client’s Consent to Release of Confidential Information’ form. Thank you for your time in this matter. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, hack Eric Taflor Case Manager II 1735 Mission Street, San Francisco, Ca 94103 (415) 226-1775 ext.2226 Fax (415) 970-7575Mark Edwards 2048 Polk Steet #303 ‘San Frandsc0,CA9419 4152400191 2I2DEC 28 PHU: 59 December 27, 2012 AttxSMTH KIRK BOARDWAY, INC. Attn: Real Parties of Interest, et. seq. Nasir Patel Nasreem Patel Raymond G. Choy Lorraine J. Choy Smith, Kirk TO ALL REAL PARTIES, ASSOCIATED WITH SMITH KIRK BOARDWAY, INC. Once again it is well within your interest to take comprehensive notice of serious continuing “nuisance” at your property at 2048 Polk Street San Francisco, CA 94109. That during the month of December 2012 | suffered several severe “bed bug” attacks stemming from the 3° of December 2012 up until now 5 attacks, creating added expense which you and your company has yet reimburse yet. Due to these on going pest and rodent situations, including other non-co habitabilities the deduction in amount of 25% of rent payment shall continue per month securing the expenses incurred in the following categories listed: 1. o> 7 & ow DV Lawful trespassing and vandalization of personal property (each time | leave one of your workers isn’t faithful or has provided another tenant a key inform of retaliatory treatment) by means of inflicted damages, creating expense bill for replacement. Stolen confidential documents, receipts and letters. Force purchase of medications and creams ointments to treat severe wounds. Force purchase of Pest and Rodent Chemical Agents to control growth of their existence. Force Laundry and Cleaners expenses in removing infestation from clothing. Force to throw out food monthly supply products. Some property damages occurring from infestation (lamps, sheets, pillows, certain, clothing). Several Safety Code endangerment of non-secure fixtures, loose wires, contaminated kitchen , Restrooms, Hallways, etc. imposing and exposure to potential danger, diseases and other severe health problems. Lack of weather stripping and required “phone jack” which | mention 5 time since tenancy. 1.Twice | have notify you regarding the circumstance here even solve “relocation” as alternative solution in reference of this matter, however reasonable accommodations and repair incurred damages is not even considered yet remain void. Therefore again another effort to resolve this matter is present. You may contact me at 415.240-0191 or schedule meeting in person to reach considerable terms available at this time. | am approachable and very rational in terms of improvement and reimbusements due. Sincerely, eZ a Le LOA Mr. Edwards, Mark Tenant/Residents/Claimant/ Victim Co:l/ V-Brwy.002Masur ay Room AL 203 e e \Srosduny Hote] Lous Polk Sr S*, Ca 94105 N pve mber 2G DONQ Dd, LS pr ftw: © L Narnger Jo One ¢ Me. Paha ik Wow ex ceed Q_ LY hones bud ggocither ep coye cel ReTions Wavy fowen oe eS Wort prey ratios CHM Oofr. — te the Conbramijustiad s b MathresS Cumdibion§ 2 the iMepprop ate covers Pla eed ew Thar, Po Rascommneni Led New oned with €eversS Aperaprate. GAwNears Aree Cegnat rae, an Vi caw Sev prayessir val heclereN Fone bee shee USA, ser oe un She So the pre tece \ Rare hog WS Re placeme Ny do ZomWes US2D ona yakuens aor oO} AW omer Ream. Than [c Uf owe [ Mr. o£ kyULES CIR Te inspector teny 4epe, Metla why flame fs GCossen Sloz4a Lt ama aH Pre Counseter Che CaleA iH YAR, JEAN eels CGM YP lA LIA, bone Iteat aA Ike Giise has fo Ceorleny Jhon yacle S Hes Sinie ps s4it Casing, [Problems Mo tkp hare Net Dears rth bis Bobles (Sve, rT tL gee Lan a (Pegzer te Fen oot Fler Le Lire Srp SO ee CH Ihelp Yr. Fleants tedh lees hced. F harley a 7 3 3- 2GreFAY 10) 1H) Cee) Wan ea nal Nis ag3N bes dh as an Las PO Oldie alsa eae 2 OTe Nee) la Where legal action must by taken by the City to compel an owner to repair a system, the owner can be required to pay court costs and administrative costs incurred by the City — as well as the costs to repair the system. Because violation of the Housing Code is a isdemeanor, the Department may issue the 6. owner a citation if the owner fails to promptly make needed repairs. A