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  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview
  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview
  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview
  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview
  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview
  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview
  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview
  • Karmel Runcie Plaintiff vs. Doreen Syrilk, et al Defendant Other - Libel/Slander document preview


Filing # 87129538 E-Filed 03/28/2019 03:02:32 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) KARMEL RUNCIE, Plaintiff, v. INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC. and DOREEN SYRLIK Defendants. / DEFENDANTS, INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC.’S AND DOREEN SYRLIK’S, MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEND ANSWER AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO THE PLAINTIFF’S THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT COME NOW, Defendants, INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC. (‘IVA”) AND DOREEN SYRLIK (‘Mrs. Syrlik”) (hereinafter “Defendants”), by and through their undersigned counsel, and pursuant to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.190, move this Honorable Court for an Order granting leave to amend their Answer and Affirmative Defenses to the Plaintiff, KARMEL RUNCIE’S, Third Amended Complaint. As the basis for the foregoing Motion, Defendants state as follows: 1. This is a defamation action stemming from an incident where the Plaintiff alleges that Defendants published a false statement that the Plaintiff had “arrests.” However, the Plaintiff contends that he was never arrested. 2. The Plaintiff brought suit against Defendants, alleging Defamation Per Se Against IVA and Ms. Syrlik, Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act Against COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. DADELAND CENTRE II - 9180 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAX *** FILED: BROWARD COUNTY, FL BRENDA D. FORMAN, CLERK 3/28/2019 3:02:32 PM.****CASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) IVA, as well as Discrimination in Violation of the Fair Housing Act and Florida Civil Rights Act Against IVA and Ms. Syrlik. 3. In Plaintiff's Third Amended Complaint, Plaintiff pleads his intention to seek reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs as provided by the applicable statutory prevailing party provisions, specifically as it pertains to the Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act count against IVA, as well as the Discrimination in Violation of the Fair Housing Act and Florida Civil Rights Act counts against IVA and Ms. Syrlik. 4. Defendants require leave to amend their Answer and Affirmative Defenses to the Plaintiff's Third Amended Complaint, in order to plead Defendants’ intent to seek their own reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to the same applicable statutory prevailing party provisions as Plaintiff. (See Defendants’ proposed Amended Answer and Affirmative Defenses attached hereto as Exhibit “A’). 5. Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.190 provides that “leave of court shall be given freely when justice so requires” to allow a party to amend its pleadings. Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.190(a). 6. It is public policy in Florida to freely allow amendments to pleadings so cases may be resolved on their merits. Colandrea v. King, 661 So. 2d 1250 (Fla. 2d DCA 1995). 7. Under Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.190, prejudice is the primary consideration in determining whether a motion for leave to amend should be granted. Leavitt v. Garson, 528 So. 2d 108 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988) (holding that a plaintiff would not have been prejudiced by permitting the defendant to amend his -2- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. DADELAND CENTRE II - 9180 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) answer to include the affirmative defense of state of frauds, where the motion to amend had been made prior to the hearing on the motion for summary judgment). 8. All doubts regarding a motion for leave to amend a party’s pleading should be resolved in favor of allowing the amendment. Craig v. East Pasco Medical Center, Inc., 650 So. 2d 179 (Fla. 2d DCA 1995) (holding that the trial court abused its discretion in refusing to allow the plaintiff to file a first amended complaint due to the length of time that the suit had been pending). 9. As such, Defendants’ amendment should therefore be granted as “[rlefusal to allow an amendment is an abuse of the trial court’s discretion ‘unless it clearly appears that allowing the amendment would prejudice the opposing party, the privilege to amend has been abused, or amendment would be futile.’ State Farm Fire & Cas. Co v. Fleet Fin. Corp., 724 So. 2d 1218, 1219 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998).” Kimball v. Publix Supermarkets, Inc., 901 So. 2d 293, 296 (Fla. 2d DCA 2005). 