violator can be fined up to $500 per day or be imprisoned for six months or be both fined and imprisoned. partments And Residential — Hotels In San rani ‘isco - sO RG EGGS la EEN eV en SO ily ati e).e a3) IO): ke) ae - SAN FRANCISCO Please call the Housing Inspection Services at (415) 558-6220. We are located at: 2 — o¢ ‘Dep rime of Bui Idin; Ins ection 1660 Mission Street, 6th Floor i. zg r 1660 Mise econ San Francisco, CA 94103 Sg e . gE § gee Our office hours are: Monday through Friday zg ga = cade Q estions 115-558-6084 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. z 3 gS : - Fax: 415-558-6401 8 5 23 2 gas ize | zig ES: 8 3 see 3 a8 3 $ 8 aS zu, 8 Ba | 38 se a fs, a BEE z 2 BE = Ae Z28 3 Be 235 «6@California housing codes require all dwelling units in the state to have heating systems capable of heating habitable rooms. When heating is not provided, people are more susceptible to catching colds, influenza and respiratory or other illnesses. The elderly and those already suffering from sicknesses are particularly at risk in buildings without heat or without enough heat. The requirement for heating goes beyond mgge comfort — it is considered essential to ie: ing the health of individual occupants and the health, safety and welfare of the public at large. Because residential heating is an important part of building safety, it is strictly regulated by the San Francisco Housing Code. This brochure has been prepared by the Department of Building Inspection to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about City heating requirements. We hope this information is helpful to you whether you are a building owner, manager or or SV OCT E Vy Uva tI RT Nib) acl Oa BEE lent ete) 2 a HEL e SUL sai ey Yes. The San Francisco Housing Code, Section 701(c), requires these units be heated to at least 68°F at a point midway between the heat source and farthest wall and at 3’-0" above the floor. UH aU eM] sO). zi (0) 0) :) ge ON Gd No. Heat capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68°F shall be made available to each occupied habitable room for 13 hours each day between 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. A time clock set to provide the amount and hours of heat is installed at or nearby the heating source (boiler furnace, etc.). A centrally located thermostat shall be installed in a habitable room in the building. Boiler type heat system may take approximately 1 hour to reach minimum requirements. Mae OO. a INE. Elen dial an Bi e):9 De eel We Lendia sles lant) Bid Habitable rooms used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating must be heated. Bathrooms, closets, hallways, storage rooms and similar spaces need not be heated. POE OL a Niih a gl 2.Uia ha] oh] Bate) ia AM ORO aiel eel larg Generally not. Individual heaters must be permanently attached and properly wired in accordance with the Electrical Code to be considered a legal heat source. MUO EPO Um ial aU NPI en by DCO 1M ga Mi) 9 (0) O10 Be] 7 Call the Housing Inspection Services D’ (415) 558-6220. Let us know of your complaint and an assigned inspector will contact you (typically within 1 business day) to arrange a visit to your building to investigate the heati conditions. ee gala iO] Rei oppo) ay wars eee eves Vey Win ettal fee abet The City will issue a Notice to the building owner or manager to repair the system so that heat is provided. Generally, heat must be provided within 48 hours of the Notice. In extreme situations, the City can issue an emergency order and actually perform the work. In such cases, the building owner is billed for the work including administrative costs, Powe ele] CeO). 3 tea || Rit @i a har. wn 0156 20) g Atel Bey i Cele ral Cen tala hn 6) Ll eeVO) My 01M COLO @] a ial a.0h Mids Vie) (O10 RPM MBLOra Follow the instructions on the Notice and: 1. Be sure the heat is turned on; 2. Check the temperature in several of the apartments to see if there’s enough heat; 3. If the system needs repair and you can’t fix it, call a licensed heating and plumbing contractor and get the system working as soon as possible; 4. When the heating is repaired and working, call the Housing Inspector at (415) 558- 6220 for a reinspection.