10. This Motion is filed in good faith and is not intended to prejudice or unduly burden the Plaintiff, as Plaintiff is currently operating under the very same statutes that contain the applicable prevailing party provisions. WHEREFORE, and based on the forgoing, Defendants, INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC. AND DOREEN SYRLIK, move this Honorable Court for an Order granting Defendants’ Motion for Leave to Amend their Answer and Affirmative Defenses, and any such other relief this Honorable Court deems equitable and just under the circumstances. -3- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. DADELAND CENTRE II. 9180 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2284 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that on this_28th day of March 2019, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was filed with the Clerk of Broward County by using the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal, which will send an automatic e-mail message to the following parties registered with the e-Filing Portal system:;; Chelsea Lewis, Esquire, Lewis Law LLC,,151 N. Nob Hill Road, Suite 348, Plantation, FL 33324, Attorneys for Plaintiff. By: COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. Counsel for Defendants, International Village Association, Inc. and Doreen Syrlik Cole, Scott & Kissane Building 9150 South Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 1400 P.O. Box 569015 Miami, Florida 33256 Telephone (305) 350-5361 Facsimile (305) 373-2294 Primary e-mail: Secondary e-mail: Primary e-mail: Samuel. Secondary e-mail: /s/ Daniel J. Klein DANIEL J. KLEIN Florida Bar No.: 16126 SAMUEL J. FALK Florida Bar No.: 123539 -4- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. DADELAND CENTRE II - 9180 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) KARMEL RUNCIE, Plaintiff, v. INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC. and DOREEN SYRLIK Defendants. / DEFENDANTS, INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC.’S AND DOREEN SYRLIK’S, SECOND AMENDED ANSWER AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO THE PLAINTIFF’S THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL COME NOW, Defendants, INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as “IVA”) and DOREEN SYRLIK (hereinafter referred to as “Syrlik”) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Defendants”), by and through their undersigned counsel, and for their Second Amended Answer and Affirmative Defenses and Demand for Jury Trial to the Plaintiffs Third Amended Complaint, state as follows: JURISDICTION AND VENUE 1. It is admitted that the Plaintiff has brought a defamation per se suit against the Defendants, a Fair Credit Reporting Act claim against IVA, and Fair Housing Act claims against Defendants. However, it is denied that the Defendants defamed the Plaintiff in any way, it is denied that IVA violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and it is denied that the Defendants violated the Fair Housing Act. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAX Exhibit "A"CASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 2. It is admitted that the Plaintiff has claimed damages in excess of this Court’s jurisdictional threshold. However, it is denied that the Plaintiff is entitled to this sum, let alone, any sum. 3. Denied as phrased. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT 4. Denied. 5. Denied as phrased. 6. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 7. Admitted. 8. Without knowledge, therefore denied. GENERAL FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 9. Denied as phrased. 10. Admitted. 11. Denied. 12. Admitted. 13. Denied as phrased. 14. Admitted. 15. Admitted. 16. Admitted. 17. Admitted. 18. Admitted. 19. Denied. 20. Denied. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 22. ‘Without knowledge, therefore denied. 23. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 24. Denied. 25. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 26. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 27. Denied as phrased. 28. Denied as phrased. 29. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 30. Denied as phrased. 31. Denied. 32. Denied. 33. Denied. 34. Denied. 35. Denied. 36. Denied. 37. Denied. 38. Denied. 39. Denied. 40. Denied. 41. Denied. 42. Denied. 43. Denied. 44. Denied. ' Plaintiff skips from Paragraph 20 to Paragraph 22, and thus does not make any allegations in Paragraph 21. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 45. Denied. 46. Denied. 47. Denied as phrased. 48. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 49. Without knowledge, therefore denied. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS CONCERNING DEFENDANTS INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE AND SYLRIK’S VIOLATION OF THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT 50. Denied. 51. Denied. 52. Denied as phrased. 53. Denied as phrased, and subparts (i) through (iii) are also denied as phrased. 54. Denied. 55. Denied. 56. Denied. 57. Denied. 58. Denied. 59. Denied. 60. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 61. | Denied as phrased. 62. Denied. 63. Denied. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) COUNT! DEFAMATION PER SE AGAINST INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE 64. IVA re-alleges and re-avers its responses to each and every allegation contained within paragraphs one (1) through sixty-three (63) above. 65. Denied. 66. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 67. Denied. 68. Denied. 69. Denied. 70. Denied. 71. Denied. 72. Denied. COUNT II DEFAMATION PER SE AGAINST DEFENDANTS IVA and SYRLIK 73. Defendants re-allege and re-aver their responses to each and every allegation contained within paragraphs one (1) through sixty-three (63) above. 74. Denied. 75. Denied. 76. Denied. 77. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 78. Denied. 79. Denied. 80. Denied. 81. Denied. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 82. Denied. COUNT Ill DEFAMATION PER SE AGAINST DEFENDANTS IVA and SYRLIK 83. Defendants re-allege and re-aver their responses to each and every allegation contained within paragraphs one (1) through sixty-three (63) above. 84. Denied. 85. Denied. 86. Denied. 87. Denied. 88. Denied. 89. Denied. 90. Denied. 91. Denied. 92. Denied. COUNT IV DEFAMATION PER SE AGAINST DEFENDANTS IVA and SYRLIK 93. Defendants re-allege and re-aver their responses to each and every allegation contained within paragraphs one (1) through sixty-three (63) above. 94. Denied. 95. Denied as phrased. 96. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 97. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 98. Denied. 99. Denied. -6- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 100. Denied. 101. Denied. 102. Denied. 103. Denied. 104. Denied. COUNT V VIOLATION OF THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT AGAINST DEFENDANT IVA 105. Defendant IVA re-alleges and re-avers its responses to each and every allegation contained within paragraphs one (1) through sixty-three (63) above. 106. Denied. 107. Denied. 108. Denied. 109. Denied. 110. Denied as phrased. 111. Denied. 112. Denied. 113. Denied as phrased. 114. Denied as phrased, and subparts (i) through (iii) are also denied as phrased. 115. Denied. 116. Denied. 117. Denied. 118. Denied. 119. Denied. -7- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 120. Denied. 121. Denied. 122. Denied, and subparts (i) through (v) are also denied. 123. Denied. 124. Denied. COUNT VI DISCRIMINATION IN VIOLATION OF THE FAIR HOUSING ACT AND FLORIDA CIVIL RIGHTS ACT AGAINST DEFENDANTS IVA AND SYRLIK 125. Defendants re-allege and re-aver their responses to each and every allegation contained within paragraphs one (1) through sixty-three (63) above. 126. Denied as phrased. 127. Denied as phrased, and footnote is also denied as phrased. 128. Denied as phrased. 129. Denied as phrased. 130. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 131. Denied as phrased. 132. Denied. 133. Denied. 134. Denied. 135. Denied. 136. Denied. COUNT VII DISCRIMINATION IN VIOLATION OF THE FAIR HOUSING ACT AND FLORIDA CIVIL RIGHTS ACT AGAINST DEFENDANTS IVA AND SYRLIK 137. Defendants re-allege and re-aver their responses to each and every COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) allegation contained within paragraphs one (1) through sixty-three (63) above. 138. Denied as phrased. 139. Denied as phrased. 140. Denied as phrased. 141. Admitted. 142. Admitted. 143. Denied as phrased. 144. Denied as phrased. 145. Denied. 146. Denied. 147. Denied as phrased. 148. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 149. Admitted. 150. Admitted. 151. Denied as phrased. 152. Denied as phrased. 153. Denied as phrased. 154. Denied. 155. Without knowledge, therefore denied. 156. Denied. 157. Denied. 158. Denied. 159. Denied as phrased. -9- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 160. Denied. 161. Denied. 162. Denied. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES 1. Defendants are entitled to a credit and/or setoff for any and all collateral sources or other sources of setoff, including settlement funds received from any entity in the past and/or future as it relates to the subject incident; therefore, the Plaintiff, KARMEL RUNCIE, claims are limited and/or reduced by said credits and/or setoffs. 2. Plaintiff's claims are barred by the doctrine of Waiver as a result of, among other things, documents executed by the Plaintiff. 3. Plaintiff has no equitable or otherwise justiciable basis for prosecuting this cause as Plaintiff has “unclean hands” arising from its own acts and/or omissions as a result of, among other things, documents executed by the Plaintiff. 4. The alleged defamatory statements, as referred to by the Plaintiff in the Complaint, were not made by or on behalf of these Defendants, therefore, the Plaintiff is unable to assert any such claim against them. Alternatively, the alleged defamatory statements are protected by a qualified privilege, protected by an absolute privilege, or are statements of pure opinion. 5. Defendants affirmatively assert that all statements and comments by Defendant about Plaintiff were true and thus, cannot be the basis for a defamation action. 6. All statements and comments made by Defendants about Plaintiff were made by the Defendants with good motive and were fair comments made as private citizens exercising right of free speech, discussing matter of public importance, as a COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) concerned citizen of the community. 7. The matters addressed by Defendants concerning Plaintiff and the allegations contained in the Plaintiff's Complaint concern matters which affect the interest of the general public and residents of Defendant, International Village Association, Inc. These statements were made in good faith with the proper motives of informing the public, and residents of Defendant, International Village Association, Inc. Therefore the Defendants statements are protected by both qualified and conditional privilege. 8. The Plaintiff's alleged injuries, to the extent they exist, were caused by the action, inactions, or wrongdoing, of Tenant Evaluation, LLC and/or unnamed non- parties that may be uncovered during the course of discovery. Therefore, Defendants’ liability, if any, should be diminished or abolished in proportion to these parties’ actions. Defendants expressly reserve the right to amend their Affirmative Defenses to specifically name individuals or entities as Fabre Defendants. 9. Defendants affirmatively assert that the Plaintiff, KARMEL RUNCIE, cannot state a cause of action against the Defendants for which relief can be granted in accordance with Florida law, the Complaint is subject to dismissal with prejudice, and all claims of the Plaintiff, KARMEL RUNCIE, fail as to Defendants as a matter of law. 10. Defendants state that the alleged defamatory statements, which are denied, were not published to any third party and therefore the Plaintiff's cause of action is lacking in a necessary predicate element, thereby entitling these Defendants to a judgment in their favor. -11- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 11. Defendants state that the alleged defamatory statements referred to in Plaintiff's Complaint do not constitute defamation per se. Therefore, there is no presumption of damages for the Plaintiff. 12. Defendants state that the alleged defamatory statements referred to in Plaintiff's Complaint did not injure the Plaintiff in his trade or business. 13. Defendants state that the Plaintiff's alleged damages are the result of intervening causes rather than any alleged defamation and therefore the Plaintiff cannot recover for those damages in this suit. 14. Defendants state that the Plaintiff suffered no actual damages from the alleged defamatory statement referred to in Plaintiff's Complaint. 15. Plaintiff's claims for violation of the Fair Housing Act are barred, in whole or in part, because all decisions with respect to Plaintiffs housing were made by Defendants for legitimate, non-discriminatory, non-pretextual reasons. 16. Defendants did not commit the acts or omissions as alleged in the Fair Housing Act counts for discriminatory motives, but assuming that it did, such acts or omissions would have been taken in any event for legitimate, nondiscriminatory, non- pretextual reasons. 17. Plaintiff's claims for violation of the Fair Housing Act are barred, in whole or in part, because Defendants exercised reasonable care to prevent and correct promptly any alleged discriminatory and/or retaliatory behavior. 18. Defendants allege that they have not acted with malice, reckless indifference or fraud toward Plaintiff and, therefore, Defendants cannot be liable for punitive damages. -12- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) 19. Plaintiff is not entitled to receive punitive damages because Plaintiff has not pled facts sufficient to support such an award. 20. Plaintiff is barred from recovering punitive damages because Defendants had in place a policy to prevent housing discrimination and made good faith efforts to implement and enforce that policy. 21. Defendants allege that it has not engaged in intentional discrimination with respect to Plaintiff, and Defendants therefore cannot be liable for punitive damages. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Defendants, INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE and DOREEN SYRLIK, demand a trial by jury as to all issues so triable. Defendants, INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE and DOREEN SYRLIK, request that this Court grant Defendants’ reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs against the Plaintiff, as provided for by and with respect to the following Counts as contained in the Plaintiff's Third Amended Complaint: Count V, Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act against Defendant IVA, pursuant to 15 U.S. Code §1681; Count VI, Discrimination in Violation of the Fair Housing Act and Florida Civil Rights Act Against Defendants IVA and Syrlik, pursuant to Florida Statute §760.34; and Count VII, Discrimination in Violation of the Fair Housing Act and Florida Civil Rights Act Against Defendants IVA and Syrlik, pursuant to Florida Statute §760.021. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAXCASE NO: CACE 2018-001322 (12) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that on this___ day of March 2019, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was filed with the Clerk of Broward County by using the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal, which will send an automatic e-mail message to the following parties registered with the e-Filing Portal system:;; Chelsea Lewis, Esquire, Lewis Law LLC,,151 N. Nob Hill Road, Suite 348, Plantation, FL 33324, Attorneys for Plaintiff. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. Counsel for Defendants, International Village Association, Inc. and Doreen Syrlik Cole, Scott & Kissane Building 9150 South Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 1400 P.O. Box 569015 Miami, Florida 33256 Telephone (305) 350-5361 Facsimile (305) 373-2294 Primary e-mail: Daniel. Secondary e-mail: Primary e-mail: Samuel. Secondary e-mail: By: s! Daniel 9, Kleia DANIEL J. KLEIN Florida Bar No.: 16126 SAMUEL J. FALK Florida Bar No.: 123539 -14- COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE BUILDING - 9150 SOUTH DADELAND BOULEVARD - SUITE 1400 - P.O. BOX 569015 - MIAMI, FLORIDA 33256 - (305) 350-5300 - (305) 373-2204 FAX